Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 357: Sow discord?

Back in Konoha Village, Fenghuo reported the matter of the Temple of Fire to the leader Namikaze Minato.

"Swoosh, Lao Zi has become a wandering monk." Namikaze Minato pondered, "Even so, we can't relax our vigilance, after all, he is Jinchuriki!"

Feng Huo nodded and said: "Just send two Anbu to follow him."

If it wasn't for the original book as a base, Feng Huo wouldn't dare to let Lao Zi wander in the Land of Fire.

"so be it."

After the matter of Lao Zi came to an end, he closed the fire and immediately retreated to recite scriptures.

The names of the few Buddhist scriptures from the Temple of Fire are quite strange, and they are completely different from the Buddhist scriptures such as the Diamond Sutra and the Prajna Sutra in the previous life, and the reading is extremely jerky, and the content of the Buddhist scriptures is also vague. Huo had the feeling of looking at flowers in the fog but not flowers. After reading the scriptures for two days, Fenghuo found that even the fog outside had the meaning of fog not fog.

"Have I gone mad?"

Feng Huo reckoned that if he worked alone behind closed doors, it might not be effective if he read the year of the monkey and the month of the horse. With the intention of using a dead horse as a living horse doctor, he took the Buddhist scriptures to find Asma.

Although Hiruzaru Sarutobi resigned from the position of Hokage, he did not retire. Instead, he became a consultant and usually dealt with some documents, so when Fenghuo came to their house, it was Hiruzaru Sarutobi's wife, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, who opened the door. Lake Biwa.

"Oh, it's Fenghuo, you're here to find Asma, come in quickly."

Sarutobi Biwako is middle-aged, and he is even more kind and relatives, "Asma just had a quarrel with his father, if you can, please Fenghuo to persuade him."


Feng Huo was stunned, isn't Asma a buddhist year? Can you still quarrel with his father?

"Asuma thinks that since Hirizan has resigned from the position of Hokage, he should rest at home, so as not to be said to be greedy for power. Alas, this child doesn't understand Hirizan's mind at all." Sarutobi Biwako sighed.

When Feng Huo saw Asma, this guy was training Kunai in the backyard with a violent hairstyle, and he had the déjà vu of a bad boy killing Matt.

"Fenghuo, why are you here?" Asma liked Xihihong when she was a child, but King Xiang wanted it, and the goddess was ruthless, so Asma let it go after a long time.

"I'll show you something nice!"

Feng Huo secretly took out a Buddhist scripture.

Asma pretended to be disdainful: "I don't know how to read that kind of book!"

But his eyes were still very tense, he walked around, and then grabbed the Buddhist scriptures, and he was stunned.

"What kind of broken book is this!" Asma said that she had taken off her pants, so you just showed him this?

"Buddhist scriptures, do you like them?" Feng Huo winked, "Come on, give me some popular science."

"I don't read this kind of book, really, who can understand it." Asma threw the Buddhist scriptures to Fenghuo, turned her head and continued to practice Kunai.

It seems to be a dead horse.

Feng Huo put away the Buddhist scriptures, remembered Sarutobi Lake Biwa's request, and asked, "I heard that you had a fight with Sandai? What happened?"

"It's none of your business, really, why does my mother talk about everything?" Asma threw Kunai on the wooden target five meters away, and then said by herself, "Stop the fire, You judge! Since my father has resigned from the position of Hokage, why is he still a consultant? Wouldn’t it be better to retire.”

"It's nothing bad." Feng Huo was a little surprised.

"But others say that he is greedy for power and refuses to let go, and some people say that he is manipulating four generations behind the scenes. Damn it!" Asma said angrily.

Feng Huo's heart moved, why did these words seem to come from Danzo's mouth.

So he asked, "Who did you listen to?"

Asma snorted, "I don't know, I just heard it when I was shopping."

Feng Huo rubbed his chin, speculating about Danzo with the greatest malice.

Is Danzo trying to provoke the feelings of Asma and his son, or is he trying to use this method to force Hiruzaru Sarutobi to give up his position as a consultant?

What is certain is that once Hiruzaru Sarutobi really retires and steps down from the village's top management, then he wants to go back...

and many more.

"Could it be..."

Fear suddenly flashed across Feng Huo's eyes.

"Could it be what?" Asma looked at Fenghuo strangely.

"No, nothing."

Feng Huo forced a smile and said, "Well, Asma, I still have something to do, so I'll leave first, and we'll talk next time."

Leaving Asma's house, Fenghuo fell into deep thought.

If Danzo really sent someone to say this in Asma's ear on purpose to force Hiruzaru Sarutobi to retire, then it is possible that Danzo really colluded with Uchiha Madara and planned to do it on the day of Kushina's delivery?

Once Namakaze Minato died, someone must stand up. At that time, Sarutobi Hiruzen had retired. If he wanted to come out again, he had to spend time contacting Ikacho and other families, as well as Tanjin Xiaoharu, Mitomon Yan and others, and Obtaining their support, even if it takes a very short time, is probably enough for the prepared Danzo to operate himself as the fifth generation of Hokage.

Feng Huo hurriedly went to Hokage to find Namikaze Minato and asked about Danzo's whereabouts.

"Advisor Danzo left the village some time ago and hasn't come back yet." Namikaze Minato looked at him strangely, "Your relationship with Advisor Danzo has always been poor. Is there something wrong with looking for him so urgently this time?"

Feng Huo asked again: "Where is Dashewan?"

"Kigakure Village has announced its surrender, so Orochimaru went to Kirigakure Village as a special envoy to negotiate post-war compensation." Namikaze Minato said.

When the fire was sealed off, one head and two big.

"Brother Minato, why did you let Orochimaru go to Wuyin Village?" Feng Huo was puzzled.

"It was recommended by him." Namikaze Minato said strangely, "What's wrong?"

Feng Huo gritted his teeth and said, "I suspect that Danzo and Orochimaru secretly colluded with foreign enemies, and wanted to attack the village when sister Kushina was giving birth, and try to capture Kyuubi!"

Namikaze Minato's complexion changed: "Seal the fire, do you have evidence?"

"...No." Feng Huo said weakly.

With Danzo's sophistication, how could he leave a loophole for him?

Namikaze Minato frowned: "If that's the case, I can't take any action."

Feng Huo also knew about Namikaze Minato's difficulties, and asked, "Can the roots be revoked?"

Namikaze Minato pondered: "Yes, but it will take time."

"But time is running out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are only two months left until the day when Jiu Xinnai gives birth, and the roots are deeply ingrained. If you want to undo it, it is impossible to do it in two months.

If this is the case, then they can only send more ninja protection on the day of Kushina's delivery.

Just, is it useful?

Fenghuo's heart was heavy.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Namikaze Minato comforted him with a smile.

"hope so."

At this time, another ninja from Anbe sent over a lot of documents for Minato Namikaze to deal with, but he had no choice but to leave.

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