Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 314: Prestige - Susano?

Tailed Beast is the materialized life form of Chakra. It is itself a majestic and endless Chakra. Even if Fenghuo only has three tails of yang attribute in Fenghuo, its Chakra volume is still more powerful than the hundred cloud ninjas in front of it. boundless.

"Fire escape - head hard!"

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

"Wind escape - oppression!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

Susanoo's powerful defense allowed Fenghuo to attack without defending unscrupulously, and all kinds of powerful ninjutsu poured out of his hands without money.

In the ocean of thunder and light, the hurricane roared, the fire snake churned, and the power of one person to seal the fire shook a hundred cloud ninjas!

The ground around Susanoo was cracked inch by inch in the hurricane of thunder and flames, revealing ugly cracks that spread densely outward.

Half the salary passed, Fenghuo was still full of power and vitality, his hands turned into afterimages, and the sealing speed was so fast that he couldn't see clearly. Sweat dripped from his forehead, he was shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Damn it, what's up with this guy's Chakra?"

"Are you kidding me, when did the Uchiha clan have so many chakras?"

"Is he a tailed beast? Damn it!"

Although Yun Nin's seal speed is not as fast as that of Fenghuo, those who can appear here are all elites. Calculated according to one ninjutsu in five seconds, that is twelve in a minute. In about seven or eight minutes, each cloud ninjutsu has used at least nearly a hundred thunder escape ninjutsu on average, and the total is nearly a thousand thunder escape ninjutsu!

What's more, if the Thunder Dunninjutsu is cast together, it will also form a terrifying chain lightning, which greatly enhances the power of Thunder Dun.

Fenghuo not only has to maintain Susano to resist such a terrifying offensive, but also crazily uses ninjutsu to counterattack. It stands to reason that his chakra should have been exhausted long ago.

At this time, Fenghuo was really painful and happy. The Chakra provided by Sanwei made him not need to care about the consumption of Chakra at all. Any ninjutsu can be performed as long as the seal is formed. In the past few years, this is the first time he has been so unscrupulous. He also poured out ninjutsu in crazy seals as he wanted, but after a long time, he felt that his hands were a little sore, a little numb, a little astringent, and finally his little finger twitched, feeling like it was about to cramp.

As time passed, the cloud ninja on the opposite side became more and more tragic. The chakra of the zhongnin was almost exhausted, so they had no choice but to stop panting.

But no matter how hard Yunin worked, the chakra in their bodies was slowly exhausted bit by bit. Correspondingly, the sea of ​​thunder light surrounding Susano finally dimmed. In an instant, the sea of ​​flames overturned, the hurricane roared, and Susano Huo Huo seized the opportunity to rush out of Leihai, swung two big copper hammers and smashed it down brazenly.

"Damn, flash past!"

"Retreat, you can't stay here anymore!"

The cloud ninjas gritted their teeth and bared their teeth, but had no choice but to scatter and retreat.

But at this time, they had already exhausted their chakra, which seriously affected their speed of action. Except for some cramps in both hands, Fenghuo seemed to be okay, especially the chakra, which could not be used up at all. , Can't help but be happy to seal the fire.

"Little bastards, if I don't beat you to the sky today, my surname will not be Yu!"

The copper hammer was raised and lowered, lowered and raised again, and in just a few breaths, six cloud ninjas had already been crushed into meatloaf, and the smell of blood filled the air.

While rubbing the little fingers of both hands, Feng Huo commanded Susano with his mind, and the two copper hammers turned into **** sickles, smashing one to death, and smashing two to death, crushing away.

It's just that Yun Nin was very cunning, and fled in all directions like a rabbit, breaking up into pieces and blending into the forest. After sealing the fire, he only killed 20 or 30 people, and Yun Nin was no longer seen around.

Do not open Sen!

Just as Feng Huo was about to put away Susano, suddenly there was a loud roar from the forest in front of him.

Then a huge monster waved its eight tails and charged towards Fenghuo.


Feng Huo frowned, did Brother AB also arrive?

"Uchiha seals the fire, die!!" Ai's voice came from the top of Yao's head, full of murderous intent and anger.

"Bageyalu, Crying Geyalu! I will definitely kill the Uchiha kid today!" Kirabi's voice was unbelievably powerful after turning into a beast with a tail.

Feng Huo's eyes flashed coldly, and he immediately released the three tails in his body.


In an instant, a huge tortoise with eight tails was born out of nowhere, with three thorny tails frantically beating the ground.

At the same time, Fenghuo controlled Susano to cover Sanwei.

"Prestige - Susano!"

As a result, Susano only covered half of it and couldn't cover it any more. It felt like climbing a mountain halfway, but was exhausted and unable to walk.

"It's because the microscopic control of pupil power is still lacking." Feng Huo secretly said it's a pity.


Inside Kirabi's body, the eight-tailed ox ghost looked solemnly at the opposite three-tailed ghost, but there was a flash of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Isota, Sanwei Isota?" Kirabi frowned, "How could the tail beast in Kirigakure Village be captured by Uchiha's people?"

"Sharingan can control tailed beasts." The eight-tailed ox ghost sighed, and said, "Pay attention to its eyes, Isata has been controlled."

Only then did Kirabi see the black and red pentagram in Sanwei's eyes, which was exactly the same as the Sharingan pattern in Fenghuo's eyes.

"Huh? Kirabi, stop him!"

The eight-tailed bull ghost was startled when he saw Susano on Sanwei's body, and said anxiously, "Don't let Susano surround Sanwei!"


With a roar, Kirabi stomped his feet vigorously, instantly soared into the sky, and rushed towards Sanwei.

At the same time, Ai's whole body was wrapped in lightning ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and turned into a flash of lightning in the air, appearing on top of Sanwei's head in an instant.

At this time, Fenghuo was standing on top of Sanwei's head, Susano barely covered Sanwei's head, but a small half of his body was still exposed.

"Thunder Dun-Thunder Plow Hot Knife!"

The terrifying speed brought terrifying power, Ai used his wrist as a knife, and slashed heavily at Fenghuo's neck.


The black and red pentagram in Sanwei's eyes flashed a coquettish light, and a tail fell violently like a meteorite.

This tail is not only covered with thorns, but also covered with purple susano, both defense and attack power have been greatly improved.


Ai's Thunder Plow hot knife collided with this huge tail, instantly blasting the air.


Feeling the terrifying power coming from his tail, Ai retreated steadily.

Fenghuo quickly formed a seal: "Wind escape - oppression!"

The extremely condensed 'wind block' fluttered down in front of Ai's body, and then exploded, turning into a sharp hurricane and blasting on his lightning shield, instantly blasting him a thousand meters away.

At the same time, Kirabi in the air rushed to Sanwei's head with a huge force.

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