Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 251: confrontation

Chapter 251 Confrontation (Page 1/1)

Danzo sat in Sarutobi Hiruzen's office expressionlessly, staring at him.

"Hizan, Uchiha Fenghuo hasn't come back yet? He even ignored Hokage's order. He is trying to be a traitor!" Danzo squinted his eyes and said slowly, "Or he didn't dare to come back. The so-called mistaken killing is actually It was intentional at all, and it couldn’t stand the investigation, hehe, this family really can’t be reused.”

Hiruzaru Sarutobi snorted, "Danzo, you should know that this is a wrongful killing after you have been investigating for so long, so don't hold on to this anymore!"

During this period of time, Sarutobi Hiruza did not do nothing, at least he calmed down the troublesome family members, and in the process of appeasement, he also found some interesting remarks, some family members even thought that Fenghuo killed his companions by mistake, It was the result of Namikaze Minato's deliberate indulgence.

His heart can be punished.

However, after the establishment of the Konoha Newspaper, Hiruzaru Sarutobi has become very familiar with playing with public opinion. After discovering this seedling, he immediately took measures to bring the thoughts of these family members back on track.

As for the real behind-the-scenes of these remarks, Hiruzaru Sarutobi suspects that it is Danzo, but most of the Anbu members have already gone to the battlefield now, and there are not enough people to monitor, otherwise evidence will be found.

Danzo showed a sneer: "Whether it was a wrongful killing, it depends on others' judgment, and I will never give up if I don't interrogate Uchiha Fenghuo!"

"Danzo, you are not qualified to interrogate your companion!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said angrily.

"Where there is light, there is darkness! Hehehe, Riza, I will do anything for the safety of the village, and this is the meaning of Gen's existence!" Danzo retorted loudly, speaking righteously.

Just at this time, an Anbu came in to report: "Master Hokage, Uchiha Fenghuo is back, just outside the door."

"Let him in." Hiruzaru Sarutobi snorted.

It's a bit annoying to say the least.

He ordered Uchiha to come back from Hidden Sand Village, but he went halfway to the orphanage, and stayed for a few days, as if you didn't send someone to urge me to come back, it's really annoying fire.

"Master Hokage!" Feng Huo greeted with a smile after entering.

"You still know how to come back!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi slapped his desk and roared angrily.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I've been delayed by something." Feng Huo glanced at Danzang next to him, feeling terrified in his heart, it seemed that this old man was going to make trouble again.


"Uchiha Fenghuo, please cooperate with me in the investigation of the Battle of Kikyo Mountain!" Danzo squinted his left eye and stared at Fenghuo.

"Investigate?" Feng Huo looked surprised, "This should be the responsibility of the police force, right? When did Danzo-sama join the Uchiha clan? Have you opened your eyes too?"

Danzang's face changed, and his right eye, which was wrapped in bandages, had a writing sharing eye of three gouyu, and his temper came up with a guilty conscience.

"Presumptuous! Uchiha Fenghuo, who gave you the power to dare to talk to me like this!" Danzo's aura was all over his body, and his robe was windless and automatic, which was very bluffing.

"So, Danzo-sama, who gave you the power to dare to go beyond the village rules and perform the duties of the police force instead of the Uchiha clan?" Feng Huo asked lightly, the forty-five-degree angle and just the right mocking eyes, caught by Danzo absorbs perfectly.

"Damn! Hirizhan, you saw it! This is the Uchiha clan, and it's already like this at such a young age, and it's okay when you grow up!" Danzo kept taking deep breaths to suppress the urge to fight and seal the fire in his heart.

The relationship between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo is both an enemy and a friend. The two grew up together, and they were companions at the same time. It is only a political disagreement that they have come to this point. Therefore, seeing Fenghuo contradicting Danzo like this, I naturally feel uncomfortable .

"Fenghuo, apologize to Danzo!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said, "He is the village's elder advisor, and he has the right to consult all matters during wartime!"

Feng Huo frowned.

Sarutobi Hiruza What does this mean?

Do you really want to hand yourself over to Danzo?

He has read the original work, but he knows Danzo's character well, and if it falls into his hands, a pair of kaleidoscopes will never be kept.

If Hiruzaru Sarutobi really meant that, then I'm sorry, he won't stay in this village.

As the saying goes, if you don't stay here, you have your own place. With his current reputation in the ninja world, how can he not be high? Do you still need to stay here to get angry?

"However!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said again, "The battle of Kikyo Mountain has been thoroughly investigated, Danzo, I have already said, this matter ends here!"

Danzo waved his hand and said angrily: "Hi Zhan, as I said, this is just a routine investigation. If Uchiha Hienhuo is really just a manslaughter, why should he be afraid of being investigated! Or are you worried that I will wrong him?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was about to speak.

Feng Huo interrupted: "Master Danzo, I've always been curious, why did you wrap your right eye with a bandage, is there any shady secret?"

Before Danzo got mad, he hurriedly said to Hiruzarutobi, "Master Hokage, I suspect there is something secret about Danzo-sama's right eye, I hope he can cooperate with my investigation."

"Presumptuous, Uchiha Fenghuo, how dare you..." Danzo became angry from embarrassment.

"Master Danzo, this is just a routine investigation. If your right eye is fine, why are you afraid of being investigated? Or are you worried that I will transplant my eye to your right eye?" Feng Huo sneered coldly.

Danzo was startled: This kid, does he know the secret of my right eye?

The Sharingan in his right eye was transplanted with the help of Orochimaru. Could it be that Orochimaru betrayed him?

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sat next to him, smoking a pipe, and said with a wry smile: "Okay, okay, stop talking about the two of you, this matter ends here!"

Regarding Fenghuo's words, Sarutobi Hiruza didn't take it seriously at all, Danzo's right eye is an old problem, he knows it very well, besides, even if there is a secret, at most it is another eye transplanted, nothing to make a fuss about of.

Of course, Fenghuo is also aware of this point. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has the character of Sarutobi Hiruzen, even if he knows that Danzo’s right eye has been transplanted with Sharingan, at most it means that he will say a few words, and it will not take any substance. Sexual measures.

Danzo's heart was full of murderous intent, but regardless of Sarutobi's bullshit, he was about to make a long speech and persecute him with righteousness, but he didn't want to be interrupted by Fenghuo again.

"Since Hokage-sama has said that this is the end, it can only end here." Feng Huo glanced at Danzo, "I believe that no one has more power than Hokage, right, Danzo-sama?"

Danzo was stunned, and couldn't say what he had said for a while.

He wanted to force Hiruzaru Sarutobi with righteousness, but Feng Huo also forced Danzo with righteousness.

Is this village the big Hokage, or his Danzo?

"Hizhan, one day you will definitely regret it!" Danzo snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi took two puffs of his cigarette, and when Danzo left, he gave Feng Huo a serious lesson.

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