Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 315: 3 tails VS8 tails

Yao's body is extremely huge, even a circle bigger than Sano Isata, and at this moment, he descended from the sky, like a mountain falling down, with majestic momentum, covering the sky and the sun.

Misao Isao roared up to the sky, advancing instead of retreating, the three tails that were equipped with Susanoo violently twitched towards the eight tails in the air.


Not to be outdone, Kirabi swung her eight tails around.


The two behemoths finally collided violently, and the huge impact directly crushed the ground under Sanwei's feet.

The two tailed beasts immediately rolled into a ball and fell into the ground.


The eight tails suddenly hissed and roared in pain, its body pressed against the thorny shell of the three tails, the sourness directly made the bull ghost's eyeballs bleed.

Isota was about to shake the three tails into 's', and slapped Hachio's buttocks, buttocks and buttocks hard.


The eight-tailed bull ghost and Kirabi screamed at the same time.

Isota seized the opportunity, and the three tails shook into an 's' and an 'm' for a while, making Hachio and Kirabi howl.

"Bageyalu, crying Geyalu!" Qi La ruthlessly spat out a tailed beast jade when he opened his mouth.

No matter what I don't care about it, Isota has no reason at all under the control of the kaleidoscope. Seeing the eight-tailed spray-tailed beast jade, it immediately sprayed over it.

The two tailed beast jades collided right in front of Bawei and Sanwei, only a dozen meters away from them.

There was a burst of brilliance shining there, as if a big sun was dazzling, and the extreme light shone so that the surrounding light dimmed, as if night had fallen.

Feng Huo stood on the top of Sanwei's head, with chills standing in his heart, watching the two tailed beast jades collide in front of his eyes, in the bright light, he saw the two tailed beast jades blending and colliding in the air like two drops of ink ,You have me I have you

After the ultimate radiance, the two tailed beast jade finally exploded.

Feng Huo's face turned blue.


At this time, Fenghuo desperately urged Tongli to arrange a thick layer of Wutengu armor around his body.

In the next moment, the aftermath of the explosion turned into terrifying air waves and ripples sweeping in all directions.

Where the air wave passed, the mountains and rocks collapsed, the earth cracked, and the white clouds in the sky were cut into strips!

And the eight tails and three tails at the center of the skyrocketing also suffered most of the impact of the air waves.

The two big tailed beasts were originally stuck in the ground, but under the impact of the air waves, they couldn't help but retreat, like a bulldozer, rumbling along the north and south sides. Two huge slopes.

Standing on the top of Sanwei's head, Fenghuo also endured a huge impact. The surging air waves hit Wutengu's armor one after another, and the armor cracked at a speed visible to the naked eye. Afterwards, Fenghuo extracted Sanwei's chakra to repair it, and then cracked, Repair, and so on, until the air wave stopped, Fenghuo felt like he was about to collapse.

"Lei Dun-Lei Yu Level Chiyo Mai!"

When the fire was slackened, there was a flash of thunder in the air, and Ai had appeared in front of him in an instant, his hands gathered into a knife, and he draped fiercely on Wu Tiangou's armor.


The armor cracked again.

Feng Huo extracted the three-tailed chakra to repair it, and formed a seal: "Fire escape-helix pill!"


The Helix Pill exploded in the air, and a huge wave of fire swept around violently, but unfortunately, Ai Du, who was under the lightning shield, was too fast, and his attack could not hit him at all.

In the next moment, Ai appeared on top of his head again in the form of thunder and lightning, and slashed down fiercely with a knife in one hand.

At the same time, Eight Tails rushed over screaming.

While dealing with Ai's offensive, Fenghuo manipulated Sanwei and Bawei's entanglement. With two distractions, the Wutengu armor on him and Sanwei was broken and mended, mended and broken. Unknowingly, the Wutengu armor on Sanwei The area covered has grown.

"Damn it, Bi, absolutely can't let Uchiha's Susanoo completely cover Isata!" Eight-tailed bull ghost yelled.


Kirabi roared, "Tail Beast Eight Scrolls!"

The eight tails of the eight tails surrounded the body, and then spun wildly. The huge spiral force caused terrifying destruction, and carved a huge deep ravine on the ground like a spinning top.

Then Kirabi rushed towards Three Tails in a frenzy.

"Lei Dun-Lei Dou Ninyu Xutuli Sword!"

There was a flash of thunder in the air, and Ai launched an offensive against Feng Huo again.

Behind him is the eight tails that spin faster and faster, faster and more violent, and more violent and crazier.

Even though he was wearing the Wutengu armor, Feng Huo felt a bit of coolness at this moment. If Hachio gets close, God knows what kind of sparks will be caused by it rubbing against it.

The black and red pentagram in his right eye spun quickly, summoning the shadow of the wheel tomb, and then the shadow directly turned on the fourth form of Susanoo, and swung two copper hammers to hit Hachio.


Ai's fist knife hit Wutiangou's armor that was sealing the fire, piercing three inches into the armor, almost piercing through Wutiangou's armor!

With a flash of lightning, Ai's figure disappeared in front of Fenghuo again.


At the same moment, the huge copper hammer of the shadow of the tomb also smashed on the body of the crazily spinning eight tails.


The copper hammer rubbed against the Eight-Tails, instantly igniting flames, and as the Eight-Tails rotated to cover its whole body, after half a breath, the Eight-Tails had turned into a huge spinning 'fireball', and continued to hit it unabated.

The shadow of the wheel tomb took a step back, and swung the copper hammer again to smash down hard.

Fenghuo also manipulated Sanwei to slam into it.


The two behemoths collided violently again, but this time, as soon as the three tails hit the eight tails, they were deflected by the opponent's high-speed rotation, and slid to the left involuntarily. The next moment, the eight tails of the eight tails were like lightning. The blades of the fan smashed frantically.

As if Sanwei was shocked by an electric shock, his huge body was instantly blasted into the ground. Bawei was unwilling to let go, and was about to rush up to rub Sanwei. Fortunately, the shadow of the tomb that sealed the fire had two copper hammers on top, and Bawei was stuck in the nick of time. one of its tails, interrupting its spin.

"Damn it, it's that invisible thing again!" Kirabi yelled angrily. He looked around and couldn't see the shadow of the wheel tomb.


At this moment, Sanwei stretched out his limbs, and rushed out from the ground brutally, screaming and biting at Bawei.

The eight-tailed bull ghost said solemnly: "Bi, use that move!"

Kirabi's face was serious: "Understood!"

"Hoo hoo!"

Eight tails with one mouth, UU reading www. uukanshu.comA large amount of chakra gathers and changes in its mouth: "Continuous tailed beast jade!"

Feng Huo frowned, and hurriedly manipulated Sanwei, a lazy donkey, to roll over.

In the next moment, a large number of small-tailed beast jades spewed out from Eight-Tailed's mouth, like a machine gun pouring bullets, and the firepower swept across the whole area in an instant.

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