Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 271: Orochimaru accepts disciples

One month has passed, and where the fire has passed, the major cities and towns in the Land of Earth are in a mess, all the hospitals are full of wounded, and the medical supplies seem to be running out of water, which can be described as unprecedented.

The daimyo of the Land of Earth was furious, fearing that the mysterious Konoha ninja would find him, several sharp letters had been sent to the Iwanin camp in the Land of Rain, ordering the third generation of Tsuchikage Ohnoki to kill the rebellious Konoha ninja , to maintain the peace of the Land of Earth!

In fact, Onoki had already received the information, and even sent a few Anbu to take action, but it was a pity that nothing came of it.

He didn't realize the seriousness of the matter until the portrait of Fenghuo was circulated.

"Uchiha sealing the fire is really a headache." Onogi floated in the air, holding the portrait in one hand and behind his back with his big nose twitching, feeling very uneasy.

The last time he attacked and killed Uchiha Fenghuo, he had already experienced the strength of the opponent, and the Kaleidoscope Sharingan was not inferior to his Dust Dungeon at all.

And his strange pupil skills, those two ninja psychic beasts flying at an amazing speed, Ohnoki asked himself that even if he fought again, he would not dare to pat his chest to guarantee that he could kill Uchiha Fuho.

"Father, it turned out to be Uchiha Fenghuo, **** it, this guy is getting more and more arrogant!" Huangtu also saw the portrait, and said angrily, "Father, let me kill him, I want to avenge Brother Huitu!"

"Shut up!" Ohnoki yelled angrily, "Don't forget that you are the commander-in-chief now! You must not act emotionally!"

"But..." Huangtu felt wronged, "Father, why don't you take revenge on Senior Brother Huitu!"

Onogi snorted coldly: "This matter is not as simple as you think, Uchiha sealing the fire... It's all your fault, you idiot, if you killed him at all costs, how could he grow to this point!"

Onoki flew over angrily, knocking repeatedly on Huang Tu's head.

Huangtu didn't dare to dodge, and then reacted abruptly, vaguely hearing the meaning behind Onoki's words.

Thinking of the fact that his father went to attack and kill Uchiha to seal the fire but failed, the ominous feeling in Huang Tu's heart became more and more ominous.

"Father, to what extent has that brat Uchiha Fenghuo... grown?" Huangtu asked cautiously.

"You still have the guts to ask!" Onoki took another three shots, "Idiot son, how could I give birth to such a stupid son like you!"

Huang Tu: "Bah, blah."

"In short, ordinary ninjas are no match for him at all, and he has Sharingan, so it's not appropriate to use Renchuriki... It seems that it's time for me to go back." Sandai Tsuchikage sighed.

"Nani?" Huang Tu was unhappy, "Father, if you go back, what will you do here?"

"One thousand reinforcements have arrived. Even if Konoha has Hatake Sakumo, it is impossible to defeat them with one enemy. You just need to fight steadily and consume slowly to defeat them!"

Afterwards, the third generation of Tsuchikage said, "And in the days since I came to the battlefield, Konoha has started to focus on guerrilla warfare. My role has been weakened to the limit by Nara Shikaku, that bastard."

There is no good person in Konoha!

Onoki viciously cursed the female family members of their family for infertility!

"Father, could this be Konoha's conspiracy, they want to transfer you away, and then take the opportunity to attack our camp?" Huang Tu was very worried.

"Impossible, Konoha is now fighting on three fronts, and the combat power is in short supply. There is no way for Konoha to launch a battle like Kikyo Mountain!" Third Tsuchikage analyzed, "As long as the cunning Shikahisa Nara is not hit The guy's conspiracy, we will win this war, Huang Tu, you have to remember to keep absolutely calm at all times, and don't act emotionally!"

"Understood, father!" Huangtu stood at attention and took a rest, looking serious.

"Then, I'll leave it to you here."

Onoki's eyes flickered, showing a fierce look, "Uchiha seals the fire, this old man will definitely kill you."

Country of Fire, Konoha Village, Ninja School.

"Look, look, it's really Oshemaru-sama."

"Wow~ The legendary Sannin!"

"Awesome, I really want to be accepted as a disciple by him."

"I don't know who has that honor."

A group of graduating kids lay on the windowsill of the classroom and watched Orochimaru slowly approaching the playground, with admiration and longing in their eyes. Children of this age are just in time for fantasies. Who doesn’t want to be able to Grow to the level of Orochimaru?

Mitarai Anzuki was holding a string of meatballs with one hand and was gnawing on them with relish, his mouth was puffed up, and he said vaguely: "If Master Orochimaru is willing to accept me as a disciple, I swear that I will never eat meatballs again."

"Red bean, you, even if Master Orochimaru really accepts you, you can't refuse Wanzi." A girl complained.

"Nonsense, I can definitely do it!" Mitarai gnawed on the red bean even more happily, thinking that it was impossible for Master Orochimaru to accept her as a disciple anyway.

As soon as I thought of this, a familiar voice came from behind: "Hongdou, come out."

It's the head teacher.

Mitarai Anko hurriedly stuffed all the meatballs in his hand into his mouth, turned around and said loudly, "Teacher, I didn't eat the meatballs."

The girl next to her had a black thread: "Please, can you swallow the ball in your mouth before saying this."

Mitarai Anko gave her a hard look.

Then he ran to the head teacher and asked, "Teacher, what's the matter? Is my instructor already here?"

The homeroom teacher is just a chunin, and his face is a little weird at this time, looking at Mitarai Anko with the eyes of a little monster.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?" Mitarai Anzu swallowed the meatballs, wiped off the oil stains from his mouth, thinking that everything was safe, the teacher would never be able to tell that he had eaten meatballs.

"Hongdou, do you... know who your instructor is?" the head teacher swallowed.

"Who is it?" Mitarai Anko blinked her eyes twice.

The other students saw that Dashewan had entered the teaching building, and they all returned to their positions from the window sill.

"Hey, is Hongdou's instructor already here?"

"I just saw Master Orochimaru coming in."

"Nonsense, how could Anko's instructor be... Da, Da Da... Oshemaru-sama?"


Outside the classroom door, Orochimaru had stood there quietly at some point, his golden vertical pupils were like two rounds of sun, falling in the eyes of these children, almost melting them.

"It's really Oshemaru-sama!"

"Anko's instructor... No, Master Orochimaru must have come to look for me! I am Master Orochimaru's disciple!"

The little brats are about to boil over.

And the client, Mitarai Red Bean, has a guilty conscience, no way, can I really not eat meatballs in the future?

No, I'm not going to make that stupid oath!

"Mitarai Anko, from now on, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com, you will be my disciple." Orochimaru said lightly.



A group of glass-hearted little friends can't calm down.

Mitarai Anko's eyes widened even more: "Is it really me? Well, please give me more advice, Master Orochimaru, oh no, Teacher Orochimaru."

"Come with me." Orochimaru nodded slightly to the head teacher, then turned and left.

"Hongdou, don't follow Master Orochimaru." The homeroom teacher was full of envy. Even he hoped to be able to worship under Sannin's family, but at his age, it was obviously an extravagant wish.

"Hi!" Mitarai Anko had a slightly excited face.

...Thank you book friend Tian Qiufeng for your support! Please pay attention to the latest chapters

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