Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 351: Exploitation of underage labor

Evening, barbecue restaurant.

Akimichi Dingpeng, Iruka, and Sato lay on the table so exhausted that they didn't even have the energy to breathe.

Fenghuo messily ordered a lot of pork, beef, mutton, and chicken legs, and then said to them: "Okay, I'll treat you to the barbecue tonight, and eat with your stomach free."

Iruka and Sato were really too tired to move, they just wanted to go home and sleep.

On the other hand, Qiudao Dingpeng, when he heard that it was a fire-sealing treat, he suddenly returned to the light, and the whole person was so excited that he leaned over and said a few words in the ears of Iruka and Sato. Under his encouragement, Iruka and Sato They also healed back their own blood, looking at the plates of meat that the waiter handed over to the table with red eyes, and jumped on them screaming.

Fenghuo watched them gobble it up while sipping drinks... Well, he had ordered wine, but the waiter at the barbecue restaurant refused him on the grounds that he was underage.

After sealing the fire and stuffing the red envelope, the waiter accepted it, but the drink was still served.

‘This is a crappy barbecue restaurant, I must give this restaurant a bad review in the newspaper! '


Wait, I seem to have come up with some incredible idea!

Feng Huo only felt that a golden door was slowly opening, and mountains of gold and silver seas loomed behind the door.

'Get rich, get rich. '

Fenghuo was excited.

As long as you make a 'comment list' on the Konoha newspaper, you can make a lot of money!

Like this barbecue restaurant, once it is on the list of bad reviews, it will definitely affect the customer flow. At that time, if the owner of the barbecue restaurant does not pay a large sum of money, don't let him cancel it!

"This world is indeed full of kindness towards me!" Feng Huo looked up to the sky with emotion.

"Brother Fenghuo, what are you talking about?" Qiudao Dingpeng chewed hard with his mouth full of meat.

"Call me teacher!" Feng Huo said angrily, "You don't respect teachers at all, tell your parents, do you know?"

"Do you know?" Qiu Dao Ding Peng said heartlessly, "My parents died in the battlefield."

Feng Huo was startled, speechless for a long time.

In the third ninja world war, too many people really died.

"I'm sorry, I..." Feng Huo had just opened his mouth, but was interrupted by a passionate voice.

"Yo, Feng Huo, finally let me find you!! Come on, let's finish the unfinished battle yesterday, let the youth no longer regret, let the blood burn completely, ahhh..."

"Ah, you're tall, didn't you see that you were eating!"

Fenghuo was in a bad mood, and he kicked Kai out of the barbecue shop first.

"Damn it, you dare to sneak attack Fenghuo, I will never easily bypass you!" Kai shouted and rushed over.

"Hey, this is a downtown area, it's really nice of you to do this."

Kakashi's voice was a little cold, the forehead covered the left eye, and the mask covered the part below the nose, so that only the right eye could be seen on the whole face, so cold that it burst.

Kai glared at him: "Kakashi, it's not because you don't accept my challenge that I went to Fenghuo!"

"Okay, if I didn't say it, you continue." Kakashi shrugged and spread his hands, and slipped into the barbecue shop leisurely.

"Damn it." Kai gritted his teeth.

"I owe a beating!" Fenghuo gnashed his teeth.

Akimichi Dingpeng, Sato and Iruka also rushed to the door.

"Teacher Fenghuo, is this your teammate?" Iruka asked curiously, envious of the natural and relaxed friendship between the three of Fenghuo.

"Ah, it's Kakashi-sama!" Sato recognized the genius Kakashi, "Kakashi-sama is a genius ninja no less than Fenghuo Teacher!"

He was born as a commoner, and his talent is average, so he pays special attention to genius, and there is always envy and longing in his eyes.

"Huh? Feng Huo, you are already a mentor?" Kai looked disbelieving.

Kakashi sighed: "Anyway, it's a mistake, well, let's eat first."

The anger of sealing the fire!

Didn't Kai say that Kakashi became indifferent after entering Anbu?

Where is this indifference?

It is simply a fighting chicken among hens!

"Today is Teacher Fenghuo's treat!" Qiudao Dingpeng said proudly.

As soon as Feng Huo's face darkened, he saw Kakashi and Kai sitting at his table without hesitation, and then started eating.

"What a crime!" Feng Huo silently took out his wallet.

Recently, because I have been buying detonators, the money in my wallet has not bulged up.

"Mr. Wallet, I have wronged you..."

After a night of poverty, Feng Huo acted as a black-hearted mentor on the next day, desperately squeezing underage labor.

"Although I can only accept E-level and D-level tasks, the income is still quite considerable."

Feng Huo silently put all the money into the wallet. After a few days, the wallet finally bulged a little, and Akidao Dingpeng, Iruka, and Sato lost a little weight.

Sure enough, the law of energy conservation is applicable even in the ninja world!

Feng Huo accepted ten more D-level missions with a smile.

Qiudao Dingpeng lay on the ground and couldn't get up: "Brother Fenghuo..."

"Call me teacher." Feng Huo was in a good mood.

"Teacher Fenghuo, we don't want to do D-level missions, it's too boring."

"Yeah, and all the money I make is..." Iruka felt distressed for three seconds.

"Hey, I'm doing this for your own good. Although E-level and D-level tasks are not challenging, they can cultivate your ability to unite and cooperate, and exercise your patience. You must know that in high-level tasks, sometimes you need to lurk A few days or even dozens of days in one place, if you don’t have enough patience, you will be driven crazy by yourself.”

After sealing the fire for a while, he finally got the three of them to continue working for him.

However, during this period, Feng Huo also passed on his experience in using kunai, shuriken and other ninja tools to them.

The reason why I don’t choose too advanced ones is because Iruka and Sato’s talents are average. As for Akimichi Dingpeng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this guy is from the Akimichi clan, and he has learned the secret arts of the Akimichi clan, so there is no need to learn the seal fire ones.

At the same time, Fenghuo also successfully opened a small section on Konoha Newspaper to comment on the major stores in Konoha Village. Because the sales of Konoha Newspaper have been booming, the response has been very strong. Complaints abound.

After Feng Huo made a few fortunes, he was called by Namikaze Minato who heard the wind to give him some serious ideological education, and then withdrew the page.

Not only that, even the money he got before was refunded, and all his efforts were in vain.

The days went by like this day by day, Fenghuo taught some basic ninja knowledge to Akidou Dingbo, Iruka, and Sato while squeezing labor. It feels great to show a wave of affection in front of a single dog.

Orochimaru, Danzo, and the like completely disappeared, and their flags and drums died down, as if they had left Konoha.

Everything seems to be going in a good direction.

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