Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 246: war 3 generations dokage

After walking alone in the desert for about half a month, Feng Huo finally saw a touch of greenery appearing in front of him.

He raised his head slightly, and he could see the thick, umbrella-like dark clouds in the distant sky and the yellow sky above his head, as if two worlds intersected here.

Going forward, it is the country of rain.

Wangshan ran to death, and ran for nearly two hours to seal the fire before the sky above his head was covered with dark clouds.

Then he stopped abruptly.

It's so quiet!

The Land of Rain is full of rain, full of vitality, insects, fish, birds and animals abound. How can it be so quiet?

Fenghuo couldn't accept it.

He stopped slowly, cold sweat suddenly poured out from his forehead, as if he was standing on the verge of death, and if he took another step forward, he would be doomed and die without a place to die.

The three gouyu spun wildly, and instantly turned into a black and red pentagram. The power of the pupils boiled, and Susano wrapped him up in an instant.

But the death crisis still shrouded his heart like a dark cloud, making him shudder.

"How is it possible? Could it be that even Susano can't resist the opponent's attack?"

Instilled with pupil power, the meridians of flesh and blood were instantly covered, and then Wutengu's armored upper body and Susano's lower body were ready to move, and they would grow legs at any time.

But the Susanoo in the fourth form consumes too much, Fenghuo can't even see the enemy's face, how can he use it?

"Dust escape - the art of stripping the original world!"

As the old man shouted, a cylindrical beam of light suddenly shot down from a high altitude, descending suddenly with an imposing manner.

Feng Huo's hair stood up, and he felt bad when he heard this voice.

Dust escape?

Three generations of Dokage, two scales Onoki? !

Before Feng Huo had time to think about why he suddenly appeared there, the white cylindrical light in the sky was already close at hand!

Fenghuo tapped his toes and stepped back forcefully.


A white light flashed before Fenghuo's eyes, and half of Susanoo was almost completely disintegrated by Chen Dun!

'so close! '

Feng Huo swallowed, scaring the baby to death!

"The response was good, Uchiha sealed the fire." Onogi slowly fell from a high altitude, with his hands behind his back, as if floating in the air... Uh, if the height can be higher, it may be more like it.

"Third Tsuchikage?" Feng Huo narrowed his eyes slightly, his pupil power swept his whole body, and Susano opened to the fourth form almost instantly!


In an instant, Fenghuo entered the top of Susanoko's head, turning into a giant of a hundred feet, just as tall as the third generation of Tukage.

"Susano, hehe, it's been a long time." Third Tsuchikage gritted his teeth, apparently recalling some unfriendly scenes.

Without saying a word, Feng Huo swung the copper hammer and smashed it hard.

Susanoo in the fourth form consumes too much, he doesn't want to waste even a single sentence.

And the dust escape just now clearly wanted his life, so it was meaningless to beep.

"Earth Dungeon - Earthquake Core!"

Onoki's palms together, the ground under Susano's feet surged violently, Fenghuo's feet were unstable, the copper hammer was too strong, his body slanted, and he almost fell down.

At the same time, Onogi suddenly flew above Susano and dropped a small stone.

"Earth Dungeon - Super-weighted Rock Technique!"


The small stone increased its terrifying weight in an instant, and hit Susano like a meteorite.

Susano was pushed down in an instant, and Fenghuo let out a cry of pain, but his defense was not broken, but the shock still spread to his body.

He looked up, and saw another cube of white light descending from the sky.

"Dust escape - the art of stripping the original world!"

With a dance of the Fenghuo copper hammer, he turned over with his strength and avoided the white light.

'That does not work! '

Fenghuo was sweating profusely.

Susanoo is too huge, dealing with Onoki flying around is basically a cannon to hit a mosquito, and this is a mosquito equipped with a super cannon.

Even Susano in the fourth form, Feng Huo didn't dare to resist Chen Dun, if he couldn't stop it, the consequences would be dire.

The most important thing is that Susanoo in this form is still a bit difficult for Fenghuo, and he cannot fight for a long time.

"Tudun-Tulong Spear!"

Onoki is like a child of the earth, when he folds his palms together, countless huge stone thorns will rise from the ground, impacting Susano crazily.

"Earth Dungeon - Rock Fist Technique!"

In the surging waves of the earth, a huge fist made of rocks suddenly sprang up. The fist was 50 meters in size when it was clenched, and it hit Susanoko's face with a bang.


Susano was almost directly blasted out.

"Earth escape - the art of mountains and earth!"


The ground on both sides of Susanohu condensed two huge hemispheres in an instant, and they closed like a fly, and directly clamped the hundred-foot-sized Susanohu!


The two huge hemispheres are still squeezing crazily, rubbing against Susanoo's body crazily, rubbing...

Feng Huo's eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and nose were bleeding, and his internal organs were burning like fire, making him feel unbearably uncomfortable.

‘Nimma, this gap is too big! '

In the Battle of Kikyo Mountain, he relied on the fourth form of Susano to beat the sand ninja and screamed. He thought he was at the top of the ninja world, at least he could see the figures of the peak, but now he met Onoki, In an instant, he was beaten into a dog.

In the original book, Five Kages, including Onoki, were easily knocked out by Uchiha Madara, and now, Onoki easily rubbed him on the ground. In this way, the gap between himself and the pinnacle of the ninja world is really far away. half past one.

Thinking of this, Feng Huo realized that his appearance was a bit embarrassing, like the meat in a meat bun, and in the distance, Onoki half-closed his palms, and a cube of white beam of light flashed again.


Fenghuo hurriedly dispersed Susano.


The two hemispheres closed in an instant, and Fenghuo left with an instant body technique.

And Ohnoki's dust escape is naturally stillborn.

"Little devil, come out!" Ohnoki flew over quickly, searching for Fenghuo's whereabouts with his sharp eyes.


What Fenghuo can rely on now is the two pupil techniques of the kaleidoscope.

As soon as this pupil technique was used, Ohnoki was stunned, even Feng Huo himself was a little confused, he stared blankly at the empty feet.

Can fly by myself?

No, it's the Wumang Realm!

After the Wumang Realm covers Onoki, no matter if he is standing on the ground or flying in the air, he can't get rid of himself. This is an ability similar to rules, even if you go to the sky and enter the earth, it's useless!

It was the first time for Fenghuo to fly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the feet were empty, and he felt a little empty for no reason.

"How...how did you do it!" Onoki didn't know the reality of it, only saw that Fenghuo was also flying in the air, looking at him more than a hundred meters away, the scene was a bit awkward.

"Can you control it?" Feng Huo hooked his fingers, "Come on, let's hurt each other!"

"Little devil, court death!" Onoki opened up directly, "Dust escape-the technique of stripping the original world!"


The white glow flashed, but it didn't even hit the corner of Fenghuo's clothes.


Onogi turned his head in horror, and found that Fenghuo had appeared behind him.

What speed is this?

Even the instant body technique can't be so abrupt!

Onoki finally showed a dignified expression.

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