Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 361: 3 Tails Rebellion (3)


Prestige-Susanohu's yin-attributed three-tailed violently pushed Fenghuo to the sky, and the three tails were full of thorns and attached a layer of black tengu armor so fiercely that he was blown away.

The kaleidoscope in Uchiha Shin's eyes was spinning wildly, with frenzy in his eyes, and a sickly blush on his face.

"Hahaha, Uchiha Fenghuo, thanks to the fact that I regard you as an idol, you are too weak, you are really too weak, hahahahaha, you are not worthy of being my idol at all, haha!"

"And you bug-like guys, dare to jump around in front of me, courting death!"

Amid wild laughter, three thick tails swept across the four directions, killing and maiming more than a dozen ninjas.

"It's unforgivable to dare to slander bugs like this!"

The ninjas of the oil girl clan had already stood in a row at some point.

"Secret Technique - Insect Jade!"

Numerous parasites flew out of the ninjas of the Younv Clan, and instantly turned into a dark cloud, covering the yin attribute Sanwei.

Shin Uchiha laughed wildly: "A group of bugs, a group of bugs, hahahaha."


The Yin-attributed Three-Tails opened its mouth slightly, and the terrifying Chakras gathered together in one place in an instant, making a terrifying change.

"No, it's Tailed Beast Jade!!" Nara Shikahisa's expression changed, and he shouted, "Use the earth flow wall to change its direction!!"


A group of masked ninjas jumped out.

"Earth Dungeon-Earth Flow Wall!!"

One after another, huge solid walls rose from the ground, each higher than the other, and the last one was even nearly 100 meters high!


The tailed beast jade pierced through the air like an arrow leaving the string, and the huge coercion directly pressed the ground into a ferocious wrinkle.

The sea of ​​worms formed by the parasites of the Younv Clan collapsed at the touch of a finger, completely unable to absorb the extremely condensed Chakra in the Tailed Beast Jade.

Then the Tailed Beast Jade collided with the earth flow wall, and slowly changed its direction as the layers of the earth flow wall were raised, and finally soared into the sky, causing a terrifying explosion in the air.

The air waves formed by the explosion spread layer by layer, shaking away the dark clouds in the night sky. Under the bright moonlight, a corner of Muye Village was already riddled with holes and fragments.


The Yin attribute three tails hissed and roared, frantically destroying everything around.

At the same time, Feng Huo finally persuaded the yang attribute Sanwei in his body.

"Hey!! I finally came out!"

Yang attribute Sanwei said excitedly.

In the next moment, the pupils of the kaleidoscope covered the whole body like a layer of mercury, turning into dark purple Wutengu armor.

"Prestige - Susano!"

Fenghuo stood on the head of the yang attribute Sanwei, looking straight at Uchiha Shin who was not far away: "Let's go, Isota!"

"Hmph, I'm not helping you!" Yang attribute Sanwei muttered, "I'm saving, um, saving!"

Then it spread its four hooves, and rushed towards the yin attribute three tails as if having fun.

A look of madness flashed in Uchiha Shin's eyes: "That's right, that's how it should be, Uchiha seals the fire, let me see how strong you are, hahahaha, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to replace you as Uchiha The wave is the strongest!!"


The two three tails equipped with susanohu collided violently, the six tails were whipping or entangled in the air, the chakras of yin and yang attributes violently collided in the air, turned into layers of air waves and spread, sweeping in all directions.

Fortunately, the surrounding civilians have been evacuated by the ninjas, otherwise this wave will add hundreds of casualties.

"Fire Escape-Extinguish the mighty fire!!"

Shin Uchiha quickly formed seals with his hands, and spewed terrifying flames from his mouth. The flames turned into a wall of fire more than 30 meters long in the air. The scorching heat scorched the earth, distorted the air, and pushed forward mightily.

As soon as Feng Huo's eyes lit up, he formed the same seal almost instantly: "Huo Dun-Huo Huo Quench!"


The same wall of fire nearly 30 meters long pushed across and collided with Uchiha Nobu's fire escape.

In an instant, the two walls of fire were entangled together, turning into a huge flame tornado and sweeping towards the sky, illuminating the entire Hidden Leaf Village.



The three tails of yin and yang attributes collided and wrestled crazily, and the six tails blasted violently at the opponent's body. The violent impact accompanied by violent chakra turned into waves of air and spread in all directions.

Konoha's ninjas surrounded them but found that they couldn't get in at all.

Nara Shikahisa calmly said: "Continue to expand the evacuation area, and the civilians must not be affected again!"

Yamanaka Kaiichi and Qiudao Dingzuo had come to his side, and Zhuludie was all there.

"Shikaku, is that guy from the Uchiha clan?" Haiichi Yamanaka stared coldly at Shin Uchiha, who was tightly wrapped in Wutengu's armor on the head of the yin attribute Sanwei.

"Where did this guy come from? He actually possesses Shulunyan pupil power that is not inferior to that of Fenghuo!" Akidou Dingza said with a tense face, "When did such a powerful character appear in the Uchiha clan?"

Shikahisa Nara frowned and said, "I'm a little worried about Shidai!"

"Don't worry, there are three generations and Master Shuo Mao is still there, and the fourth generation will definitely be fine!" Qiu Dao Ding Zuo said.

"Lu Jiu, we can't let them fight anymore, the surrounding buildings will be completely destroyed." Yamanaka Hai said anxiously.

"Leave it to me!"

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo took out the secret medicine and took it, and then his whole body swelled rapidly: "The technique of super multiplication!"


Qiu Dao Ding Zuo instantly turned into a giant, kicking the ground with both feet, and leaping into the sky.

"Meat bomb chariot!"


The huge meat ball spun rapidly in the air, and instantly bombarded the side of the Yin attribute Sanwei.

The berserk force directly destroyed the balance of the two tailed beasts, and the negative three-tailed beast was knocked nearly a hundred meters away almost instantly.

Feng Huo's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly directed the Yang attribute three tails to bump into it.

"Ho **** ho ho!"

The three tails of the yang attribute roared excitedly, and rushed out of the village with the shell of the three tails of the yin attribute on their backs.

"Fire Escape - Great Fire Extinguishment!"

Uchiha Nobu spewed out fiery flames again, turned into a huge 'umbrella', and forcibly repelled the Yang attribute Sanwei.

Feng Huo's eyes flickered ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He succeeded in stealing the teacher in an instant, and formed seals with both hands: "Huo Escape-Huo Huo Miu Lost!"

Two huge flaming umbrellas collided in the air, and countless flames turned into fireworks and scattered, and burned blazingly after landing, like a spark starting a prairie fire, forming a fire.

The surrounding Konoha ninjas immediately came over to extinguish the fire with water.

"Damn, what a terrifying fire escape ninjutsu."

"It's so strange, why are there two heads and three tails?"

"Sharingan, one is Lord Fenghuo, who is the other? Does Uchiha want to betray?"

"Oops, they're coming, get out!"


The two tailed beasts rolled one by one in the air, and the huge thorns pierced a dozen holes in the ground with a depth of ten meters.


The two tailed beasts were biting each other, and the seals of Fenghuo and Uchiha Shin on the top of their heads were also crazy, attacking each other with ninjutsu.

And Qiu Dao Ding Zuo rushed over again: "Meat bomb chariot!"


Using himself as a weapon, Qiudao Dingzuo finally knocked the yin attribute Sanwei out of Konoha Hidden Village with crazy collisions again and again!

But not only was his internal organs injured by the terrifying shock force, but he was also pierced through his abdomen by a thorn, bleeding profusely!

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