Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 293: 3 tail rocks!

"Kill us? You are so bold, hahahahaha." Ai Kuang laughed, "Even Namikaze Minato dare not be so arrogant, Uchiha Fufu, who do you think you are?"

"That's right, Bageyalu, crying Geyalu!"

Kirabi turned around, and a special short knife suddenly appeared on the hands, elbows, and legs.

"Thunder Dungeon-Seven Blades Style!"

Qila is like a spinning top, spinning crazily and approaching Fenghuo. The seven knives on his body turned into knife lights, forming a continuous piece. Although Fenghuo can be seen clearly with the help of a kaleidoscope, the difference in physical skills between the two sides lies there. Just because you can keep up doesn't mean your body can keep up!

Feng Huo only made one evasive action, and he was already stabbed twice, bleeding profusely.

Feng Huo didn't dare to resist, so he quickly teleported to another corner and used medical ninjutsu to heal his injuries.

Ai stood in the middle and frowned: "What's the matter with this guy's speed? It's on par with Namikaze Minato. No, if his speed is fast enough, how could he not be able to avoid Bi's sword?"

Then he turned into lightning and charged towards Fenghuo, but the result was still the same, the distance between the two never narrowed by half an inch.

What Ai is most proud of is naturally his thunder escape ninjutsu, and the Wumang Realm that sealed the fire has canceled all his thunder escape ninjutsu!

"Damn it! Bi, it's up to you!"

"Leave it to me, Bage Yalu, Cry Geyalu!"

Qi Rabi put away the seven knives, the tiger's body shook, and eight thick tails came out from behind the buttocks, violently blasting towards Fenghuo.

Feng Huo teleported while summoning the shadow of the tomb of the wheel, and assassinated it.

Qi Rabi didn't notice it, and frantically danced his eight tails and bombarded Fenghuo.


In the invisible world of wheel tombs, the shadow of Fenghuo has already resorted to Thunder Dun Chidori, piercing Qirabi's heart.


Kirabi stared blankly at the blood overflowing from his heart, feeling a little bewildered.

"Bi, you are careless!"

In Kirabi's inner world, the eight-tailed ox ghost's eyes widened. If it hadn't been for its attack at a critical moment just now, Kirabi's heart would have been poked and burst!

"What's going on?" Kirabi asked in his heart.

The eight-tailed bull ghost snorted coldly: "This Uchiha's Sharingan has evolved into a kaleidoscope, and has a unique and strange pupil technique. You must be careful."


In the next moment, Qirabi's vest overflowed with blood again.

Feng Huo frowned: What's going on, is Kirabi's body hard enough to resist Chidori?

Then he saw Kirabi's tail behind him.

That's right, the eight tails must be playing tricks in Kirabi's body!

From this point of view, it would not be worth the loss to let the shadow of the round tomb attack Kirabi.

Feng Huo looked at Ai in the center of Wumangjie, with a cold look in his eyes.

In the next moment, the shadow of the round tomb had rushed towards Ai.


Chidori's lightning shield pierced on Ai's body immediately triggered violent thunder and lightning roars.

Feng Huo looked depressed: Nima, make wool!

Of these two people, one has a lightning shield and the other has eight tails in his body, which is embarrassing.

"Thunder Dun-Thunder Plow Hot Knife!"

Kirabi was distracted when he saw Fenghuo, and immediately sent out a violent blow.

Feng Huo looked sideways, and the shadow of Lunmu instantly activated Susano's second form, swung the copper hammer and smashed it hard.


Kirabi's whole body was shaken, and he felt that he had hit a solid wall, but his body was full of lightning flashes, and the Chakra of Eight Tails rushed into his body violently, and he took a hard step against the copper hammer of the shadow of the tomb. step forward.

Feng Huo lifted his eyelids, and the other copper hammer of Lun Tomb Shadow raised it high, and slammed it down violently.


Qi Rabi was blasted into the ground in an instant, and the shadow of the round tomb instantly turned over to be the master, and the two copper hammers were violently blasted down.

"Bi!" Ai yelled, "Uchiha seals the fire, **** it!"

At this moment, strong chakra gradually gushed out from Kirabi who was smashed into the ground, turning into a tailed beast coat on his body.

"Bageyalu, cry Geyalu, you are more angry than the uncle!"


A tailed beast jade the size of a fist suddenly soared into the sky, pierced through the shadow of the tomb, and exploded at high altitude.

"It's tricky, Bi, your attack can't hit at all."

The eight-tailed bull ghost laughed in Kirabi's body, "The Uchiha clan is really difficult to deal with."

"Hey, don't speak sarcastic words, you ghost, Ba Geyalu, crying Geyalu!"

Kirabi crawled out from the ground, and a few huge tails spread out from the tailed beast's coat in an instant, sweeping around, but they couldn't touch the shadow of the wheel tomb world at all.

The eight-tailed bull ghost said: "Don't worry, the stronger the pupil technique, the more powerful the backlash will be. As long as you persevere, you will definitely defeat him!"

Kirabi's face was dark, and he felt a little ashamed, that the mighty Eight-Tails Jinchuriki had to rely on the word "drag" to defeat the opponent? Rumor has it that he can rap better than the uncle?

Meanwhile, Minato Namikaze and Tsubasa Inuzuka are also in trouble.

"Hey, Minato, what kind of monster is that?! It's too big!" Inuzuka's eyes widened, and he looked at the huge figure slowly floating in the water ahead in disbelief.

"Woooo..." Inuzuka's ninja clenched his thighs and moaned endlessly.

"It's the tail beast of Kirigakure Village, Isota!" Namikaze Minato's face was full of disbelief.

Before Fenghuo discussed with him about arresting Sanwei, he didn't expect Sanwei to actually appear in front of him less than a month later.

Namikaze Minato's eyes sparkled, and he quickly figured out the 'cause and effect'!

On the Mist Ninja Battlefield, the Uchiha Clan and the Hyuga Clan already had an absolute advantage. Unwilling, Mist Ninja sent Mitsuo to the battlefield in an attempt to turn the tide of the battle. However, there are many masters of the Uchiha Clan in the Mist Ninja Battlefield, and Mist Ninja did not dare to throw Mitsuo There, so I put it on the cloud ninja battlefield! '

"So that's how it is!" Namakaze Minato immediately became excited after 'figuring it out', "Jaw! Go back and tell Fenghuo to come here immediately!"

"Nani? Minato, do you want to deal with this monster alone?" Inuzuka Tsubasa really didn't dare to think about the picture of Namikaze Minato fighting this huge monster~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't worry, I won't fight it It's hard to touch, go and call Fenghuo here! "Namikaze Minato showed a faint smile on his face.

Since Wu Ninja sent Sanwei to him, he and Fenghuo accepted it without hesitation!

"In that case, I know!" Inuzuka jaw turned and left immediately.


Mio Isota approached slowly, the terrifying chakra on his body fluctuated like a stormy sea, attacking Namikaze Minato's body one by one.

But facing the terrifying Mio Isota, Namikaze Minato showed no fear on his face.

You must know that his girlfriend Kushina is a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, so he has been in contact with Nine-Tails a lot, and even strengthened Kushina's Jinchuriki Seal after learning how to seal it. He is very good at dealing with tailed beasts!

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