Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 252: Arrests

Chapter 252 Arresting People (Page 1/1)

The way of the emperor is nothing more than a big stick plus sweet dates, giving both kindness and power.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen criticized Fenghuo, he took his little hand and talked vividly about the will of fire for an hour.

He was drowsy after speaking, but he had to pretend to be 'I'm listening very seriously', which exhausted him.

Later, Hiruzaru Sarutobi solemnly warned Fenghuo not to rely too much on Sharingan, let alone indulge in the power of Sharingan, and said a lot.

After the ideological education was over, Hiruzaru Sarutobi talked about the war, and his face became serious: "The situation of the war is not optimistic. The three generations of Mizukage and the three generations of Tsuchikage have already descended on the battlefield, and the cloud ninja invaded wantonly. Although Minato has brought people To block it, but it can only delay Yunin's invasion."

Feng Huo hurriedly asked: "How is Brother Shuimen doing now?"

"Minato has led people to fight against Yunin several times, and there have been casualties. At present, it is not a problem to resist the vanguard of Yunin, but when the large army of Yunin appears, the situation will not be good." Hiruzaru Sarutobi twitched A puff of smoke, followed by a cough.

The pressure of the war made him smoke more fiercely, his temples have gradually turned gray, and his age spots are getting more and more.

Feng Huo sighed secretly, and said: "Master Hokage, I think I should defeat Iwa Ninja and Mist Ninja first, and it would be better to turn around and fight Cloud Ninja."

It is better to cut off one finger than to hurt his ten fingers.

Although Cloud Ninja has made trouble, it also shows from the side that they are very cautious. Once Konoha defeats Mist Ninja or Iwa Ninja again, it will definitely be a huge shock to Cloud Ninja.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded: "I think so too, but the three generations of Tukage and the three generations of Mizukage appearing on the battlefield at the same time, put a lot of pressure on the front line."

The appearance of the two shadows on the battlefield is a huge improvement in both morale and strength. It is not easy for Konoha's ninja to persist until now.

Feng Huo is not very good at resourcefulness and so on. Although he puts forward opinions, he will be caught blind when they are implemented.

Seeing that he couldn't come up with any more useful strategies, Hiruzaru Sarutobi gave him a new task to assist Namikaze Minato in resisting Kumo Shinobi, and set off immediately.

In the orphanage.

Pharmacist No Naoyu watched a group of children sitting on the grass concentrating on refining chakra, his eyes scanned around, and finally landed on the pharmacist's pocket.

'What's so special about this kid? '

Feng Huo stayed here for many days, and he didn't want to go back until the Third Hokage sent Anbu to look for him. All this shows that it is not easy for the pharmacist to take care of this child.

‘Could it be the Battle of Kikyo Mountain, what did the fire find? '

Pharmacist No Naoyu was thinking wildly, suddenly, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

Pharmacist No Naoyu subconsciously wanted to kneel down and salute, but fortunately, the warm sunshine made her wake up quickly.

"Master Danzo." Pharmacist Nonoyu forced a smile, "Why did you come here?"

Danzo's face was sullen, and his indifferent eyes swept across the medicine master Nonoyu, and then the children sitting on the ground.

"Tell me, why did Uchiha Fenghuo stay here for many days, and what is his purpose?" Danzo said in a deep voice.

Pharmacist Nonoyu took a deep breath and said, "Master Danzo, the reason for sealing the fire is that the pressure is too great and I can't sleep well at night, so I rest here for a while, and there is no special purpose."

Danzang sneered: "You're lying to me! Humph, Nonoyu, you already dare to disobey my orders!"

"Danzo-sama, I am no longer a root member." Pharmacist Nonoyu said.

Danzo's murderous intent came together, which immediately stimulated Yao Shidou and the others to wake up from their concentration. When they saw Danzo's face about to kill, they screamed in fright and hid behind Yao Shi Nooyu.

"These orphans..." Danzang's eyes lit up suddenly.

Could it be that the purpose of Uchiha sealing the fire is some orphan here?

Danzo's thoughts turned: Uchiha Fuhuo has been on the battlefield of the Rain Country for these years, and he can pay attention to it... Could it be a child captured from the Battle of Kikyo Mountain!

Danzo looked at the pharmacist No Naoyu indifferently, and greeted a root ninja casually. After whispering, the root ninja left quickly.

"Don't ask me to come in and have a seat!" Danzang said as he stepped forward, directly past the pharmacist No Naoyu, his eyes slightly slanted, and looked at the orphan behind her.

How could those children resist Danzo's eyes, they all avoided and leaned close to the side of the pharmacist Nonoyu.

"Master Danzo." Pharmacist No Naoyu wanted to stop him, but couldn't find a reason.

Danzo didn't speak after entering, just stood there and stared at the pharmacist No Naoyu coldly.

The latter gritted his teeth and insisted.

Those children lived like years, thinking that they are also ninjas, why is there such a big gap between this guy and Feng Huo?

Soon, the Gennin who left before reappeared, holding a few pieces of paper in his hand.

Danzo took it and looked at it one by one.

These few pieces of paper are the children received by this orphanage from the Battle of Jigengshan, and Yaoshidou is naturally among them.

"No Naoyu, I will take all these children away!" Danzang threw the paper in his hand to No Naoyu.

Pharmacist Nonoyu saw it and was anxious: "Master Danzo, these children are just orphans, they..."

"Orphans? No, they are prisoners of the Battle of Kikyo Mountain, and they are not entitled to such care! However, don't worry, if they can satisfy me, I don't mind training them to be excellent ninjas!"

Danzo said coldly, but he was happy in his heart, because through Yakushi Nonoyu's expression, he could already confirm that the target of Uchiha sealing the fire was one of these children.

As for who?

Hehe, just take them all away, he doesn't believe that Uchiha Fenghuo dared not come to him!

There is no doubt about Danzo's tone, there is no room for Yaoshi Nonaiyu's resistance.

Danzo waved his hand, and the two Gennin jumped out immediately, grabbing all the children including Yakushi Dou.

"No, I won't leave, I won't leave, I still want to learn ninjutsu from Brother Fenghuo."

"I'm not going either, Sister Pharmacist, help me."

A few children were crying, and the pharmacist's eyes were red and he didn't want to leave, but his small arms and legs were not as thick as Danzo's nose hair. Under Danzo's instruction, the two Genin were so rough that they knocked them out, and then carried them directly. Walk.

"Danzo-sama, you are not afraid of Hokage-sama's censure!" Yakushi Nonoyu didn't know what to do.

Danzo approached slowly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ tilted his head and whispered softly next to Yakushi Nonoyu's ear: "Tell Uchiha to seal the fire, he knows what to do!"

After Danzo and the others left, the remaining children dared to speak: "Sister Yaoshi, why did they grab them?"

"Sister Pharmacist, quickly find a way to save them."

"Brother Fenghuo can help? He is also a ninja."

Pharmacist No Naiyu was in a state of confusion.

She can feel that the only person Danzo wants to catch is the pocket, but the real purpose is to seal the fire.

Do you want to tell Feng Huo about this matter?

If I tell him, will it hurt Fenghuo?

If you hide it, what will happen if you take them around?

The more he thought about it, the more chaotic, the more chaotic and annoying, Yaoshi No Naiyu was at a loss.

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