Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 272: The man who confronted the third generation of Tsuchikage

In an underground laboratory, Orochimaru is pushing the liquid in a test tube into his blood.

The cold touch quickly spread throughout the body along the blood vessels.

Orochimaru closed his eyes tightly, controlling the weird feeling in his blood, and then his heart moved, his left hand stretched out like rubber, and punched a hole in the metal gate five meters away with a bang!

"The last step of software transformation has finally succeeded."

Although he accepted Mitarai Anko as his disciple, but he was too busy with experiments, so he had to let the shadow clone to teach.

If Mitarai Anko couldn't even meet the requirements of a shadow clone, then she wasn't worthy of being his disciple at all.

On the other hand, Tsunade also officially began to teach Shizune medical ninjutsu. Although he couldn't teach Shizune personally because of his phobia, the rich theoretical knowledge still benefited Shizune a lot, and he couldn't extricate himself from swimming in the ocean of knowledge.

And Yao Shidou, this tasteless tasteless rib, was finally sent to a neighboring country as a small spy after being trained by Danzo for nearly two months.

In the Mist Ninja Battlefield in the Land of Fire, after the Seven Ninja Swordsmen suffered heavy casualties and fell apart, the Uchiha Clan and the Hyuga Clan gradually took the dominant position. Even if the three generations of Mizukage came to the battlefield in person, it would not help.

Especially Uchiha Fugaku, who opened the kaleidoscope, his pupil power is no longer what it used to be, even a kage-level powerhouse accidentally falls for him!

Minazuki Sora and Satsubaki all suffered a lot under Uchiha Togaku's hands.

The battle line of Mist Ninja was gradually pushed down by the Uchiha and Hyuga clan to the coastline of the sea, and there was only a thin line of distance from the expulsion.

But at this time, Uchiha Fugaku and Hinata Matsuhura stopped their offensive and started a defensive battle.

When the news came back, Hiruzaru Sarutobi knew it well.

This is forcing him to abdicate.

Of course, it is also possible that the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan suffered heavy casualties and did not want to increase the casualties, but no matter what the situation is, Sarutobi Hiruzen realized that it is impossible for these two powerful clans to go to the Iwanin battlefield or the cloud ninja battlefield. So until the war is completely clear, he will never abdicate.

land of earth.

Feng Huo came to a town again with ease, and then patted his **** and left.

He didn't know which town it was, but he could feel the extent of the other's hatred for him through more and more rock ninjas around him.

But this is war.

Of course, Fenghuo wouldn't let them surround him foolishly.

Leaving the town, he channeled the second form of chakra lun dance directly, and then drove away with an eagle and fled.

All the Iwanin were furious, but flying ninjutsu was extremely rare in Iwanin Village, so they had no choice but to send a few fast-running companions to hang far away, hoping not to be lost.

At the same time, in Yanyin Village, the third generation of Tukage Ohnoki and the four-tailed Jinchuriki Laozi once again carried it.

"You..." Lao Zi stared at Onoki's eyes firmly, "A mere Uchiha brat, to make you so fearful, really embarrassing Iwagakure!"

Onogi stared back at Lao Zi without showing any weakness: "You red-haired idiot, that brat's strength is beyond your imagination!"

Lao Zi sneered and said, "That's because you are too cowardly! If it were me, I would have killed that brat long ago!"

"Uchiha's sharingan just restrains the four tails in your body, you go to kill him? What are you kidding, idiot!" Onogi roared.

"What era is it now? Sharingan has long since declined with Uchiha Madara's death. Only you, an old guy who was frightened by Uchiha Madara, will always be afraid of Sharingan!" Lao Zi crossed his arms , looked at Onoki with disdain.

"Red-haired monkey, believe it or not, I'll pluck your hair off!" Onogi became angry from embarrassment.

"Sure enough! What sharingan, what powerful strength, these are just excuses for you not to let me leave the village!" Lao Zi said angrily, "You! Have you been keeping me in the village like a wild beast!"

"Shut up!" Ohnoki yelled, "What do you know, you red-haired monkey!"

"Look, look, I'm a monkey in your eyes, you bald, big-nosed ghost!"

"Damn **** you are saying it again!"

"Damn bald, big-nosed, stupid old man!!"

The elders of Yanyin Village stood aside calmly, not surprised, even though their faces were blushing and their necks were thick.

It wasn't the first time these two stubborn guys had quarreled, after a lot of quarreling, Master Tukage won in the end.

Sure enough, after half an hour, Lao Zi was so choked that he couldn't speak, and then left the Tuying Building with a fierce face and panting heavily.

"Ignore that idiot! I'm so mad!"

Three generations of Tsuchikage drank two sips of tea to suppress the shock, and then asked about the information on sealing the fire.

Leaving the Tuying Building, Lao Zi became more and more angry as he thought about it.

‘If I had known this would happen, I shouldn’t have followed those guys back in the first place! '

But in that case, he will live as a traitor from now on.

He went back to his home, lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.

Soon, his spirit came to a piece of hot magma, and his feet were the only piece of black land here.

In the magma sea, a huge monster lay there, with four fiery red tails dangling in the air.

"It seems that you are in a very good mood, Monkey King!" Lao Zi crossed his arms and sat down.


Monkey King with Four Tails turned over and swam slowly towards Lao Zi.

A ferocious orangutan face is quite ferocious in the magma.

"Old Zi, what are you doing here?" Sun Wukong opened his mouth slowly, showing his sharp teeth.

"You don't welcome me? I've been your good partner for more than 30 years!" Seeing Siwei, Lao Zi's anger dropped, "Come chat with me, I was very angry with that old man of the third generation! "

"Three generations of soil shadow? Is this old man still alive?" Sun Wukong grinned and urged, "Why don't you kill him and become a soil shadow yourself?"

"Hey, although I think he's upset, I can't do this kind of thing." Lao Zi said disdainfully.

Sun Wukong sank directly into the magma sea: "I don't want to talk to you, get out."

"Sun Wukong, you do this every time." Lao Zi stood up, his eyes wandering around, but he couldn't see Siwei's figure anymore.

Helpless, he can only leave here.

Having been with Siwei for more than 30 years, from resisting at the beginning to now being willing to talk to him, and even being able to borrow its power occasionally~www.wuxiaspot.com~Old Zi believes that if he persists for a few more years, he will be able to completely Control the four tails.

At that time, I will kill the three generations of Dokage and make Dokage myself!


Wait, why am I having such weird thoughts in my head?

Lao Zi hurriedly shook his head to wake himself up.

"That idiot of the third generation is so afraid of Uchiha sealing fire, then I will kill that brat, and then I will see where you put that old face!"

Lao Zi's character is very stubborn, not inferior to Onomu, ten bulls can't pull back what he decides.

Therefore, when Onoki was discussing with the elders, Lao Zi had already sneaked out of the village alone, and went to find Uchiha to seal the fire alone.

Thanks to the book friend Xiaotangren 1. Mathematics abused me thousands of times for rewarding and supporting!

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