Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 365: 9 tail break

"Earth escape-crack the earth and turn the palm!"

Konoha and a group of ninjas used Tudun towards the ground where Uchiha Shindun had entered, trying to force him out.

But Fenghuo knew that this was unrealistic.

Sure enough, they made hundreds of huge cracks in the earth, but no trace of Uchiha Shin was found.

"...Heijue, I missed you, **** it!"

Seal the fire and grit your teeth.

Heijue is a small character, because it hides behind the scenes from the beginning to the end, and its combat ability is very weak, so it is easy to be ignored or even underestimated.

But is this really the case?

Heijue's true identity is the product of Otsutsuki Kaguya's will, his roots are straight and young, and his seniority is so high that it scares people to death!

For thousands of years, he has been hiding in the dark and stirring up the situation, but no one can discover his existence.

Senju Hashirama, the **** of ninja world, did not find him, nor did Senju Tomonama, the second generation who mastered chakra perception and can search life forms within a thousand miles, and even Uchiha Madara, who had a high self-esteem and rebelliousness, could not find him. Played by him in the palm of his hand, he thought that Hei Jue was a product of his will, but in reality it was just a **** of Hei Jue!

Moreover, in the late period of the Fourth Ninja World War in the original book, it was Kurojue who possessed Obito, controlled Obito's body, and made him resurrect Uchiha Madara with the technique of reincarnation!

It can be said that Heijue has single-handedly controlled the development of the entire ninja world and led it to the doomsday. If Otsuki Kaguya hadn't been sealed in the end, then Heijue's life would be so perfect that no one can make a mistake!

Such a dangerous person is ignored and despised because of his fighting scum?

The more you think about sealing the fire, the worse it gets.

If Kurojue enters the delivery room on Tianji, or Sarutobi Biwako...

At this moment, the roar of the Yin attribute Three-tails woke him up.


Feng Huo looked at the yin attribute Sanwei who was still mad, and hurriedly called the yang attribute Sanwei to rush up together.

Afterwards, the pupil power of the kaleidoscope began to control the yin attribute Sanwei.

Although his eyes and pupils were consumed a lot, but fortunately without Uchiha Shin's kaleidoscope pupil power control, and with the help of the yang attribute Sanwei, he quickly controlled the yin attribute Sanwei, and then suppressed the yin attribute Sanwei with a sealing technique , its huge body gradually shrunk, finally revealing a delicate body.


Makoto Yuhi appeared here at some point and shouted, "Medical Ninja!"

Fenghuo herself is a medical ninja, after a little investigation, after confirming that her life was not in danger, she took the yang attribute Sanwei back into her body to seal, and then rushed towards the wooden house a few miles away.

Hatake Sakumo also wanted to follow, but when his body moved, blood overflowed from his chest and abdomen.

He cut off Uchiha Nobu's right arm with a quick slash, causing his wound to open again and need to be re-bandaged.

"Captain Sakumo, stop the bleeding first!" Nara Shikahisa called a medical ninja to quickly bandage him.

"I hope it's okay over there!" Hatake Sakumo said with a gloomy face.

In the messy ruins, the bodies of the three generations of Mizukage were torn apart, dead beyond death.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi lifted the psychic spell, and was about to continue to rush to the village, when suddenly a violent roar came from behind, it was earth-shattering!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi turned his head in disbelief, and in the dense forest behind him, a huge nine-tailed demon fox was screaming at Yue with excitement, and a wave of extremely tyrannical Chakra turned into a wave of violent air, sweeping in all directions like a hurricane.

"Nine tails? How is that possible?!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was startled, and then quickly rushed towards the wooden house with a gloomy expression.

‘Minato, Kushina, what happened? ! '

The small wooden house was completely blown up by Kyuubi at this time, and countless shattered logs flew in all directions, and then it was blown away by Kyuubi's nine tails, turning into sharp knives and piercing the bodies of more than a dozen Anbu ninjas.

Under the huge body of Kyuubi, Namikaze Minato stood there with a pale face, the wound on his chest pierced by Heijue was bleeding all the time, and there was no time to deal with it at all!

"Minato, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." On the opposite side, Kushina's left face gradually revealed a lifeless look.

Kyuubi finally managed to break through her seal and break out of her body!

As Jinjuriki, Kushina also started the countdown to her life!

"As expected of a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, what an amazing vitality!" Kushina's right face was full of blackness, and then said to Kyuubi, "Kyuubi, you are free, hahaha, go, be yourself What I want to do!"

Nine-tailed scarlet vertical pupils glanced at Heijue, then looked around, saw Konoha Hidden Village not far away, and saw the Konoha ninjas on the ground, the grievances accumulated in his heart for decades turned into a raging rage .

"Ho **** ho ho!!"

Kyuubi waved his sharp claws, turned into a **** of death, and started killing wildly.

Hei Jue slowly controlled Jiu Xinnai and walked towards the distance: "Four generations, I think we will meet again, hehehe."

Namikaze Minato clenched his fists tightly, watching Kyuubi crazily killing Anbe ninjas, seeing Kushina's increasingly weak left face, finally sighed, and resolutely rushed towards Kyuubi.

‘Kushina, wait for me! '

When Nine Tails broke through the seal and revealed a huge demon body, the Hidden Leaf Village five miles away could be clearly seen.

"That's... Kyuubi?!" Kaiichi Yamanaka was startled and angry.

"Are you kidding! Did something happen to the fourth generation, the fourth generation?" Yuhi Zhenhong gritted his teeth, the daughter in his arms, Yuhihong, was still in a coma.

"Damn it!" Nara Shikahisa forced himself to calm down, and while letting the Chunin take care of cleaning up this side, he gathered the special Jonin, Jonin, and Elite Jonin, and hurried towards Kyuubi.

Yuhi Mako handed over her daughter to the medical ninja, and then resolutely followed the main force and rushed towards Kyuubi.

After Hatake Sakumo's wound was bandaged, he also rushed there.

In the village, on the roof of the Hokage Building.

Danzo and Orochimaru are admiring all this.

Suddenly, a small white snake climbed up from downstairs, swam directly along Da Shemaru's body, to his collar, and hissed the snake letter in his ear.

"It's really useless." Orochimaru suddenly snorted coldly.

"What's the matter? What information did your snake bring?" Danzo asked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Uchiha Shin didn't kill Uchiha Fuho! " Orochimaru showed dissatisfaction at the corner of his mouth, "And his right arm was also chopped off by Konoha Baiya! "

Danzo's eyes moved: "Right arm?!"

Orochimaru glanced at Danzo's right arm, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "I understand."

After being cut off by Uchiha Fuho, Danzo has been longing for an arm that can be transplanted to Sharingan. Unfortunately, the method of Orochimaru cannot make Sharingan survive on the arm, but now, it is OK.

Uchiha Shin's body is really special.

Orochimaru discovers the secrets of his body by obtaining hair from him during his first contact.

"So, how many Sharingan eyes will be transplanted?" Orochimaru looked at him with a sneer.

Danzo narrowed his eyes and sneered, "It depends on Uchiha's sincerity."

"However, the most urgent task is to deal with the tail. Since Uchiha Fenghuo is not dead, then it is not a big problem to re-seal the Kyuubi. We must guard against the fourth and third generations!" Orochimaru said calmly.

"Even if it's a liquidation, it's not our turn. After all, the Uchiha clan is still standing in front of us, hahaha." Danzo laughed happily.

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