Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 253: angry Tsunade

Chapter 253 Angry Tsunade (please subscribe, dear) (Page 1/1)

Leaving Hokage Building, Fenghuo didn't set off immediately, no matter how anxious Yun Nin was, it was not too late.

During the war, the streets of the village looked very desolate, with few pedestrians.

Unknowingly, Fenghuo came to Uchiha Street.

Because most of Uchiha's ninjas went to the battlefield, it is also very depressed here.

Feng Huo simply went back to his hometown, opened the door and found that there was only a layer of dust in the house.

He felt warm in his heart, he knew that Obito helped to clean the house in the past few years when he moved to Yuhihong's house, even though he didn't have much affection for this house, he was still very grateful to Obito.

So he fled to Daitu's house next door.

It's a pity that his grandma is the only one at home. After asking, he found out that Obito went to the Land of Rain to deliver supplies a few days ago, and it may take half a month to come back.

Feng Huo chatted with the old man for a while, and helped to cook a sumptuous lunch before he left.

Then he went to Qiu Daojia to visit Qiu Daotang Bei.

In order to cover the fire, Qiu Daodangbei was seriously injured. The spinal nerves in his back were blown into a mess. Not only could he no longer be a ninja, but he was disabled and could only sit in a wheelchair.

I heard that Qiu Taoist also approached Tsunade later, but Fenghuo didn't know the result.

"Fenghuo, at least you still have a conscience, this time you know to take the initiative to come to see me." A big fat man walked over pushing a wheelchair, and on the wheelchair was a fatter fat man.

Feng Huo looked confused: "I said...Tang Bei, what's wrong with you?"

Turn sadness into appetite?

It's been a long time since I saw you, and I've gained a lot of weight!

"I'm fine?" Qiu Daotangbei patted his stomach indifferently, and the thick layer of fat immediately rippled like waves.

Feng Huo's goosebumps came up: "Tang Bei, don't give up the treatment."

"Eh? How do you know that I gave up treatment?" Qiu Daotangbei looked surprised.

It turned out that Tsunade gave a treatment plan after seeing Akidodo Kita's injury.

But this treatment plan is very 'strict'. Not only does it require strict diet control, but also daily restorative exercises, as well as drinking a lot of decoction, soaking in medicinal baths, etc. Most importantly, even if this treatment plan is successful, At most, it is to help Qiu Daobei stand up again, ninja? That's unlikely.

Under such circumstances, Qiudaotangbei couldn't stand it after two days of persistence, and it got worse after eating and drinking. He ate more and more, and his body became fatter and fatter. idiosyncratic.

Feng Huo smiled wryly, but it was his choice, and Feng Huo respected it.

After chatting with him for a while, Feng Huo left Qiu Dao's house, then went to other friends' houses, and after a stroll, the sky was almost dark.

At this time, the lights on the street were just beginning to come on, and despite the fierce war, some indescribable places in the village gradually became lively.

Feng Huo stood in front of a gambling house and fell into deep thought. During the days in Yinsha Village, he was so boring that he missed the gambling house very much, but now he was hesitant when he came to the door of the gambling house.

Can't be that bad luck?

Feng Huo raised his legs and entered the casino, and the next moment he flew out like a cannonball, smashing through a wall in front of the casino in a panic.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill~"

Fenghuo burst into tears.

In the casino, a valiant blond woman walked out in stride, with a fiery figure, her hands on her hips, and a Yaksha expression, she was Tsunade.

"Little ghost, when you come back, you have time to visit friends and gambling houses, but you don't have time to visit your guide Jonin. It's really unforgivable!"

Tsunade rolled up his sleeves, ready to do a big fight on Fenghuo!

Feng Huo hastily struggled to get down from the wall, and quibbled: "I am wronged, I am wronged so much! Teacher Tsunade, the purpose of my coming to the casino is to find you!"

"Make it up, keep making it up!" Tsunade sneered, this kind of trick has already been used badly since then!

How could Feng Huo have thought of this, and immediately spread his voice and emotion, but Tsunade's face became more and more grim. Feng Huo saw that this posture was wrong, and ran away in a hurry.

"Where do you want to go!"

Tsunade turned into a tyrannosaurus female, pushed all the way horizontally, pressed Fenghuo on the ground and rubbed it for a long time before dispelling the anger in his heart.

Afterwards, Tsunade carried the half-remnant Fenghuo to Hokage Rock, and carefully observed his Sharingan under the moonlight.

"Your Sharingan has evolved into a kaleidoscope." Tsunade said solemnly.

Feng Huo nodded, feeling lifeless, feeling that he had been intimated by a hundred men.

"Asshole, be serious, do you think it's a good thing to turn on the kaleidoscope!" Tsunade hated iron but steel.

Feng Huo sighed, smiled wryly, "Of course I know it's not a good thing."

"There is indeed something wrong with your eyes." Tsunade said in a deep voice, "Let me check it out for you!"

Fenghuo didn't resist. Speaking of it, Tsunade's medical ninjutsu is also extremely good. If Orochimaru and Yakushidou win by odd, then Tsunade won by righteousness.

It's just that Tsunade's hemophobia is a trouble, and he's not Naruto, so he can't get excited, so he can't relieve Tsunade's heart knot.

"Your eyesight has begun to decline."

After the inspection, Tsunade's face was serious, "The ability of the kaleidoscope is indeed powerful, even comparable to the first generation Mutun, but the cost of using the kaleidoscope is extremely huge! You should have noticed it."

Fenghuo nodded: "Vision decline."

"You think it's that simple to just descend! You idiot!" Tsunade slapped Fenghuo on the forehead with a slap, and the powerful brute force directly blasted Fenghuo out of Hokage Rock.

With a dazed expression on his face, Feng Huo landed freely a few hundred meters before forming a seal, and returned to the Hokage Rock with the Instant Body Technique.

Tsunade continued to give Fenghuo popular science: "The decline in vision is permanent. The more you use the kaleidoscope, the faster the decline in vision, until... blindness!"

Feng Huo nodded anxiously: "Mr. Tsunade, I already know."

"Now that you know it, don't use the kaleidoscope again!" Tsunade warned him.

Feng Huo was silent, and said half-paid: "It can't be done. It's a time of war. If my companions are in danger, can I see death? If the war reaches a critical moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can stand by and watch Well?"

He raised a chestnut, "The Battle of Kikyo Mountain, if I hadn't used Susanoo to break the line of sand ninja, that battle would have to be fought for at least a few more days, and more people would die before it could end, Tsunade-sensei, If it were you, would you just stand by and watch, or ahh!"

Fenghuo flew out of Hokage Rock again.

Tsunade's expression was unfazed, well, if it was her, she really couldn't stand by and watch, but is this something you, a disciple, can make irresponsible remarks?

I owe a beating!

Feng Huo returned to Huoying Rock, with a distressed and painful expression on the baby's face, but the baby just doesn't cry.

Tsunade didn't like it, and said: "There is only one way to break the curse of the kaleidoscope!"

"What?" Feng Huo's eyes lit up.

Tsunade stared closely at his eyes, and said word by word: "Transplant another pair of kaleidoscopes!"

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