Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 327: Practicing chakra perception

Chapter 327 Practicing Chakra Perception Technique (Page 1/1)

Chakra Perception Technique, Dark Walk Technique, Mutual Detonation Talisman!

Feng Huo memorized the training content of these three techniques by heart, so he reluctantly left the Huoying Building.

"Hey, Uncle Sakumo, Kakashi."

Walking downstairs of Hokage, Fenghuo saw Hatake Sakumo and Kakashi approaching with solemn faces.

"Shut up the fire." Hatake Sakumo nodded with a smile, "Yesterday's banquet was very good."

"Even if you praise me so much, I won't be happy, hahaha." Feng Huo looked at the sky from a 45-degree angle, and then he noticed that Kakashi's face was a bit serious.

After returning from Kanna Kun Bridge, Kakashi covered his left eye with a ninja forehead, but this method of covering his eyes with one leaf is obviously superfluous.

'It should be pressure from the Uchiha clan. ’ Feng Huo had a guess in his mind.

"Then, we still have something to do, let's talk next time." Sakumo Hatake walked past Fenghuo politely and without losing embarrassment.

Kakashi looked at the three-god jade in Fenghuo's eyes, and suddenly asked: "Fenghuo, won't your eyes consume chakra all the time?"

Feng Huo was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, shook his head and said, "Of course not."

He knew that the sharing eye transplanted by Kakashi could not be closed and would consume his chakra all the time. In some respects, this sharing eye achieved Kakashi's title of copy ninja, but it also restricted his growth .

Fenghuo misses Obitu a little bit.

I hope Uchiha Madara saves Obito, otherwise... Obito is really dead.

Feng Huo squinted his eyes and didn't think about this possibility. He would rather believe that Uchiha Madara had given up on him and chose Obito. At least in this way, he still had a chance to rescue Obito!

After leaving the Huo Ying Building, Feng Huo went back to his mansion to practice in seclusion.

For the three techniques, Fenghuo intends to practice the Chakra Perception Technique first to make up for his shortcomings, then practice the Mutual Multiply Detonation Talisman, and finally learn the technique of Dark Walk.

Chakra perception technique, no need for seals, accurate insight, just touch the ground with two fingers, you can perceive the Chakra strength of all living things within a thousand miles, or even thousands of miles away!

With such a powerful perception technique, it is extremely difficult to master nature.

Ordinary perception ninjutsu requires seals to perform, so when learning, you can use seals to familiarize yourself with the flow of chakra in your body, so as to better master perception ninjutsu.

However, the chakra perception technique left by the second generation of Hokage does not require seals, which means that the practice of this technique cannot be done in an ordinary way.

According to the records that Feng Huo read from the sealed book, in order to master this technique, one must not only have a huge chakra, but also be able to manipulate chakra proficiently at the micro level, as well as have a strong perception talent.

Feng Huo asked himself, and was pleasantly surprised to find that he had all three, so he couldn't wait to practice.

'Pour chakra into the ground through your fingers, and spread it to a thousand miles in an instant! '

Feng Huo closed his eyes tightly, squatted on the ground, and touched the ground with two fingers. The Chakra in his body poured into the ground continuously, and when it spread to a radius of about 100 meters, Feng Huo found that the Chakra in his body seemed to be not enough. used.

He immediately projected his spirit into his body.

Feng Huo shouted at the water pool: "Hey, Isato, give me some chakra!"

There was no movement in the pool.

Feng Huo sneered: "Shame on your face, do you still want to try Huo Dun-Millennium Killing?"


In an instant, a majestic chakra suddenly surged from the bottom of the pool, the fire was overjoyed, and he hurriedly guided this chakra into the body, and then poured into the ground.

Fenghuo carefully sensed Chakra.

One thousand meters, ten thousand meters, twenty thousand meters... a hundred miles!

At this time, Feng Huo suddenly found that the chakra attached to the ground began to fluctuate violently, as if a piece of white paper was about to be blown apart by the strong wind at any time.

Fenghuo hurriedly recovered all the chakras.

‘This should be the limit of my chakra micro control, but through continuous practice, I should be able to continue to improve! '

Then Fenghuo discovered that this process is a bit like making cakes.

Knead a ball of flour with a mallet to form a dough cake. The thinner the cake, the larger the area, and the larger the area, the easier the cake will be broken.

Thinking about it this way, Fenghuo was suddenly enlightened, and there was a feeling of enlightenment, as if he had touched a shocking secret: the second generation might be a pastry maker!

After thinking wildly, Fenghuo started the last step, which is the key step to test the talent of perception.

Spread the bread... Bah, after spreading the chakra along the ground, how do you perceive the people standing on the ground?

The second generation of Hokage relied on his excellent talent, but it was difficult for the descendants of Fenghuo.

He spread the chakra for a hundred meters, and after half an hour, he blushed and didn't perceive a single ghost.

"Did I not learn to perceive talent?"

Feng Huo's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, and couldn't accept it.

It's like going to a small hair salon for a hairdressing, paying all the money, only to find out that I don't have a little dick!

Is there anything more cruel than this?

Sealing the fire is all bad.

‘I don’t know if I can ask Hiruzaru Sarutobi to refund the money. '

Feng Huo broke out in a cold sweat, 'No, I think I can save it again! '

He closed his eyes, continued to spread the chakra to a hundred meters, tried his best to perceive, but finally failed.

Feng Huo lost his mind and fell to the ground.

Misao Iso shouted triumphantly in his body: "It's what you deserve, haha, the Uchiha clan are all idiots, bastards, and badass!"

Feng Huo's heart moved, could it be that there is something wrong with the chakra borrowed from Sanwei?

Fenghuo immediately projected his spirit onto the seal, turned on the power directly, and activated the seal chain to grab Jiji out.

Nothing to say, go to prison first!

"Fire escape - millennium kill!"


One person counts the short, and two count the long. After a friendly exchange with Sanwei Isoto, Fenghuo finally found the problem.

"Sigh, the world of local tyrants is beyond what poor people like us can imagine."

Feng Huo looked around, the mansion was huge, with a radius of several hundred meters, he only spread the chakra for a hundred meters, and he could sense a ghost!

Feng Huo calmed down, **** touched the ground, the chakra slowly spread to a thousand meters, and then carefully sensed.

Sure enough, at this moment he heard some footsteps, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was very light, slow and vague, as if he was talking in his sleep, and it seemed to be nothing.

He spread the chakra to 10,000 meters again, and the sound in his ears became more chaotic this time, as if thousands of threads were jammed together, and he couldn't tell what was what.

Fenghuo was startled.

No, wrong.

If you rely on listening, the movement of living creatures within a thousand miles can definitely kill you.

"It's by perception, the perception of chakra in the human body, not by listening!"

Fenghuo abandoned his sense of hearing. In an instant, the whole world was quiet, and the space seemed to be frozen there. The spirit of Fenghuo flew freely along the chakra within a kilometer. He felt a layer of membrane on his body. , you can see red.

Then he squeezed hard, and under the shock of his mind, he 'saw' more than a dozen groups of weak flames of different sizes passing by his mansion.


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