Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 235: 0 generation

Knowing that the Uchiha clan is active on the battlefield, Chiyo will naturally not miss it.

She knew that the first Hokage Senjujuma, the **** of the ninja world, could suppress the nine tailed beasts with a wooden escape, and she also knew that Uchiha Madara used to easily control the tailed beasts with the help of sharing eyes. Shouhe may have great hope!

So she issued a strict order that night, as soon as she saw Uchiha, report it immediately, and she would capture it with her own hands!

On the battlefield the next day, Sand Ninja Konoha fought again. Compared with the previous two days, the number of ninjas in this battle was significantly smaller, and the total number was less than 2,000. , the damage to the terrain is becoming more and more serious.

Namikaze Minato has been in the limelight in these few battles, and Fei Leishen killed Saren so frightened by the news that he finally forced Ebizo to lead his men to intercept Namikaze Minato.

When Ebizo came here, he made a vow, saying that he would kill Minato Namikaze from the foot of Kikyo Mountain, but as soon as he fought, he immediately changed his strategy, focusing on entanglement, trying to prevent him from attacking ordinary sand ninja.

There are so many geniuses in Konoha!

In the last war, there was Konoha Shirato Hatake Sakumo, and this time there was Namikaze Minato. Konoha's luck is really enviable!

Ebizo and five or six Anbu were able to restrain Namikaze Minato, but it was really difficult to kill him.

On the other side, after Feng Huo killed a few sand ninjas, he saw a smiling old woman galloping towards him.

Feng Huo's eyelids twitched, and he was still smiling so happily on the battlefield. This old woman is not a good person at first glance.

Turn off the fire immediately.

"Hehe, he is indeed a cautious boy." Chiyo manipulated a puppet to repel a Konoha ninja, and followed Fenghuo closely.

Feng Huo looked back and was furious, did this old woman want to force her into marriage, chasing her so closely?

"Uchiha seals the fire!!"

Chiyo already knew Fenghuo's name and cautious character from the awakened Luo Sha, but this did not affect her killing intent in the slightest.

Know my name?

Feng Huo's heart twitched, could it be the monkey, bah, the reinforcements invited by Luo Sha?

Luo Sha is the next Fengying, and if Luo Sha can ask her to ask her, this old woman is definitely a powerful character in Sha Yin Village.

"Chiyo?!" Feng Huo immediately guessed who was coming.

"What a smart kid, yes, I am Chiyo." Chiyo ran faster and faster, and there were already five puppets in his hand, and cleaned up the Konoha ninjas who were entangled nearby one by one.

Feng Huo's head is getting bigger, this old woman is not easy to mess with.

Not only is she good at puppet ninjutsu, but also good at using poison, and she is also a ninja of individual jutsu, so that pervert Tsunade can beat her.

As Feng Huo ran, Jie Yin threw a fireball at her.

With a little tiptoe, Chiyo jumped directly over Hao's fireball and continued to chase.

Fenghuo changed to Water Dun, Feng Dun, and Earth Dun, but none of them could stop Chiyo.

Seeing that a fierce battle is inevitable, Fenghuo is also annoyed, if the tiger doesn't show his power, you really think I'm a hellokitty!

The Sangouyu Sharingan began to rotate slowly, gradually turning into a black and red pentagram.

The power of the pupils boiled, and the ominous aura spread unscrupulously like a giant beast.

The sand ninjas and Konoha ninjas nearby felt a chill down their spines at the same time, as if something evil was staring at them.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, wake up, this is where you will die!"

Chiyo chased after him, but didn't see any abnormality in Fenghuo Sharingan.

"Really?" Feng Huo suddenly stopped and turned around slowly.

"Huh... your eyes?" Chiyo was shocked, and in the next moment, he felt a burst of brain, as if he saw his son and daughter-in-law in a daze, and saw his lovely grandson running towards her with his little hands open. Hu's little face is full of admiration and innocence.

The aura on Chiyo's body instantly dissipated, and a loving smile appeared on her face.

Feng Huo's eyes froze, and he immediately threw out the shuriken: "Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!"


In an instant, like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, countless shurikens shot towards Chiyo with a cold light.

The kindness on Chiyo's face disappeared in an instant: "Little devil, you are really cautious!"

Since she was fighting Uchiha, how could she not guard against the illusion of sealing fire?

The reason why she acted like an illusion just now was because she wanted Fenghuo to relax her vigilance. Unexpectedly, Fenghuo was like a fox.

"Bai secret technique - ten people from Chimatsu!"

Ten puppets in white robes and masks of various colors soared into the sky like crows, blocking all the shurikens in the sky after a few rounds.

Chiyo's ten fingers controlled the ten people in Chimatsu, but his eyes were fixed on Fenghuo's Sharingan.

"This shape..."

There was a faint premonition in her heart, but she immediately restrained her mind: "No matter what, I will keep these eyes!"

The Ten People of Chimatsu is one of the most powerful moves in puppet art. Chiyo once used the Ten People of Chimatsu to slaughter a village, which shows how powerful it is!


"Double swords!"

"Scythe lock!"

"Three treasures suck!"

When Chiyo came up, he turned on the big gun, and the ten puppets performed their duties and launched an offensive frantically.

‘As long as you take a step back, you lose! '

There was a sneer on Chiyo's face, and then her pupils shrank: "That's..."

Surrounded by ten people from Jinsong, deep purple ribs burst out of Feng Huo's body, quickly surrounding him, and then blood and flesh meridians filled the ribs, and then two huge copper hammers emerged.


Fenghuo manipulated Susano, and a copper hammer smashed down hard.

The earth was cracked inch by inch under the copper hammer, and the earth shook and the mountains shook.

The puppet's attack landed on Susanoo, like itching, it didn't break the defense at all, and even the shock wasn't very strong.

And Susanoo's attack, once it hits, these puppets will definitely be scrapped, there is no other possibility!

Chiyo's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly manipulated the puppet to attack around Susano crazily. The poisonous weapon slashed at Susano~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but only light colored fireworks splashed, which was not poisonous at all. Not to the people inside.

"Susano... this brat has evolved Sharingan to this extent?!"

Chiyo's expression remained unchanged, and he calmly manipulated ten people from Chimatsu to besiege Susano.

The sand ninjas and Konoha ninjas around saw the big battle here, they didn't dare to stay, and retreated one after another to avoid being affected.

Susano hit the left with a hammer and the right, hitting the ground with pits and cracks like spider webs. The sourness was incomparable, but looking at it again, the ten puppets were floating around like ghosts under Chiyo's control. It was unscathed for half a day.

Feng Huo saw that this was not possible. The Chakra consumed by manipulating the puppet must be far lower than the pupil power and Chakra used by him to use Susanoo. It is a big loss for him to use a cannon to fight mosquitoes.

As the saying goes, capture the king first when capturing a thief, and shoot a horse first when shooting a man. Fenghuo looked past the ten people in Jinsong, and looked at the petite old woman behind him, with a smirk on his face.

Today I will let you know why chrysanthemums are so red!

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