Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 358: Sunny October 10

Seal the fire and count the top combat forces in the village.

Count yourself as one, Minakame Minato, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, Sakumo Hatake Hatake, Shiraiga Konoha, and Jiraiya hasn't been heard from since he left the village, and no one can be found. As for Tsunade...pass.

In other words, there are four people available on his side.

And what about the other side?

Replacing the mysterious man with soil, Danzo, and Orochimaru.

In this way, I still have a slight advantage here.

But what if Danzo hooks up with the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan?

This possibility is not impossible.

All in all, do your best first!

Time passed quickly, and in September, Nara Shikahisa's son and Yamanaka Kaiichi's daughter came to this world one after another, named Nara Shikamaru and Yamanaka Ino respectively.

At the same time, the atmosphere in the village gradually became tense.

There is still no news from Jilai, and no one can be found.

As for Hatake Sakumo and Sarutobi Hiruzen, Fenghuo has already said hello, saying that he will guard the scene on the day of Kushina's delivery.

Orochimaru came back from Wuyin Village, and successfully negotiated with Wunin on the issue of post-war compensation, and it seemed that there was no accident.

It's just that Danzo is still missing.

Uchiha Fugaku has been staying at home every day recently, training his eldest son Uchiha Itachi crazily.

Although Itachi was only five years old at this time, he had already shown excellent ninja talent and gained fame among the Uchiha clan.

Hinata Hyuzu, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, also chooses to stay at home. His wife is seven months pregnant, and he has great expectations for the child, looking forward to the birth of the child every day.

It seems that these two wealthy families have no intention of colluding with outsiders.

But Fenghuo didn't dare to be careless.

As time entered October, Feng Huo was so restless that he could hardly sleep.

"If something really happens when Kushina gives birth..."

Fenghuo proposed to arrange for Jiuxinna to give birth in Konoha Hospital, and then four of them, as well as the elite ninjas of the Zhuludie and other families, would guard the surrounding area to guard against foreign enemies.

However, Namikaze Minato refused.

When Jinchuriki gives birth, the seal in the body will be reduced to an unimaginable level, and Kyuubi is likely to break the seal and escape.


"If there is an accident, the enemy's power is definitely beyond our imagination. Once it strikes in the village, it may cause a large number of civilian casualties! Therefore, I decided to place the place where Kushina gave birth outside the village!"

Feng Huo was so angry that he couldn't speak, why are you so desperate at this time?

"Fenghuo, although I am Kushina's husband and the father of the child in her womb, don't forget, I am still the Fourth Hokage, and all the civilians in this village are my relatives! The moment I became Hokage was engraved in my heart!"

Minakame smiled softly, "If your dream comes true, it's my own choice, don't be sad!"

Feng Huo gritted his teeth, knowing that he could not change Namikaze Minato's will.

He feels that the plot is like a big river, mighty and powerful, full of power and irresistible.

Although he, a little fish who smuggled in from other rivers, can change the plot to a certain extent, sometimes he can only drift with the tide, powerless!

There are several wooden houses five miles north of the village, which were built by the craftsmen in the village a few years ago, and they are more than enough to be used as delivery rooms.

Namikaze Minato and Anbu's sealing squad set up a large number of tight barriers around the wooden house a few days in advance, and at the same time, arranged a large number of Anbu elites to guard the surrounding area and patrol day and night.

"Minato, don't worry, Kushina will be fine." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said while smoking a pipe, "I will leave the task of delivering the baby to my wife Lake Biwa."

Namikaze Minato worried: "Three generations, arrange another Anbe ninja to avoid accidents."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi pondered for a moment, and recommended a female ninja named Tianlu.

Afterwards, Namikaze Minato discussed some omissions with him again, and then he was a little relieved.

Time passed day by day.

October 10th, sunny!

The day of Kushina's delivery has arrived!

Shirato Konoha and Hiruzaru Sarutobi all came to the wooden house in advance, and the ninjas around Anbe patrolled the surroundings without any slack, making sure that no mosquito would be let in.

Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo personally escorted Kushina here with a few Anbu.

On the way, they ran into Uchiha Mikoto who came out to show off her baby.

As girlfriends, Uchiha Mikoto and Kushina hope that their children can also be good friends in the future, and they chatted a few words before passing by.

When he came to the wooden house, Kushina held Namikaze Minato's hand nervously.

"It's okay, it will be fine soon."

The very experienced Sarutobi Biwako comforted Kushina with a smile, and then helped Kushina into the wooden house with Anbu Nishinada Road.

Fenghuo, Namikaze Minato, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Hatake Sakumo stood around the wooden house, and a little farther away, there were a large number of Anbe ninjas.

The breeze blows, and the surrounding green grass and flowers are swaying in the wind, full of vitality.

Fenghuo used chakra perception to search for life forms within a kilometer range, except for the four of them and the people in Anbu, no other life forms appeared.

But for some reason, his heartbeat was beating wildly.

He probed the wooden house with the perception technique, and instantly felt a strong chakra filling the wooden house, pouring out like it was about to explode.

Inside the cabin.

Kushina was lying on the delivery bed, and Biwako and Tianji stood on both sides preparing a set of tools.

Suddenly, the seal on Kushina's abdomen began to loosen, and a violent chakra gushed out like magma.

"Damn it, get the **** out of here!"

Kushina gritted her teeth, and the powerful Chakra and sealing technique suppressed Nine-Tails back, making it immobile.


If there is a seemingly invisible roar coming from the abdomen, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is fleeting.

Hoo hoo!

Kushina was breathing non-stop, and was already sweating profusely before giving birth.

"Are you okay?" Biwako wiped Kushina's sweat carefully.

Kushina showed a strong smile: "It's okay, let's start!"

The sky gradually darkened, and a round of bright moon hung silently in the night sky, and the gentle moonlight shone unscrupulously on Muye Yin Village.

The village left, Orochimaru, and Danzo, who did not know when to return, were standing on the roof of the Hokage Building, looking to the north.

"Hehehehe, it should have already started." Orochimaru's golden pupils were full of ambition, desire and malice.

"Uchiha and Hinata have confirmed that they will not make a move. This time, both of them are doomed!" Danzo's laughter gradually became rampant and reckless, and he seemed to see the door of the new world slowly opening to him.

"Konoha Baiga and Sandai won't get in the way, will they?" Orochimaru sneered, "I can take action if necessary!"

"Let's wait and see!"

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