Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 259: Kankuro who almost changed his name

Sand Hidden Village in the Land of Wind.

Fourth Kazekage Luosha stood nervously at the door of the ward, walking back and forth restlessly.

"Kazekage-sama, Karura-sama will be fine, don't worry."

Next to Luo Sha is the young Maji, who was reused for his excellent completion of the post-war compensation task with Konoha.

Luo Sha said anxiously: "She had a weird expression when she entered, Ma Ji, do you know why?"

Ma Ji frowned and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Kazekage, I don't know."

At this time, another young ninja came from the end of the corridor, with light yellow messy hair and an anxious and tired face. It was Yashamaru, Karura's younger brother.

"Brother-in-law, how is my sister?" Yashamaru has a very good relationship with his sister, and today is the day when she gave birth, so he hurried back after he was on a mission.

Luo Sha frowned: "Aren't you on a mission? Why are you back?"

"Today is the day when my sister is giving birth, how could I not be there!" Yashamaru shouted.

"Hmph!" Luo Sha snorted coldly, "If the elder sees it, you will be punished again!"

"I'm willing to do anything for my sister." Yashamaru straightened his neck.

At this moment, the baby's loud cry came from the ward.

Luo Sha and Yachamaru were overjoyed and rushed in hastily.

On the hospital bed, Karura was lying weakly, seeing Luo Sha and Yashamaru coming in, a happy smile appeared on his frail face, but there was a faint sense of uneasiness in his eyes.

Luo Sha glanced at the child and was overjoyed: "Jaruluo, that's great, we have a son!"

"Haha, I'm going to be an uncle again." Yashamaru snatched the baby from the side, smiling broadly.

"Husband, I, I..." Jia Ruluo opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

Luo Sha waved away the medical ninjas in the ward, and said softly, "What's wrong? You don't look happy."

"Husband, child, can you change the child's name." Jia Luluo asked anxiously.

"Change the name? Why? Isn't Kankuro a good name? Didn't we decide it early on?" Luo Sha was puzzled.

Jia Lu Luo was silent, and she didn't know what to say to Luo Sha.

Ever since Fenghuo pretended to be a prophet, Jia Luluo felt a little uneasy in her heart. She always felt that there were Konoha's spies around her, watching her all the time, so she was worried all day long and couldn't live in peace.

She vaguely mentioned it to Luo Sha, and even thoroughly investigated it herself, but in the end she found nothing, as if there was no Jianxi around them at all.

Luo Sha comforted her and said, "Jaruluo, don't worry, I will protect you!"

"Yeah." Garou sighed and didn't say anything more.

Luo Sha comforted Jia Luluo, and quickly stood up to report to Kankuro, his face was full of happiness.

"Brother-in-law, Temari and Kankuro, let me teach them when they grow up a little bit!" Yashamaru said excitedly.

Luo Sha glanced at him and snorted, "No, I already have a more suitable candidate."

As he spoke, he glanced at Ma Ji, who had been silently by his side.

"What!" Yashamaru was a little annoyed.

"Afterwards, you will enter the Anbu, so it is not suitable to teach them." Luo Sha explained.

"Really? Brother-in-law, you finally agreed with me to join Anbe, that's great!" Yashamaru shouted excitedly, "Brother-in-law, I will definitely complete every task in the village excellently in the future, and I will never betray you! "

"It's the greatest help for me that you matured earlier, hmph!" Luo Sha glanced at him, but she still had great affirmation of this brother-in-law in her heart.

At the same time, the ninja school in Konoha Village.

Orochimaru stood at the school and looked at the students in the training ground. His eyes finally fell on a little girl, and his golden vertical pupils showed some interest.

Although Hiruzaru Sarutobi agreed to be the guide of Jonin, who is he? It is Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sannin, but not everyone can accept his guidance.

After observing for a few days, Orochimaru finally only took a fancy to a little girl, Mitarai Red Bean who loves to eat meatballs and drink red bean soup.


With a flash of the wind, there was already a blond woman beside Dashewan, with a plump figure, her hands folded over her chest, and she looked heroic!

"Tsunade, why are you here?" Orochimaru asked without looking back.

"Walk around." Tsunade snorted.

"Hehe, I heard that his elder brother also died in battle, isn't that true?" Orochimaru suddenly asked.

Tsunade was silent, with sadness in his eyes.

The him in Orochimaru's mouth is the past that Tsunade doesn't want to recall, but can never get rid of, Kato break!

"I remember his elder brother has a daughter, is it called Jingyin? Has it been entrusted to you?" Orochimaru continued to ask.

"That's right, Orochimaru, your source of information is really surprising." Tsunade said dissatisfied, "But I didn't come here to listen to what you said!"

"So, what do you want me to say?" Orochimaru sneered, "Or do you want to use your personal experience to persuade me?"

Tsunade frowned: "I knew you had noticed it."

"I'm not that idiot Jiraiya." Orochimaru smiled, "How could I not notice it?"

It is self-evident that Sarutobi Hiruzen sent Namikaze Minato to the cloud ninja battlefield, and put him in the village as a guide jonin.

"Although Jiraiya is a bit lustful, he has a good eye." Tsunade observed Orochimaru's face, and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you become Hokage or not."

"The first generation is your grandfather, the second generation is your second grandfather, and the third generation is your teacher, hehe, it seems like you are mocking me when you say this." Dashemaru chuckled, "But I didn't You think so badly."

What's more, if Namikaze Minato wants to become Hokage, Danzo's level is not easy. So it's too early to talk about who will get the position of Naruto in the end.

Orochimaru squinted his eyes and continued to observe Mitarai Red Bean.

"Why, this little girl is your chosen disciple?" Tsunade also noticed the girl.

"Aptitude may not be as good as those of your disciples, but it is worth cultivating." Orochimaru said.

"Haha, that's of course, and I don't even look at me!" Tsunade did her part. Among her disciples, Feng Huo was famous in the ninja world for his battle on Kikyo Mountain, Kurenai Yuhi and Asma. The talents are all good, and it will not be a problem to become a Jonin in time. Even Shizune, who is about to become her disciple, is also a young genius. Tsunade has reason to be proud.

"But it's still a bit worse than Zilai." Orochimaru said indifferently.

"Speaking of Jiraiya's disciples~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the three disciples he accepted in the Land of Rain, do you still remember?" Tsunade slowly read out their names, "Yahiko, Nagato, Konan .”

Orochimaru said: "I haven't heard from them for a long time, are they missing?"

"Who knows, I hope Jiraiya can find them too." Tsunade sighed.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes slightly. A few years ago, Yahiko, Nagato, and the Akatsuki organization led by Konan went to him several times for the sake of peace in the Land of Rain, hoping to resolve the dispute through peaceful means.

Then, suddenly, for a period of time, this organization disappeared from the Kingdom of Rain, and never appeared again, as if it had never existed.

Orochimaru speculated that it might have something to do with Sansho Hanzo, the leader of the Rain Country, but it had nothing to do with him, so he quickly forgot about it.

Thanks to the book friends who love running birds for their reward and support!

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