Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 366: transfer 9 tails

As the deaths and injuries of Anbu ninjas intensified, the pungent **** smell quickly permeated, and successfully detonated all the hostility and killing intent that had been buried and fermented in Nine-Tails' hearts for decades.

It was red-eyed, and the majestic Chakra like the sea exuded a violent and ominous aura, madly killing towards the Hidden Leaf Village, trying to completely smash that hateful prison!

Anbu ninjas fight and retreat. From time to time, some ninjas are drawn by the tail of the nine tails, and they are directly blown up like flies!

"Damn it, it must not be allowed to approach the village!"

"Death must be blocked!"


Kyuubi was annoyed by these flies, and opened his mouth wide.

The violent chakra quickly condensed in its mouth, turning into a **** jade.

"It's the Tailed Beast Jade, run away!"

"No, you have to block it, the village is behind you!"

At the critical moment, a golden flash flashed in front of Nine Tails, facing the Tailed Beast Jade that contained terrifying coercion.

"Flying Thunder God!"

Namikaze Minato held the special quality Kunai in his right hand, and slapped the void with his left palm, directly imprinting the flying thunder god's spell on the void.

Rows of strange characters spread around his left hand, and then the Nine-Tails Tailed Beast Jade came crashing down, blasting into the Flying Thunder God spell like a meteorite.

Namikaze Minato gritted his teeth and tried his best to maintain the balance of the Hiraishen spell, preventing it from collapsing under the terrifying chakra fluctuations of Tailed Beast Jade.

Looking from a distance, the huge black tailed beast jade is 'squeezed' into the strange magic formula in the void bit by bit, just like a stone thrown into a swamp and slowly swallowed by the silt!

Namikaze Minato was under tremendous pressure, his muscles and bones tensed, his chakra was consumed at an extremely fast speed, and at the same time, the wound on his chest overflowed with blood again.


At the moment when all the Tailed Beast Jade was swallowed, there was a deafening explosion sound from another mountain top, and then a huge black-red mushroom cloud shot straight into the sky, making the night sky seem like daytime!

There, there is the special Kunai engraved with the flying thunder **** formula that Namikaze Minato placed in advance!

"Namikaze Minato, you..." Nine-tailed scarlet vertical pupils stared at Namikaze Minato. Before, this guy kept suppressing it with sealing techniques!

Moreover, he is also the husband of that hateful Uzumaki woman!

New grudges and old grudges came up, Nine Tails rushed up screaming.

At the same time, Hiruza Sarutobi and Fenghuo finally arrived here!

"Minato, what happened, why did Kyuubi suddenly come out?!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi summoned the ape demon again and rushed up.

Namikaze Minato dodged Kyuubi's berserk attack, rubbed the spiral pill and blasted Kyubi's body.

"Fourth generation, a mysterious person possessed Kushina and released Kyuubi. Sorry, I didn't protect her well!" Namikaze Minato said in a low voice.

‘Sure enough, it’s black! '

Fenghuo immediately used the chakra perception technique to check the surroundings, within a kilometer range, he did not find Jiu Xinnai's chakra.

"Is the village alright?" At this time, Minato Namikaze had regained his composure.

"Ah, the runaway Sanwei has been suppressed!" Feng Huo said.

"That's good, then the next step is to re-seal Nine Tails!" A sharp light flashed in Namikaze Minato's eyes.

Feng Huo hurriedly said: "Hey, Brother Shuimen, don't be impulsive!"


Nine tails waved its nine tails violently, Konoha's Anbu ninja couldn't do any harm to it at all!

Even Hiruza Sarutobi's five-attribute ninjutsu couldn't suppress Kyuubi.

The pupil power of Fenghuo's left eye was consumed too much. At this time, he could only activate Susano in the second form. He rushed up with a copper hammer in one arm, and was then blown away by two tails.

The seal in his body, in the world of the water pool, the yang attribute three tails slowly emerged from his head: "Is it that guy Jiu Trump?"

The spirit of Fenghuo projected in instantly: "Isata, I need your help!"

He intends to let Sanwei hold Kyuubi, and then join hands with Namikaze Minato and a group of Jonin from the sealing class to reseal Kyuubi!

But Isota is not happy. From its point of view, Nine Horn is already in a state of rage at this time, and the six relatives deny it. Besides, its chakra is not as much as Kyuubi, and now it only has yang chakra, let alone Kyuubi. Besides, Fenghuo's Sharingan used up a lot before, and I'm afraid he can't use his pupil power to control the runaway Kyuubi, so if he rushes out at this time, he will definitely get a fat beating. Hard, but I don't want to be beaten for nothing.

Jiji's eyes flickered, and Ai Ai said: "Well, in fact, Jiuba is very easy to talk to, I think you should sit down and have a good chat with it..."

The corners of Feng Huo's eyes twitched, and just as he was about to let him know why the flowers were so yellow, he saw a huge object crashing down from the sky, suddenly pressing Nine Tails' huge body directly!

Fenghuo looked at it, and it was a huge toad!

There is a person standing on top of Toad's head, it is Namikaze Minato.

At this time, the ninja suit on Namikaze Minato's body was soaked with blood, but he didn't notice it.

When Feng Huo saw this scene, he suddenly felt bad: "Brother Shuimen, what do you want to do?!"

Namikaze Minato looked back, with a solemn face: "Fenghuo, Kushina is counting on you!"

Then he landed directly on Jiuwei's head, and Yifei Thunder God took it away directly.

"Damn it!"

Feng Huo hurriedly channeled Brother Chaolunwu, and then summoned a shadow clone, jumped on it and searched separately.

Although Heijue finally possessed Kushina and left, he didn't intend to hijack Kushina. After all, once Jinchuriki loses the tail beast, he will gradually meet death!

After confirming that even resealing Kyuubi into Kushina's body could not prevent her death, Hei Jue left Kushina with a sneer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The black matter poured into the vegetation on the ground, accompanied With a burst of weird laughter, it disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Minato... Naruto..."

Jiu Xinnai was lying on the ground, where the dense forest was towering, the branches and leaves were luxuriant, the bright moonlight was cut into pieces, and only a few beams of pale moonlight fell on her bloodless pretty face.

"Naruto, Naruto..."

Hoo hoo!

A gust of wind passed through the air, blowing the branches and leaves to pieces, and the moonlight suddenly poured down like running water.


"Zhi!!" The scream of the second chaotic round dance suddenly came to mind.

"Have you found it?"

Feng Huo's pupils consumed too much power, and their eyesight really declined. Fortunately, Xue Ying's eyes are very sharp, and even the dark night can't affect their sight.

Feng Huo jumped down from the second chaotic round dance and landed beside Jiu Xinnai.

"Seal the fire... Let, let me take another look... Naruto, Naruto..." Kushina panted, the vitality in her body was rapidly dissipating.

Feng Huo's face was so solemn that he gently picked up Jiu Xinnai, then jumped back on the back of the second chaotic dance, and left quickly!

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