Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 248: Reborn Super Rondo Brothers

"Earth Dungeon - Earthquake Core!"

Facing the invisible and intangible 'Susano', Ohnoki frantically changed the terrain.

Under his terrifying control, the ground cracked like a building block doll, sometimes rising and sometimes sinking, and the body of Fenghuo was made up and down by him, making him feel uneasy.

But what made Ohnoki depressed was that the invisible Susanoo's offensive never stopped.



The ground was smashed into huge craters by an invisible copper hammer, dust was flying, trees were splashing everywhere, Onoki retreated again and again, his face was already very ugly.

"Damn it! Dust escape - the art of stripping the original world!"

Onoki was also in a hurry, and after blasting out a cubic beam of light, it actually spun on the spot, and the white beam of light immediately circled around, obliterating all the trees and hillsides that were above the horizontal line within a few kilometers!

Feng Huo's forehead was sweating, and he teleported desperately to dodge.

Every time he teleported, his pupil power would boil once, and before he knew it, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and then traces of blood overflowed and fell down his cheeks.

A sweet and fishy smell came into his nostrils, and Feng Huo only felt his eyes hurt. At the same time, the exhaustion of Chakra in his body made him terrified, but now he was on the verge of riding a tiger. If he retreated, he would be rubbed to death by Ohnoki!


Susano hit it again with a hammer.

"how is this possible!"

Ohnoki couldn't believe it, Chen Dun, who was omnipotent, seemed unable to touch the invisible Susano!

‘Is Susano not in this world? '

Onoki's heart was pounding, and then he saw the blood in Fenghuo's eyes, and he was overjoyed: "That's right, after all, he is just a teenage brat, even if he is a genius, he has almost reached his limit. If you persist, you will definitely kill him! '


The copper hammer fell, smashing out a huge crater again.

Onoki was covered in dust, with half a leaf hanging on his forehead, and he was in a panic.

‘Insist, you must kill him today, you must not let him grow up! '

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

"Earth Dungeon - Rock Fist Technique!"

Walls rose from all around him, guarded by two huge rock hands, and then he launched an offensive.

"Dust escape - the art of stripping the original world!"

Feng Huo had no choice but to teleport away, and the blood in his pupils flowed more happily.

Onogi was about to make persistent efforts, when an invisible heavy blow fell from the sky again, and the soil flow wall above his head shattered. Onogi hurriedly directed Iwate to block it, and at the same time, a flexible iron bridge avoided the heavy blow of the copper hammer.


"Hiss~~ I, my waist!"

Onoki was in tears.

He supported his back with his hands, his teeth were chattering, and his whole body was not well.

Feng Huo looked at it, endured the sharp pain in his eyes, and beat the dog in the water.

"Fire escape - head hard!"

At the same time, Susano in the round tomb also slammed down the copper hammer again.


The lumbago seriously affected Onogi's actions, facing the invisible Susano, he could no longer dodge perfectly!

Onogi knew that he would not be able to kill Fenghuo today, so he had no choice but to leave.

He clasped his palms together, and his whole body turned into sand and fell to the ground.


The head broke out hard, and the 100-meter radius instantly turned into a raging sea of ​​flames.

Fenghuo couldn't hold on any longer, he closed his eyes, and the kaleidoscope closed instantly.

The shadows of Wumangjie and Lunmu disappeared in an instant.

Feng Huo didn't dare to stay here, narrowed his eyes, and immediately chose to leave after seeing the road ahead.

Then he felt a chill in his heart.

Onogi left because of back pain, but God knows how long this back pain can last, if it takes ten minutes, it will be fine, Onogi turned around and killed him, isn't he a dead end?

Must leave as quickly as possible!

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat, he squinted his eyes and looked up at the sky.

"Brother Rondo?"

It has been more than a year since the last time I saw the Chaolunwu brothers. Fenghuo remembered that when he parted last time, he used chakra to give the Chaolunwu brothers a body, and now he doesn't know what kind of bird virtue they have become.

If the Chaolun Dance Brothers had successfully grown up, then he could take them and fly away from here.

At that time, even if Onoki can fly, I am afraid that he will not be able to keep up with the speed of the Chaolunwu brothers.

He immediately sealed: "Spiritualism!"


A huge cloud of smoke rose into the sky.



Two eagle cries that were so sharp that they could pierce the eardrums swept across the four directions like waves, and then a gust of wind hit, kicking up a large cloud of dust.

Feng Huo frowned, his narrowed eyes could only see the platinum eagle feathers shining in the dim sunlight, which made his eyes hurt even more.

He tried his best to open the slits of his eyes wider, raised his head slightly, and finally saw the bodies of the two snow eagles in front of him clearly.

Big, big!

Compared to last year's appearance when we parted, the Chao Rondo Brothers at this time were as tall as a floor just standing there.

No, this should be the effect of chakra filling!

Feng Huo hurriedly praised his brilliance and martial arts, secretly proud of his wisdom.

Hoo hoo!

The wind was blowing.

The Rondo Brothers screamed and flew high.

Feng Huo squinted and saw that they spread their wings, and the wingspan was ten meters in size. It is not easy to sit alone!

And he can feel the chakra flowing in the body of the chakra dance brothers, which means that they have officially become ninja eagles!

Fenghuo hurriedly told them to come down.

The two snow eagles were hovering in the sky, and they fell slowly for half a day. Then they tilted their heads and looked at Feng Huo, who was half a body shorter than them, with eyes that I didn't know this dwarf.

The fire is really on fire.


Brother Chao Lunwu saw it, quickly changed his face, lowered his head affectionately, and gently rubbed Fenghuo's body with his eagle beak, which was as sharp as a golden iron sword.

"The strength is not small."

Sealing the fire was almost untenable.

Of course, apart from their increased strength, there is also a reason for kidney deficiency after the fire-fighting battle.

"Take me to pretend and take me to fly!"

Feng Huo didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly got on the back of a snow eagle.


The two snow eagles smoothed each other's feathers with their beaks, and then flapped their wings lightly, causing a strong wind.

Feng Huo was startled, he vaguely felt the prototype of Fengdun Ninjutsu from the gust of wind, before he could think about it, a sudden gust of wind pressed down from above, and then he found himself flying up to the sky and shoulder to shoulder with the dark clouds!

So fast!

The feeling of sealing the fire is endless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The chakra brothers before the chakra injection are completely tasteless psychic beasts. Fenghuo tried to kill them and eat them several times, but the chakra brothers after the injection , has been completely reborn, a year of growth, a grass chicken has become an eagle, although I may still have little chance of winning against ninjas, but it is already a Ferrari in a car for driving!

Sitting on Xue Ying's back, Feng Huo stroked Xue Ying's platinum feathers, which were as cold as iron without a trace of warmth. Then he found that Xue Ying was shaking the eagle feathers constantly. Through the densely packed eagle feathers, he could feel There is a faint temperature overflowing from it.

They are snow eagles, which grow in the extremely cold climate of the Land of Snow. The tough eagle feathers cling to their bodies can not only protect themselves, but also maintain their own temperature. But now they are in the Land of Rain, where the climate is mild and there is no need to keep warm. So they shake the eagle feathers to expel the excess temperature in the body with high-speed flight.

I remember that when the Chaolunwu brothers came here, it was so hot that they wanted to go back, but now, they can already adjust their temperature through the eagle feathers.

Feng Huo's eyes lit up: Could it be that they have developed wisdom? !

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