Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 360: 3 Tails Rebellion (2)


Wearing the Wutengu armor, the yin attribute Mio Isota rushed towards Fenghuo violently, and all the buildings he passed along the way were smashed into pieces.

Numerous civilians were injured and bled, screaming and screaming one after another.

Several Anbu ninjas nearby rushed here quickly to rescue the civilians in the building.

At the same time, more and more ninjas sprang out from various places.

"This is...three tails? How come there are two ends?"

"How is it possible? Is it red?" Yuhi Makoto's face was gloomy. He knew that there were two Jinchurikis in Sanwei, one was Hong, and the other was Fenghuo. With the strength of Fenghuo, it was absolutely impossible for Sanwei to go berserk, so the answer was already It's obvious.

But his excellent ninja quality allowed him to calm down in time and commanded the ninja to evacuate the nearby civilians.

"True Red, what happened?" Shikahisa Nara finally arrived and immediately took over the command.

Yuhi Zhenhong said: "The three tails in Hong's body ran away. Fenghuo should be trying to suppress it, but the situation seems to be bad!"

Shikahisa Nara narrowed his eyes, and while dispersing the civilians, he directed the ninja to open a passage from the village to the outside of the village.

"It seems that someone really wants to make trouble when Kushina is giving birth." Nara Shikahisa asked with a serious face, "What's going on between the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan?"

"not yet."

"Hmph, the Uchiha clan is a police force, and there is no movement when such a big incident happened! There is also the Hyuga clan... Damn it!" Nara Shikahisa showed anger, and said, "Keep an eye on the ninjas of these two clans! , if there is any change, report it immediately!"



Two heads and three tails wrestled violently in the village. Under the collision of huge forces, layers of air waves spread like ripples, the ground cracked and dust flew up.

The six thick tails were entangled together, and the terrifying chakra spread around while waving, covering the entire village in a layer of shadow.

Nara Shikahisa suddenly said: "True red, Sanwei ran away, ordinary ninjas come here just to die, you are responsible for screening the ninjas who came to rescue, and let all the zhongnin and genin leave!"

"I see!" Yuhi Zhenhong disappeared instantly.

"Captain Lu Jiu, the road has been successfully opened!" A ninja rushed over to report.

"Okay." Nara Shikahisa immediately jumped to a nearby roof and said loudly, "Shut down the fire and lead Mitsuo out of the village!"

At this time, Fenghuo tried his best to resist the attack of the yin-attribute Sanwei who was equipped with Susanoo, and at the same time mentally projected to the sealed world, trying to persuade the yang-attribute Sanwei to help him fight.

Unexpectedly, the tortoise became dumb again at a critical moment, submerged in the water without speaking, refusing or disagreeing, with an attitude of non-violence and non-cooperation.

Hearing Nara Shikaku's voice, Fenghuo retreated out of the village along the cleared passage, while threatening the yang attribute Mio.

"Isota, you should understand that even if I lose the enemy, I can escape safely! When the time comes, hehehe..."

Fenghuo's eyes shifted, and he landed behind Isota's buttocks.

He felt urgent, but after getting along with the yang attribute Sanwei these days, he probably knew its character, and knew that it should not be forced too much, otherwise it would only have the opposite effect.

Isato slowly sank his **** to the bottom of the water, his eyes showed an expression of anger and embarrassment: "I am Sanwei, and I will never accept coercion!"


Feng Huo clasped his hands together and said, "How about trying Lei Dun-Millennium Killing today?"

Isota seemed to have some conditioned reflex, and suddenly felt a numbness in his buttocks, and hurriedly huddled his three tails into a ball to protect his buttocks.

"I don't know how to fight with myself!" Sanwei lacked confidence.

Feng Huo is upright and dignified: "This is not a fight, it's redemption! Look, your brother Sanwei, who is a Yin attribute, is being coerced by others and manipulated by others to make trouble. You should know what it feels like to be manipulated by others. Don't you want your Brother has been manipulated by others like this all his life?"

Isoto shook his head.

"So, this is not a fight, this is redemption, saving your brother!"

Feng Huo clenched his fists, "We are partners of justice!"

Isato couldn't help rolling his eyes with difficulty.

"Make a decision quickly, Jiji!" Feng Huo urged.

"I know." Jiji slowly surfaced and said, "But you must promise me that you will never use that trick on me afterwards!"

"Well, I swear in the name of Uchiha!" Feng Huo said solemnly.

In a wooden house five miles away.

Accompanied by the crisp cry of the baby, a wave of terrifying chakra was desperately spreading towards the outside of the wooden house accompanied by a roar.

Namikaze Minato flashed into the house for the first time, and then used the sealing technique to suppress the seal on Kushina's abdomen.

Sarutobi Biwako swiftly wrapped the newborn Naruto in his swaddling clothes, while Tianji next to him looked nervously at Kushina's belly seal.


Horrific explosions came in waves in the distance.

Namikaze Shuimen said: "Three generations, there is nothing wrong here, go to the village to help!"

Outside the house, Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at the Anbe ninjas around him, nodded slightly and rushed towards the village.

Hoo hoo!

Kushina's breathing was a little short, but seeing Namikaze Minato, her heart instantly settled down.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Namikaze Minato smiled softly.

Jiu Xinnai nodded weakly, and was about to speak when suddenly a pool of hot blood spurted from the front and fell on her face.


Namikaze Minato turned his head for the first time, and saw Tian Lu grabbing Naruto with one hand, and piercing Sarutobi Lake Biwa's heart with the other.

"Uh..." Yuan Fei Biwahu opened her mouth, a large amount of blood spurted out from her mouth, and then collapsed on the ground powerlessly.

"Tian Lu, what are you doing?!" Namakaze Minato glanced at Naruto nervously, while speeding up the sealing speed, he scolded angrily, trying to attract Tian Lu's attention.

But then he discovered a weird scene~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this moment, Tian Lu looked panic-stricken: "Four generations, I, I don't know, I can't control myself anymore, sorry, sorry, it's not me, My hands are out of control!"

Then, a strange layer of darkness overflowed from Tian Lu's clothes, quickly surrounded her body, and finally covered her right face.

"First time meeting, hello, Sidai!"

"Who are you?!" Namikaze Minato's face changed again and again: This guy, who actually possessed Tian Lu, and was able to escape Anbu's reconnaissance ninjutsu, is definitely not a small character!

"Who am I? Hahahaha..." Heijue laughed wildly, and then grinningly pasted a few detonating charms on Naruto's swaddling clothes, and said with a sneer, "Then, please leave Renzhuriki, the fourth generation, this is for your children Think about it."


Kushina yelled, "Minato, Naruto..."


Namikaze Minato glanced at the seal, and there was still a little time left.

"You don't want to see him die here, do you?"

Heijue pinned Kumai to Naruto's throat, and the baby's immature skin was a blank sheet of paper, turning red at the slightest touch.


Namikaze Minato gritted his teeth and backed away slowly.

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