Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 356: The talent of the fairy clan?

Facing the aggressive Fenghuo, Lao Zi suddenly regained his composure, with an indifferent face, and said: "Uchiha Fenghuo, you are right, it does matter where the wandering monk has gone, but my feet haven't reached Konoha yet. Hidden Village! So..."

Lao Zi clasped his hands together, and the violent Chakra surged out of his body, forming a wind pressure that instantly crushed the surrounding flowers, plants and trees.

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes slightly, and the three-tailed chakras in his body gushed out in an instant, barely offsetting Lao Zi's 'wind pressure'.

"Strange, how did Sanwei become so weak?"

In Lao Zi's sealed world, Monkey King with Four Tails said strangely.

In the eyes of ninjas, the huge chakra of tailed beasts is as deep as the sea, which cannot be seen at a glance, but in the eyes of tailed beasts, it can be measured by itself.

In the fight between Feng Huo and Lao Zi, Sun Wukong could see that the amount of chakra of Sanwei Isota was probably only about half of it!

This surprised Sun Wukong.

The tailed beast is the materialized life form of Chakra. If the Chakra is halved, it is equivalent to losing half a life. What a tragedy!

The Monkey King with Four Tails hurriedly shouted to Jiji from the air, asking what kind of tragic human tragedy happened to it.

Isato was silent, not ashamed to say that he had been cut in half.

After all, he is a tortoise who wants to save face, so he can't let this monkey see a joke, can he?


At this time, the brave abbot Kongshan stood up again and walked between the two. The three-tailed and four-tailed Chakras turned into two huge air pressure clusters in the air, crazily squeezing, entangled, and torn together. After one stop, he was immediately impacted by two large 'air pressure clusters', and his whole body seemed to be distorted.

Feng Huo and Lao Zi were startled, and hurriedly took back Chakra.


Abbot Kongshan blushed unnaturally, coughed twice and finally regained his composure.

"As expected of a Chakra at the level of a tailed beast, it's really terrifying."

Abbot Kongshan folded his palms together and said, "If you two fight here, thousands of people in the Temple of Fire may not be spared, so please stop!"

Lao Zi hurriedly apologized, and at the same time threw the pot on the head of Fenghuo.

"Benefactor, please give Huozhi Temple a face and stop entangled with Lao Zi's affairs." Abbot Kongshan said firmly, "I believe Lao Zi has become a monk and will no longer care about trivial matters between major countries."

Feng Huo showed hesitation: "This..."


Abbot Kongshan bowed once, bowed twice, bowed three times...

Feng Huo was taken aback, what is this for?

You don’t want fame as a monk, but I want it!

I've never seen such a bully!

Feng Huo hurriedly interrupted him, with a stern face, feeling bad, and hurriedly changed his face to make excuses: "Of course the abbot of Huozhi Temple has to give face, but Lao Zi is an S-rank rebel in Yanyin Village. He is a super dangerous person, although Abbot Kongshan is willing to protect him, but we have to make some preparations, right?"

Fenghuo stretched out **** to rub and rub.

Abbot Kongshan listened very carefully and kept nodding.

"Right?" Feng Huo continued rubbing.

Abbot Kongshan looked confused: "Benefactor, please continue."


I follow you uncle!

Both of Feng Huo's fingers had calluses.

Lao Zi sneered and said, "Hehe, Abbot Kongshan, this Uchiha clan elite is asking you for bribes!"

Feng Huo was furious: "Bah, smelly and shameless, what about ninjas can be called extortion?! The book has been read into the stomach of a dog!"

Lao Zi raised his head and despised Fenghuo at a forty-five degree angle. Although he didn't say a word, it was worth a thousand words.

Abbot Kongshan was also a little confused at this time.

I have been a monk for so many years, this is the first time I have asked a monk for a bribe, and he is still the abbot, and the other party is Uchiha Fuhuo who is famous in the ninja world!

This this…

Abbot Kongshan, who had read everything in the world, didn't know what to do at this time.

Could it be that the sesame oil money from the temple of fire made him angry?

No, no, that's the people's incense money, and it must not be used as a dirty bribery transaction.

But other than that, there is no extra money in the Temple of Fire.

Feng Huo seemed to see the difficulty of Abbot Kongshan, and he approached with a smile: "Abbot, I heard that your ninjutsu is very unique, I want to know more about it."

"Uchiha Fenghuo, you despicable guy!" Lao Zi was furious, "Abbot Kongshan, this is a bully too much, no wonder I messed up!"

I saw magma-colored chakra gushing out from his body, turning into a tail coat.

The abbot of Kongshan took a look and persuaded: "Old Zi, stop, since you have become a wandering monk, you can't do anything for no reason."

He looked at Feng Huo again, "Since the benefactor has taken a fancy to my ninjutsu, I am of course willing to teach it to you. As for whether you can understand it, it depends on the benefactor's understanding."

Feng Huo was overjoyed, and pulled him away: "Let's go, time is tight and the task is heavy, let's find a quiet place to learn about it."

Abbot Kongshan looked back at Lao Zi who was smoking with anger, and smiled wryly.

He figured it out, Feng Huo didn't intend to get serious with Lao Zi at all, so he might really have taken a fancy to his ninjutsu.

When he came to a quiet big tree, the abbot of Kongshan didn't hesitate, and directly taught Fenghuo the order of making seals in the future.

This move uses chakra to form Avalokitesvara of Thousand Hands and transforms into King Ming's wrath, providing the operator with absolute defense and super-speed attack!

However, although it is an absolute defense, it is only relatively speaking, just like the thunder and lightning shield of the third generation of Raikage, which is known as the hardest shield in the world, but it was also accidentally injured by his own single hand.

Feng Huo watched it with Sharingan, naturally he quickly mastered the Indian style, and started practicing immediately.

"Huh? Why is there nothing."

Fenghuo got the same seal as Abbot Kongshan, but nothing happened.

"The benefactor may not have the talent of the immortal clan." Abbot Kongshan sighed.

"The talent of the fairy clan?"

What the hell?

The blood of the Thousand Hands Clan?

No, probably not.


It is also impossible.

Seeing Fenghuo's puzzled expression, Abbot Kongshan performed it himself. In an instant, a huge Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara emanated from behind him, emitting bright golden light, giving people the illusion of an invincible golden body.

Golden light?



Is it Buddha nature?

The more you think about Fenghuo, the more you think about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the original book, Di Lu later became the abbot of the Temple of Fire, and he must have reached the full level of Buddha-nature skills.

And Asma, although he is not a monk, but he is kind-hearted, and he is a good friend with Di Lu. If he spends together every day, he may get the true biography. If you succeed, it is very likely that you have also realized the Buddha nature.

"Benefactor, you must have the talents of the immortal clan to perform this move. Donor don't have to worry about it. It's fate..." Abbot Kongshan was very worried that Feng Huo would not learn Thousand Hands Kill and he would blame Old Monk Zi, It was a flicker to speak.

Feng Huo waved his hand and said: "Although Lao Zi hasn't done anything out of the ordinary yet, just in case, you'd better send him out of the Fire Country as soon as possible. By the way, do you have Buddhist scriptures or something? Lend me Two copies, um, that's it, I'll get it myself, bye."

Feng Huo turned and left, leaving Abbot Kongshan with a confused expression on his face.

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