Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 258: The Obsession of Raikage 3

Brother AB walked out of Raikage III's office, both of them had ugly faces.

"We are the strongest team in the ninja world, what kind of **** Namikaze Minato, there is no way we can be our opponent!" Ai Bushuan said, "Father is really too, why don't you let us kill Namikaze Minato!"

Kirabi said, "Yo Yo Yo..."

"Shut up, you're still in the mood to rap at a time like this!" Ai glared at Qi Rabi.

Kirabi tilted his head with a look of grievance and helplessness. He didn't want to do this either, but he had been learning rap for a long time, and it was like this as soon as he spoke, and he couldn't change it. Moreover, he thought it was cool!

Thinking about it made him feel better again.

"Yo, it's the AB group." A cloud ninja with a full chin and a frivolous face came over and waved to them.

"Ah, it's you, why are you here?" Ai looked unhappy.

The man in front of him is one of Yun Nin's leaders, with a high position and authority, but his personality is very insidious, and he will do anything to achieve his goals. Ai has always disliked him.

"I have something to discuss with Raikage-sama, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The leader of Yun Nin waved his hand indifferently, and walked straight through the middle of Brother AB.

After entering Raikage's office, the head of Yunin put away the frivolity on his face.

"Lord Raikage, here I come."

"Oh, is there any new information?" Third Raikage asked directly.

"Master Raikage, although Onogi, the third Tsuchikage and the two-day scale, has entered the battlefield of the Land of Rain, we have found that there are still a large number of Iwanin in Iwagakure Village, and the total number may not exceed 10,000!"

"Hmph, Onoki is really a treacherous old ghost. He refuses to do his best, so he must be on guard against us!" Third Raikage said angrily, "Even so, this old man will have to pay the price for the Land of Earth!"

In the last Ninja World War, Yunyin Village and Yanyin Village formed a bridge. Young people such as Ai and Qilabi didn't know it, but they couldn't forget it in their lifetime.

For the third generation of Raikage, the Land of Fire is a good thing, but he wants to bite off a piece of meat from Yanyin Village!

"Continue to closely monitor Yanyin Village. The time is ripe. This old man will personally take people to the Land of Earth for revenge!"

Third Raikage asked again, "What's going on in the Land of Fire?"

"According to the latest information, Uchiha Fenghuo has appeared on the battlefield." The leader of Yun Nin said solemnly.

"Uchiha seals the fire, hum, that Uchiha brat who made a big splash at the Battle of Kikyo Mountain?" Third Raikage was very upset.

"it's him."

"It's ridiculous that this kind of little ghost can be famous in the ninja world!" The third Raikage's eyes flashed with lightning, and the purple light burst all over his body, and a terrifying aura of a prehistoric giant beast crazily oppressed the surroundings, and the leader of Yunnin frowned again and again step back.

"In front of the old man's Hell Thrust-Shiben Kanshou, his Susanoo is almost like a paper wall!" Third Raikage roared ferociously.

"Master Raikage, don't you plan to go to the Land of Fire to kill the Uchiha seal fire yourself?" The leader of Yunin has been pressed to the corner by the aura of the third generation of Raikage, but he was still terrified when he heard his words.

"Are you kidding me, that kid can make this old man go to the Land of Fire? It will be almost the same in another thirty years!" Third Raikage slowly put away his aura.

The leader of Cloud Ninja breathed a sigh of relief, if the third generation of Raikage really didn't care about going to the country of fire to kill Uchiha Fenghuo, it would violate their previous strategic plan.

He thought for a while, and suggested: "Didn't Raikage-sama want the AB group to go to the Land of Fire to practice, why don't they let the two brothers deal with Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Sealing Fire."

The third Raikage said dissatisfied: "I thought about waiting and staring, but now Uchiha Hiroshi appeared on the battlefield, hmph, although this guy is not my opponent, but Sharingan is not a joke! Kirabi is Eight Tails Jinzhu Power, if he is controlled by Uchiha's Sharingan, the consequences will be too serious!"

The leader of Cloud Ninja recalled Brother AB's face when he just came in, and couldn't help smiling: "No wonder they are full of resentment, why didn't Master Raikage explain it?" The leader of Cloud Ninja smiled.

