Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 328: pay homage

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After two days of retreat, Fenghuo finally became familiar with the chakra perception technique, and even used the soles of his feet to spread the chakra out, sensing the strength of biological chakra within a range of two kilometers.

As for the two thousand meters away, Feng Huo said that he is still young and not in a hurry, he can always break through after practicing slowly.

Afterwards, he focused on the mutual multiplication detonating talisman.

The principle of mutual multiplication detonating talisman is spiritism. It is difficult to say, but it is just a layer of window paper. It only took half a day for Fenghuo to figure out the principle, but it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. There are more than 20 detonating symbols, and it takes about two seconds to finish playing the mutual detonating symbols.

So the most urgent task is to get some detonating talismans, one hundred and eight hundred thousand is not too little, and more than ten billion is not too many.

Fenghuo did not intend to touch the detonating talisman in the village, so as not to be discovered by Sarutobi Hiruzen and cause unnecessary misunderstandings. Besides, the war has just ended, and there are not many detonating talismans in the village.

As Feng Huo, who had served as the deputy captain of the logistics supply, he naturally knew where to go to get a huge amount of detonating symbols without being discovered by others.

black market!

On this day, Feng Huo came out of the mansion, went to a nearby newsstand immediately to buy a newspaper, and saw a huge monument on the front page of the newspaper.

This is the Monument to Heroes and Martyrs!

Fenghuo took a look, and it turned out that tomorrow Sarutobi Hiruzen and other village leaders will personally go to the hero cemetery to pay homage to all the comrades who died, firstly to inform the news of the victory, and secondly to bury the heroes who have not yet had time to be buried in the cemetery.

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes slightly, as if seeing a stormy sea rolling in.

That night, Hiruzaru Sarutobi sent an Anbu over to inform Feng Huo to go to the Martyrs Cemetery tomorrow morning to participate in the memorial service.

Seal the fire and nod in response.

After practicing until midnight, he molested Sanwei again before going to sleep, and then he fell asleep after sealing the fire.

In the early morning of the next day, Fenghuo got up early to make breakfast. Although he lived in a mansion, Fenghuo didn't hire a maid, so he forced himself to wash clothes, cook and wash dishes.

Looking at the poached eggs, a bowl of rice porridge, and a bowl of green vegetables on the dining table, he felt aggrieved by turning off the fire, and then went to grill a piece of pork chops, and then fried a steak. He was finally satisfied and filled the five internal organs temple, and then he left the mansion , Go to the Martyrs Cemetery!

The weather is not good today, it is rainy, and the cool rain falls on the face, adding a bit of sadness.

Fenghuo discovered that besides the ninjas, there were many civilians going to the martyrs cemetery in twos and threes, such as hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, and the closer they were to the cemetery, the more people there were.

Countless people showed mournful expressions, and a sad atmosphere was slowly brewing.

Behind every ninja sacrificed in this war is a family!

Families have lost their husbands, families have lost their sons, families have lost their fathers…

As the number of people gathered more and more, the atmosphere of sadness was finally detonated. The first cry came out suddenly, and then more and more people began to cry.

There are old people crying and calling their children's names in vicissitudes of life, there are weak wives crying for the return of their husbands, and there are children crying papa with a runny nose...

Feng Huo's eyes were red, and he walked through the crowd with his head down. In a short short-circuit, he witnessed the destruction of countless families.

He thought of Maite Dai, the ten thousand year old forbearance who taught him everything, died in front of him, before he even had time to leave a last word.

This is a regret that can never be made up for.

Tears glistened in Fenghuo's eyes.

Then he looked up.

Because he has a clear conscience, he has lived up to the teachings of Matt Dai, he has tried his best on the battlefield, even if his eyes will lose their light, he has not flinched, he is active in the rock ninja battlefield, the cloud ninja battlefield, and the sand ninja battlefield. Huangtu, Zhan Dayemu, Zhan Laozi, and Zhan ab brothers were the biggest contributors to the Battle of Jigeng Mountain, so he could walk through the crowd with his head held high.

Then some civilians recognized Fenghuo.

"It's Lord Fenghuo."

"It's really him, I've seen his face in the paper."

"Master Feng Huo, woo woo..."

"Amazing, you are already a hero at such a young age!"

The crowd spontaneously moved out of the way, and countless people paid attention to this young hero!

Entering the cemetery, the crowd here is much smaller, mainly ninjas, one group on the left and one group on the right. As soon as Feng Huo came in, he heard the voice of Qiudao Dingzuo: "Feng Huo, this way!"

He followed the sound and saw that Ishikacho was there, and so was Namikaze Minato Kushina.

Fenghuo went over to join them immediately.

Then Fenghuo found that the expressions on their faces were a little dignified.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat as soon as he said it, "It can't be because of..."

Namikaze Minato nodded and looked at him with strange eyes: "Ah, it's the Uchiha clan."

Sure enough, it's about to start.

Kakashi inherited a Sharingan from Obito, this matter can be big or small, it all depends on the attitude of the Uchiha clan.

But now it seems that today, they are going to attack.

"Where's Kakashi?" Feng Huo asked.

"Together with Sakumo-sama." Akimichi Dingza murmured, "Fenghuo, you Uchiha clan are really too stingy, isn't it just one eye, you don't give up."

Nara Shikajiu glared at him: "Ding Zuo, shut up!"

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo scratched his head in embarrassment, and said to Feng Huo, "Feng Huo, I'm sorry, I didn't target you."

"Don't worry, I won't be angry." Feng Huo said.

"Actually, the most difficult thing is to seal the fire." Nara Shikahisa sighed, "One side is family, and the other side is friends, he is caught in the middle of a dilemma."

Feng Huo shrugged and said indifferently: "Obito and Kakashi are both my friends, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about. As for the family...hehe."

Those nasty things after Feng Huo moved out of the Uchiha clan have already cut off all the fetters between the two.

It's just that in the eyes of the commoners in the village, Fenghuo can't get rid of the influence of the Uchiha clan.

"That's right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's clearly a matter between Obito and Kakashi, why did Fugaku Uchiha interfere." Akimichi Dingza was still full of complaints.

They chatted for a few more words, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi of the Third Hokage finally appeared, and the short, old figure was especially vicissitudes today.

He didn't say a word, but all the ninjas present consciously walked over and lined up honestly, and then under the auspices of Sarutobi Hiruzen, buried the unburied heroes such as Obito in the cemetery, and then Start honoring all the heroes who died in this war!

Feng Huo looked at the 'clothes mound' representing Obito, his eyes flashed: Obito, I will definitely rescue you.

The surrounding civilians stood on the periphery, the sound of crying gradually fell, and their eyes were red and swollen, listening to Hiruzaru Sarutobi's touching speech.

"Where the leaves dance, the fire is always alive. The fire you bloom will continue to illuminate the village and let the new leaves sprout..."

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