Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 250: This performance is fine!

"Block the fire? Why are you here?"

A gentle voice interrupted Feng Huo's thoughts. He followed the sound and saw a woman in a black and white nun's robe slowly walking under the sun.

"Sister Pharmacist."

Feng Huo waved his hand to say hello, and hurried over, "I'll ask you...uh."

There is no need to inquire, he has already seen the young pharmacist in his pocket.

At this time, Yao Shidou still had an immature face, with a bandage on his forehead, and the round eyes of Yao Shi Nooyu, looking up at him curiously.

Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice, and changed his words: "Oh, who is this little boy? So cute!"

The smile on Pharmacist No Naoyu's face froze suddenly, a little embarrassed, a little at a loss, unable to answer the conversation.

Yaoshidou hid behind Yaoshi Nonaiyu like a frightened rabbit.

"Hey, Konoha's ninja, don't try to bully Dou!"

"This is an orphanage, what do you want to do!"

The same child from Jigengshan stood up out of righteous indignation, stood behind Yao Shidou and loudly accused Fenghuo.

Feng Huo laughed, as if you scolded me and didn't fight back, and hit me and I didn't fight back, trying to make a good impression on the pharmacist.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" Yaoshidou was a medical ninja and often wore glasses, so he vaguely noticed that the focal length of Fenghuo's pupils seemed to be wrong.

"Oh, I'm a little short-sighted." Feng Huo waved his hands nonchalantly, then rubbed his hands and walked around the pharmacist No Naoyu to grab the pharmacist's pocket.

Pharmacist cried out in fright, turned around and ran away.

The other children glared at him viciously, and then scattered like birds and beasts.

"That child was a prisoner in the Battle of Kikyo Mountain, and he lost his memory when he was sent." Yaoshi Nonaiyu saw that Feng Huo cared a lot about this child, and explained slowly, "I named him Dou."

"Dou, use your surname?" Feng Huo asked knowingly.

Pharmacist No Naoyu nodded: "Yes, use my surname, Pharmacist Dou, what do you think of this name?"

"Very good, that's a great name, it will definitely become famous in the ninja world!" Feng Huo flattered him.

Pharmacist No Naoyu was amused by him, and then asked curiously: "Do you know this child?"

Feng Huo deliberately frowned, shook his head, and then said nonsense with a serious face: "I don't know him, but he gave me a strange feeling at first glance, as if there is a thick... bond between us!"


Pharmacist No Naoyu tilted his head and showed a puzzled expression, then couldn't figure it out, shook his head and left it alone.

In the yard, Yao Shidou didn't go far, and was eavesdropping on the corner of the wall.

As for sealing the fire, instead of talking about the pharmacist No Naoyu, it would be better to say that the pharmacist was listening.

When two strangers get to know each other, the first impression is very important!

Naturally, Feng Huo tried his best to put dollar bills on his face. He pretended to be magnanimous and fettered, so he pretended to do whatever he wanted. Anyway, Medicine Master's Pocket is just a blank piece of paper, so he can paint and paint as he pleases.

In the next few days, what kind of **** fog ninja battlefield rock ninja battlefield cloud ninja battlefield, in the face of their future plans, all get out!

Fenghuo stayed in the orphanage, telling stories and giving warmth, getting up in the middle of the night to cover them with quilts, and deliberately making a little noise for a few shallow sleepers to see, spreading the word the next day and gaining a lot of goodwill .

After a few days, Fenghuo has become one with these orphans, and even those children from Jigeng Mountain have gradually recognized him.

After all, he was a bunch of little kids, so how could he be unfair based on his past and present memories?

As for Pharmacist Dou, he was called Big Brother before Big Brother.

On this day, One Piece, bah, the kid king Fenghuo gathered these orphans and directly seduced them: "Everyone, do you want to learn ninjutsu?"

"What, ninjutsu?"

"Really? Brother Fenghuo, do you really want to teach us ninjutsu?"

"Well, can we learn it too?" It was a child from the Battle of Jigen Mountain who spoke, looking at Fenghuo nervously.

Pharmacist Dou also had an expectant expression on his face.

Feng Huo nodded: "Of course, anyone can learn as long as they want!"

Among these orphans, the ones from Mount Kikyo are a minority after all. Even if they learn ninjutsu, they are at the level of ninja school students without a famous teacher, and they are not threatening.

"Yes, we are willing!"

"Brother Fenghuo, we want to learn ninjutsu!"

"I want to be a ninja and earn a lot of money, so that I can help Sister Yaoshi open a bigger orphanage!"

Feng Huo's eyes skipped over them, and finally landed on Yao Shidou.

"Dou, what about you, do you want to learn?" Feng Huo showed a faint smile, and the sun poured down, forming a colorful halo behind his head, which was extremely eye-catching.

Pharmacist squinted his eyes and nodded seriously: "I want to learn, Brother Feng Huo."

'Perfect! '

Seeing the adoration and dependence in Pharmacist Dou's eyes, Feng Huo gave his performance a score of 101, and he gave one more point because he was the one who graded the papers.

"Okay, then next, let me popularize Chakra for everyone!"

Fenghuo signaled the children to sit down, and then slowly explained, "Chakra is a powerful energy produced by the combination of physical energy and spiritual energy of human cells. It is the foundation of ninjutsu, illusion, and physical skills. technique, you must learn to refine Chakra!"

Fenghuo didn't talk nonsense with them, he directly offered dry goods, and carefully passed down the method of refining chakra.

The talents of this group of children are generally poor, and even Yao Shidou's learning ability is somewhat hindered due to amnesia.

Just when the group of children showed their uneasy expressions, Feng Huo gave them a very charming smile. With a warm smile, he continued to explain to them, and even demonstrated it himself, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

The children seemed to see the angel halo above Fenghuo's head, and they liked him even more.

Feng Huo gave himself a score while explaining that for his own future, no matter how many times he said this basic thing, it would be fine!

Another two days passed, and finally two of these children extracted Chakra!

The difference in qualifications is embarrassing.

Feng Huo was about to make persistent efforts, but Sarutobi Rizai waited for him not to come, and waited for him not to come, so he called Anbu to look for him.

Feng Huo pulled a stinky face, not wanting to go back.

"This is Naruto-sama's order, Uchiha seals the fire, pack up quickly and go back with me." Anbu Ninja said seriously.

"It's not that I don't want to go back with you, it's really me... Sigh~ You know, man, there are always a few days every month when I don't feel well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Anbu Ninja's face looks like a **** , how should he answer these words?

At this time, the pharmacist waited for the child to sneak over while poking his head.

Feng Huo immediately changed his face, with a troubled expression on his face: "I know that the battle on the front line is tense, and Hokage-sama wants me to go out immediately to wipe out the universe! But, I have a heavy responsibility now, and the children in this orphanage are following me now. Learning ninjutsu, they are the pillars of Konoha's future, the flowers of the country of fire, I can't bear to leave them!"

Anbu ninjas have black lines all over their foreheads, and they are already Spartan.

As for Yao Shidou and the others behind him, tears welled up in their eyes after hearing Feng Huo's words.

Look, look!

In Brother Fenghuo's heart, the war is not as important as them, and he still calls them the pillars of Konoha's future, it's simply, simply too handsome!

Feng Huo quietly scored himself a hundred points.

This performance is fine!

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