Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 294: scandal


Amidst the roar, Misao Isao set off a violent wave of water and slapped it towards Namikaze Minato, and then sprayed out a tailed beast jade, which instantly sank the ground and shattered mountains and rivers, making it a complete mess!

It walked from the water to the land step by step, revealing the whole picture, the towering tortoise shell, the thick three tails, the limbs as huge as a mountain pillar, all covered with thorns, and it was a hideous mess!

Namikaze Minato shuttled back and forth around, his eyes fixed on it.

"Wind escape-helix pill!"



Misao Isota didn't notice it, and rushed over in a daze. The turtle shell on its body was extremely hard and covered with thorns. To it, Namikaze Minato's attack was no different from tickling.

"Sure enough, there is no way to deal with the tailed beast with normal attacks."

Namikaze Minato began to form a seal, and then iron chains full of seal engravings sprang out from behind him, across the void, and stopped in front of Sano Isoto.


Namikaze Minato suddenly turned his head to look to the left. There is a mountain a few kilometers away, about 200 meters high. The top of the mountain is lush and green.

‘Looks like someone is watching? Is it an illusion? '

Minato Namikaze didn't have time to think about it, Isotatsu Mio had already rushed over violently, and Minato Namakaze hurriedly manipulated the iron chain to wrap around it.


Namikaze Minato's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly poured chakra into the iron chain crazily. With a burst of gold and iron friction, the iron chain wrapped around Misao Isoto's body more and more tightly, restraining him step by step.


Sanwei Iso roared madly, and his three thick tails danced wildly, whipping the iron chains on his body non-stop.

Namikaze Minato continued to seal, and more than a dozen iron chains sprang out from behind him, firmly nailing its three tails to the ground.

At the same time, on the top of the mountain a few kilometers away, the white-haired Uchiha Madara was standing there indifferently.

Behind him, Bai Jue saw Namikaze Minato entangled Misao Isota, and couldn't help asking: "Master, is there any accident? Namikaze Minato learned the essence of the Uzumaki Clan's sealing technique from Kushina. "

Uchiha Madara coughed lightly, but asked him, "What's going on over there?"

Bai Jue said: "It's fighting fiercely."

"Have you seen his two pupil skills clearly?" Uchiha Madara asked again.

"Ah, one of the pupil skills is very powerful, it is the wheel tomb!" Bai Jue said with a smile, "But his wheel tomb should only be able to summon a shadow, which is much worse than your master."

"Run Tomb?" Uchiha Madara's face was serious.

After he successfully fused the cells between the Senshouzhu, he successfully opened the eyes of reincarnation, and he was able to transform four shadows in the tomb world. With these four shadows, Uchiha Madara can blow up the entire ninja world!

He didn't expect that Uchiha Fenghuo could open the tomb of the wheel in the kaleidoscope, which surprised him.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course." Bai Jue said again, "As for the other pupil technique, it's a bit strange, and I can't understand it, sorry."

"It seems that his aptitude for writing sharingan is very good." Uchiha Madara showed a smile, "Just for my use!"

"So, is it time for him to come over?" Bai Jue asked.

Uchiha Madara nodded slightly: "It's time for this play to end."


Kirabi's attack was like a storm, and the eight octopus tails attacked like eight pythons, with tricky angles, crazily biting to seal the fire.

Ai was locked by Fenghuo's five-pointed world, so he couldn't get close to him, so he could only stand there and release Thunder Dungeon on Fenghuo, but the effect was minimal.

He has practiced Thunder Escape Body Technique since he was a child, and he is good at melee attacks, and his speed is top-notch in the Ninja World, but facing the fire-sealed Wumang Realm, his speed and powerful Thunder Escape Body Art were completely reduced to zero.

"Bi, come on, kill him!" Ai saw that the effect of Thunder Dunninjutsu was not satisfactory, and felt that it was more realistic to cheer for Kirabi.

"Bageyalu, cry Geyalu, Master Bi must beat him to death!"

Kirabi is fighting more and more vigorously. For him, with the endless chakra provided by the eight-tailed bull ghost, coupled with his powerful thunder escape technique and physical fitness, it is only a matter of time before he can kill Fenghuo.

Feng Huo's face was serious. At this time, he used two kaleidoscope pupil techniques at the same time, and the shadow of the tomb opened the Susanoo. This will consume his chakra and pupil power like running water, and he can't stop it!

With such an intensity of fighting, I'm afraid his eyes won't be able to stand it for another half an hour.

But looking at Qi Rabi's lively appearance, I'm afraid it will be no problem to fight for two days and two nights!

This is the case with the third generation of Raikage, and so is Kirabi. Are all Yun Ninjas perverted?

The fire is broken!

‘Damn it, if a tailed beast provides me with chakra, I will directly drive Susanoo to the ultimate body and work with you for days and nights! '

Then he wandered his eyes, reckoning that Qiu Daodangdong and the others had already run away, and he was about to run away too.

It won't do him any good if he keeps fighting!

The most important thing is that he always has an ominous premonition in his heart, this is not a place to stay for a long time!

Qirabi's offensive was too fierce, like a storm, and he didn't give Fenghuo a chance to breathe, and if he was a little careless, he would die.

Teleport, teleport, teleport!

Fenghuo teleported frantically on the five corners of the five-pointed world, but Kirabi's speed was too fast. Whenever he teleported to a corner, the lightning flashed, and Kirabi followed him like a shadow, and then the eight tails slammed down crazily.

‘If you want to leave, you must restrain Kirabi. '

With a thought in Feng Huo's mind, the shadow of the tomb of the wheel instantly opened Susano to the fourth form.

The flesh and blood meridian Wutiangou armor instantly covered, and an invisible huge demon appeared instantly.


The copper hammer fell from a height of several hundred meters, carrying an invisible and violent wind pressure, and smashed **** the top of Kirabi's head.

"Bi, be careful!" the eight-tailed bull ghost yelled inside him.

"The attack power has been increased! Bageyalu, crying Geyalu!" The eight tails behind Kirabi curled up into a ball instantly, making it airtight.


Under the berserk force, Kirabi was smashed directly into the ground, like a nail being driven into the wall.

Feng Huo didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately channeled the second form of Chaolun Wu.


Chao Rondo II yelled up to the sky. Recently, the frequency of appearances is a bit high, and it is a bit unhappy.

"Bastard, Bi, wrap him up quickly, he's about to run away!" Ai's whole body exploded with lightning, and he was so anxious that he almost leaked electricity.

But then his heart moved~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He couldn't get close to Uchiha Fenghuo, but couldn't this ninja eagle also get close?

His eyes lit up, and in the next moment it turned into lightning, rushing towards the second super round dance form at a terrifying speed.

Under the rules of Wumangjie, Fenghuo retreated at almost the same speed.

"Not good!" Fenghuo was in a hurry, and hurriedly canceled the spiritism.


The smoke and lightning appeared almost instantly, and then the lightning pierced through the smoke and disappeared in an instant.

Feng Huo was involuntarily pulled by Ai, and when he looked back, there was no trace of blood in the smoke, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

But in this way, wouldn't his retreat be gone?

Fenghuo's heart sank!

Thanks to book friends Binglianzhixin and Xiaoyao Fighting God£ for their support! Please pay attention to the latest chapters

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