"With their fearless character, if I explain it, it will be counterproductive. It's better not to say anything!" The third Raikage mentioned his son and Kirabi, showing a gratified smile, although the current AB combination is not Namikaze Minato And Uchiha's opponent, but given time, he believes that this pair of brothers can completely defeat any combination!

"How about Konoha's infiltration?" Third Raikage asked again.

"It's a bit difficult. I thought Muye Village was empty, but I didn't expect there to be a mysterious organization, and it would be difficult for our people to infiltrate." Yun Nin said, frowning.

"As expected of the number one hidden village, it really hides its secrets, but that's the end of it."

The Third Raikage sneered, "Continue to increase the number of troops in the Fire Nation, but don't send too many people in at once. You have to put pressure on Konoha, but you can't force that **** Sarutobi Hiruzen to target us. Now Konoha and Kirin , Iwanin are fighting fiercely, and the casualties are increasing every day, and when they fight almost, we can come out to clean up the mess and defeat Konoha in one fell swoop!"

The leader of Yunin smiled and said: "Haha, Raikage-sama, don't worry, I have ordered the vanguard to stick to the main, try not to fight head-on with Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Fuho, and preserve their strength."

After reconfirming the strategic plan of boiling frogs in warm water, the leader of Yunin pondered: "Master Raikage, as long as we don't have a big battle with Konoha, I don't think Hiruzaru Sarutobi will seal Namikaze Minato and Uchiha. Combat power like fire has always been on our side. With Sarutobi Hiruzen's cautious character, one of them will inevitably be transferred to the side of Mist or Iwanin."

The third Raikage nodded in agreement, motioning for him to continue.

The leader of Yun Ninja analyzed: "Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Hiuho are both Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen will not transfer them to the Mist Ninja battlefield where Uchiha and Hyuga are the main force!"

The third Raikage's eyes lit up, excluding the Mist Ninja Battlefield, then only the Iwa Ninja Battlefield in the Land of Rain is left.

At that time, it is very likely that it will be the critical time for the decisive battle between Iwanin and Konoha!

"Invasion of the Land of Earth, that's when!" the third Raikage was overjoyed.

Three days passed in a flash.

After sealing the fire and blocking the camp of Yunnin's vanguard for three days, there was nothing to gain.

Namikaze Minato was guarding the supply line, and only encountered a few small cloud ninja troops, and they dispersed at the touch of a touch, and had no intention of fighting him at all.

On this day, Fenghuo, Namikaze Minato and others returned to the small valley to analyze their respective situations.

"They must be afraid of Lord Fenghuo's demon statue. In my opinion, it is better to attack their camp directly."

Feng Huo glanced at the talking ninja, secretly remembering this face, this cheating thing won't let me go until it blinds me, pull black, pull black!

"If Yunin refuses to fight head-on, then even if we attack their camp, they will evacuate immediately."

"Although Yunin invaded, they didn't start a large-scale war with us. What are they thinking?"

"Isn't this just right, we can feel at ease to start a war with Mist Ninja Iwa Ninja, and after finishing cleaning them up, we will turn around and fight Cloud Ninja again!"

Namikaze Minato looked at Fenghuo and asked, "Fenghuo, what do you think?"

"There must be fraud in it!" Feng Huo coughed twice, and continued, "I'm afraid Yunin is waiting for us and Wu Ninyan Yannin to decide the outcome, and then they will make a move, and they will be able to defeat us at the least cost and at the same time gain the most. war interests."

"To add insult to injury... I really agree with Yunin's style~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Namikaze Minato chuckled lightly.

"Is there no way to stop it?" A ninja asked.

"Yes, transfer the ninjas from the rock ninja and fog ninja battlefields here, and have a big fight with cloud ninja."

"But in that case, isn't there going to be an accident in the other two battlefields?"

"So we have no way to stop it, we can only watch Yun Ren wandering under our noses?"

Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo looked at each other and sighed together.

Now that the war has been fought, all countries are riding a tiger. Only Yunyin Village, the Kingdom of Thunder, is still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, fighting and making peace, advancing or retreating, with ease.

The third generation of Raikage may seem rough, but there are subtleties in the roughness, so don't underestimate it!

Thanks to the book friends who have a cold spirit and mathematics abused me thousands of times for their rewards and support!

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