Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 247: 1 word, just do it

"As expected of a genius who can evolve Sharingan to Uchiha Madara's level, Uchiha Fuu, I underestimated you."

Onoki stared coldly at Fenghuo standing a hundred meters away in the air, with his palms half-closed, a cylindrical cube slowly emerged.

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes slightly, although he can teleport freely, but if the opponent's attack speed is faster than his nerve reflex speed, what's the use of teleportation?

"Wheel tomb!"

An invisible shadow floated from Fenghuo's body, and rushed towards Ohnoki at high altitude.

"Dust escape - the art of stripping the original world!"


The white light is like a rainbow, passing through the afterimage left by the teleportation of the sealing fire in an instant, piercing through a white cloud.

'What speed is that, and how on earth did he do it? '

Onoki frowned, and in the next moment, his soul suddenly trembled, and his heart felt cold, as if the **** of death was waving a sickle, trying to harvest his soul.

"Earth escape - petrification!"


On Onoki's back, an electric glow suddenly appeared, the hard stone was directly pierced, and a trace of blood slowly overflowed along the cracked petrified skin.

Onoki was still in shock, but when he turned around, he found that there was no one behind him.

"what happened!"

Ohnoki looked at Fenghuo.

Feng Huo was also looking at him with a smile, but his hands were dancing wildly, like dancing in a dance class, creating an afterimage.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

"Wind escape - oppression!"

"Possession-Big Breakthrough!"

"Water Escape - The Art of Great Waterfall!"

"Fire Escape - Double Dragon Flame Bomb!"

Onoki's eyes were about to burst: "Damn little brat!"

He clasped his palms together slightly: "Dust escape - the art of stripping the original world!"

A cube of white light instantly penetrated the ninjutsu, and then stirred left and right, directly annihilating all these ninjutsu!

But the shadow of the round tomb also attacked again.

'Thunder Dun- Chidori! '

Click, click!

Although Onoki had petrified his whole body, he still couldn't completely block Chidori's attack, leaving two wounds on his body.

In fact, the shadow of the wheel tomb is similar to the shadow clone, and can also use all the ninjutsu of the main body, not to mention Thunder Dun and Helix Wan, even Susano!

Double-opening Susanoo, one light and one dark, the lethality is absolutely terrifying to the sky.

Of course, if this is the case, the consumption of pupil power and chakra will be doubled. With the amount of chakra in Fenghuo at this time, even a single fourth-form Susanoo can hardly last long, let alone two. , especially if the pupil power is depleted, the eyesight will double the blindness.


Onoki's face was livid, and he kept spinning in place, trying to see exactly what attacked him.


The shadowless and invisible electric light exploded, and the shadow of the round tomb once again escaped with lightning - Chidori left a wound on Onogi's body.

At this time, Onoki's petite body was in messy and broken clothes. You could see that the petrified skin inside him was cracked and blood flowed horizontally. He looked very miserable.

"Uchiha seals the fire, it's really good to treat an old man who is dying like this." Ohnoki said pitifully.

Feng Huo didn't move, just stared at him indifferently.

There is no doubt about Chen Dun's horror, as long as he is lightly touched by Chen Dun, I am afraid that he will be overthrown by him. In this case, how dare Feng Huo be careless?

Besides, he went back from Shayin Village in a good manner, but this guy just ran away without saying a word, and now he is still pretending to be pitiful? Pretending to be your uncle.


The more Feng Huo thought about it, the more angry he became, and when he was distracted, a cube of white light came through the air, and the speed reached the limit.


Putting down the fire, old fox, pretending to be pitiful is really to disturb his mood, and then wait for the opportunity to attack and kill.

Fortunately, the teleportation within the Wumang Realm is entirely dependent on his mind, and Chen Dun's speed can't be faster than his mind.

"It's a pity." Ohnoki sighed secretly, then his eyes flashed, and he suddenly fell from a high altitude.

Under the rules of Wumangjie, Fenghuo also fell instantly, keeping a distance of 100 meters from Ohnoki.

Onomu is an old man, and he vaguely knew something when he saw this scene.

Falling back to the ground, Onoki stabilized his figure with the technique of ultra-light and heavy rocks, and landed safely.

Although Fenghuo doesn't have acrophobia, falling freely from a high altitude still makes him dizzy.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, it seems that you can't leave me a hundred meters away, is that so?"

Onoki clasped his palms together and shouted, "Earth escape-rock fist technique!"


The ground cracked, and a huge rock hand broke out of the ground. The huge rock fist was clenched tightly, with a size of fifty meters, and it fell directly towards Fenghuo.

Feng Huo teleported to the other side with a thought.

"Tudun-Tulong Spear!"

In an instant, countless sharp stone thorns broke through the ground from Fenghuo's feet, and spread wildly, which meant to cover the entire range of a hundred meters.

Fenghuo was teleporting, and at the same time he was busy commanding the shadow of the tomb.

'Thunder Dun- Chidori! '

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

Ohnoki sneered. Although he couldn't see the shadow of the wheel tomb, he could see from the damage to the petrified skin that as long as he had enough defense, he could still resist the attack.


Stone walls ten centimeters thick on all sides rose up from the ground around Onogi's body.

The chidori stabbed at the stone wall, the thunder light exploded, and the soil dust flew, and a big hole was opened in the stone wall in half a breathing time, and then continued to stab, but once blocked by the stone wall, the chidori's power was not enough to pierce the big wild tree petrochemical.

"it is as expected."

Ohnoki sneered, while strengthening the four stone walls, while consolidating the petrified skin of his body, he frantically used the earth escape to attack Fenghuo a hundred meters away.

In just a short while, the space within a hundred meters has been occupied by countless sharp stone walls, and two huge rock fists are rumbling in the air without stopping, just like a live-action whack-a-mole.

Fenghuo dodges from time to time, teleports from time to time, which is tiring and consumes a lot of energy, and the shadow of the round tomb will return to the body every once in a while, and it will take a while before it can continue to be used. Look at the thick stone wall around Onoki's body at this time , using ordinary ninjutsu is a waste of time.

‘Looks like I’m going to play Dafa today! '

Feng Huo's eyes tightened: One word, just do it!

The shadow of the round tomb paused, and then the pupil power boiled, and the second form of Susanoo was activated.

Susano in this form has almost no lower body and legs, but the two huge copper hammers in his hand are there.


The copper hammer fell, smashing through the thick stone wall with a destructive attitude, and suddenly descended on the top of Onogi's head.


Although he couldn't see it, the sound of the broken stone wall was really frightening. Onogi hastily manipulated two rock hands to close on top of his head.

At the same time, he clasped his palms together: "Earth Dungeon - Earthquake Core!"

The earth swept away like a wave, and he seemed to be standing on the top of the wave~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then he was far away from the original place in an instant.


Ohnoki looked back, and the place he was standing just now had turned into a huge pothole, as if hit by a meteorite.

His eyebrows twitched: "Susano?!"

This was definitely caused by Susano, but the Uchiha sealing fire was clearly right in front of his eyes.

"Are you surprised, are you surprised?" Feng Huo smiled at him from a hundred meters away.

Ohnoki was about to speak when his heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly rolled towards the distance with an iron bridge.


The shadow of the round tomb raised the copper hammer again and smashed out a pothole.

"Damn it!" Ohnoki hated him, "You're so cunning at such a young age!"

"I just learned this trick from you." Feng Huo said with a smile, and at the same time formed seals with both hands, and cooperated with the shadow of the tomb to launch a double offensive.

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