Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 350: By accident

At the ninja school playground, Iruka, Sato, and Akimichi Dingpeng have arrived early.

"Hey, Big Brother Fenghuo is super strong. It's great to be our guide Jonin." The bear boy Qiudao Dingpeng praised Fenghuo while eating potato chips. See you, but the worship of Fenghuo remains the same.

Sato seemed quite silent, and he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. As for Iruka, his eyes were sparkling and extremely agile, but he didn't seem to be a law-abiding master when looking left and right.

Feng Huo hid in the dark and observed silently.

It was eight o'clock, but Feng Huo didn't show up. He wanted to test the patience of the three of them, and then he saw it.

Xiongzi Qiudao Dingpeng was very anxious after eating potato chips, and suggested that everyone go to eat something and come back and wait.

Sato nodded, and finally said: "Actually, I was a little nervous when I came here, so I forgot to eat."

Qiudao Dingpeng looked incredible: "Nonsense, eating is the most important thing in life!"

"But the guide Jonin is Lord Fenghuo, the biggest hero in the Battle of Kikyo Mountain, and I heard that he has a very good relationship with Lord Four, and he is an upper-level figure in the village!"

Fenghuo Yile: Sao Nian, have a wink!

The two walked towards the school's convenience store while talking.

"But, isn't that bad?"

Iruka said no, but still followed behind the two obediently. Soon, the three hooked up and ate and drank in front of the convenience store.

The owner of the convenience store was very kind. He saw that the three bought so much and planned to give them a discount, but he **** off the bear boy.

"Boss, we are not poor students in the ninja school. We are ninjas. Do ninjas understand? We can earn money by doing tasks by ourselves without discounts. Besides, this meal is a treat from Brother Fenghuo!"

Qiu Dao Ding Peng justly refused the discount.

Feng Huo's head got dizzy when he heard this: Hey, when did I promise to treat you to eat?

Iluka seems to have heard his voice: "But, Teacher Fenghuo didn't say he would invite us."

Hearing this, Qiudao Dingpeng raised his chin proudly: "I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Qiudao Dingpeng, but Brother Fenghuo's loyal younger brother. This time he became his old man's disciple, and the relationship is even closer. Treating guests is just a trivial matter." ,Ha ha ha ha."

Seal the fire with a black thread.

This brat really hasn't been on the house for three days, um, he will report to his father later!

"Boss, another drink!"

"I want it too!" Sato also ate his mouth dry, and he still didn't forget to introduce himself, "My name is Sato, and I'm from a commoner!"

"My name is Iruka, and my father and mother are also ninjas!" Iruka said.

The three chatted while eating and drinking, and soon, there was a pile of food bags and drink bottles under their feet, and their mouths hadn't stopped. Sun is simply not a son of man!

If he doesn't go out again, he may have to eat until dark!

Helpless, Feng Huo could only walk out with a dark face, inexplicably feeling a little ashamed and a little frustrated.

"Ah, Brother Fenghuo, you're finally here. I'm so hungry!" Qiu Dao Ding Peng's eyes glowed and he charged at a speed of eighty per hour. No, he rolled over. up.

"Teacher Fenghuo!"

"Teacher Fenghuo!"

Iruka and Sato rushed forward to say hello.

Sato and Akimichi Dingpeng, the bear child, were both over nine years old, while Iruka was twelve years old, a head taller than the two.

Standing in front of the three of them, Feng Huo didn't look like he was guiding Jonin, the difference in age was too small.

"Well, you guys..." Feng Huo pointed at the convenience store, "Go and settle the bill."

Sealing the fire means that he will not take the blame.

"Brother Fenghuo, I..." the bear boy was interrupted by Fenghuo just as he opened his mouth.

"Call me teacher." Feng Huo followed the guidance.

"Teacher Feng Huo, I..."

"Okay, after paying the bill, go to Hokage Rock. The time limit is one hour. If you can't finish it, you can run ten laps around the village! Well, that's it, come on!"

After sealing the fire, he ran away.

Sato and Iruka looked at Akido Dingbo.

The latter blushed and said aggrievedly, "I didn't bring any money."

Sato blushed too: "I don't have enough pocket money."

He was born as a commoner, and his family relies on part-time jobs for a living. In order for him to complete his studies at the ninja school, he spent a lot of savings on buying kunai and shurikens. Moreover, ninja training will cause injuries, which is another expense, so The family conditions are not good.

Iruka sighed and said, "Take this meal as my invitation."

"Thank you, Brother Iruka!" The bear boy's eyes lit up, as if he saw a long-term meal ticket.

After paying the bill, Iruka looked calm on the outside, but his heart was still a little turbulent: If I had known earlier, I would not have bought so many things, no, I should have refused the boss's discount, my pocket money...

"Let's go to Hokage Rock, otherwise Teacher Fenghuo might really punish us." Sato said cautiously.

"Absolutely impossible!" the bear boy Qiudao Ding Peng said, patting the fat on his chest, "I have a super close relationship with Brother Fenghuo, and... Hey, Brother Iruka, Sato, where are you going, let me tell you." It's not over yet~"

Iruka and Sato ran tacitly while ignoring Akimichi Dingbo's words.

How can the two dare to believe Qiudao Dingpeng's mouth after eating a pit and gaining wisdom.

Especially Iruka, who still loves his pocket money.

The three chased after each other, and finally, Iruka and Sato ran to Hokage Rock within an hour, and were so tired that they lay down on the ground panting.

Fenghuo stood on the head of Hokage Iwa, the fourth Namikaze Minato, and shook his head slightly as he watched them.

It can be seen that the talents of both of them are very average, and they are extremely ninja when they are top-notch.

As for Qiudao Dingpeng, this fat man's talent is not bad, the reason why he can't run within an hour is completely hindered by his fat body.

But everyone in the Qiudao family is a 'ball', so he can't say anything.

"Brother Fenghuo, I..."

"Call me teacher." Feng Huo was expressionless.

"Teacher Feng Huo, I..."

"Okay, Ding Peng didn't arrive within an hour, so he voluntarily accepted the punishment. Go ahead and run ten laps around the village before dark."

Qiudao Dingpeng is Spartan.

"Brother Fenghuo, I..."

Qiudao Dingpeng instantly possessed Sister Lin, with a sad expression, blurred eyes with tears, hesitant to speak, so that Iruka and Sato couldn't bear to look directly.

Feng Huo couldn't bear to look straight at it, and went over to pat the little fat man on the shoulder: "Call me teacher."

"Teacher Feng Huo, I..."

Feng Huo suddenly yelled: "Damn daddy! Sao Nian!"

Qiudao Dingpeng burst into tears, turned around and ran outside trembling, the fat on his body shaking and shaking, and looked back at Fenghuo from time to time, hoping that he would change his mind.

Iruka couldn't bear to see it, and said bravely: "Teacher Fenghuo, I, can I help him run a few laps?"

Feng Huo stared at him closely~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although Sato had no idea, he tremblingly said: "Teacher Feng Huo, I, I also want to help."

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes slowly.

Originally, he just wanted to talk to Ding Peng for the whole autumn, but now he has become a different version... grabbing the bell?

The most important thing for a ninja trio is to work together and never abandon or give up.

The purpose of snatching the bell is to test this.

But now, Fenghuo doesn't need to be robbed by them anymore.

"Well, I can help, go." Feng Huo nodded.

"Thank you teacher!" Iruka and Sato were overjoyed.

Qiudao Dingpeng, who hadn't run far, wept with joy: "Brother Iruka, Sato, you are so kind, woo woo..."

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