Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 367: last moment

On the broken mountain top, Nine Tails roared to the sky, and the nine tails danced wildly like a group of demons, sweeping everything on the top of the mountain off the cliff.

Flying Thunder God is a ninjutsu of time and space, so the Chakra consumed by using Flying Thunder God to transfer other objects is amazing, and the bigger the object, the more Chakra it consumes!

Namikaze Minato first transferred the Tailed Beast Jade, and then transferred the huge Nine-Tails in one breath. Although there was no battle, the chakra in the body was like a flood, and the consumption was no less than that of a big battle!

Coupled with the non-stop flow of blood, Minato Namikaze was already in a weak state at this time.

"No, I must persevere!"

Namakaze Minato dodged Kyuubi's attack wearily, and then seized the opportunity to form seals with both hands.

Strips of golden sealing iron chains came out of his hands, stretching across the void in an instant, binding Nine Tails.

"Hey!! You still want to seal me, unforgivable, unforgivable!!"

Kyuubi jumped the nine tails to the extreme, and then swung them wildly, the sealing iron chains were rattled and cracked faintly.


Amidst the roar, the violent Chakra turned into a terrifying air wave, pressing towards Namikaze Minato one after another like a substance.


The wound on Namikaze Minato's chest instantly burst under the turbulent air pressure, and a large amount of blood instantly stained the golden iron chain in front of him red.

Namikaze Minato staggered, half-kneeling on the ground, barely steadying himself by propping on the ground with one hand.


Namikaze Minato's face turned pale.

"Namikaze Minato, do you still want to seal me? Hahahaha, die, die, die!"

Kyuubi screamed, laughed wildly, frantically flocking Chakra towards Namikaze Minato.


At this moment, under the bright moonlight, there was a frightened eagle cry.

The terrified eyes of Lunwu Ershi didn't dare to look directly at Nine Tails, and his two wings were stiffened into iron, so he could only glide high in the sky.

bank up a fire? !

Namikaze Minato's eyes lit up, and he finally saw a glimmer of hope!

"Brother Minato!"

Feng Huo jumped from the sky with Jiu Xinna in his arms. He threatened and lured Sanwei Isoto along the way, and finally persuaded it to attack Jiuwei once.


A huge tortoise descended from the sky, pressing Nine Tails under it.

Howling, Isata swept his three spiny tails towards the cliff, held the cliff tightly with the spines, and at the same time kicked all four hooves on the ground, pressing Nine Tails tightly under his body!

"Isota, you stupid tortoise, get out of here!!" Kyuubi was about to go crazy, this shameful posture was simply challenging its limit!

The fact is the same. If you ignore their size, this scene is definitely a cross-race love 'battle', but obviously, the people present at this time don't care about them at all.



Minato strenuously stepped forward to hug Kushina from Fenghuo's hands, a look of sadness flashed across his face.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine, just wait for me!"

After Minato finished speaking, he used Flying Thunder God again, and saw him reappear in the next moment, but there was already an extra baby in his arms.


Feng Huo's expression changed.

This scene…

Do you really want to watch this scene happen?

Feng Huo felt his brain go cold, and then numb, like his calf numb after sitting for a long time. At the same time, his mind seemed to travel through time and space, thinking at a terrifying speed.

Kyuubi has been away from Kushina for too long, even if Kyuubi is sealed in again, Kushina can't bear Kyuubi's violent resistance, and the end can only be death!

And Minato's injury at this time is not optimistic, and with Kushina's state, he may have already begun to die!

In the original book, the reason why Minato sacrificed himself was to let Konoha still have the Nine-Tails Jinchur power to balance the combat power of the hidden villages, and the second was to seal Kushina’s remaining Chakra into Naruto’s body so that Kushina can meet the grown-up Naruto! The third is to place any hope on Naruto, and believe that Naruto can become the savior.

These reasons, no matter from which point of view, are far-fetched to death, so in Fenghuo's view, Minato's reason for sacrificing himself is actually very simple, that is, he loves Kushina deeply. I don't want to live either.

So if you want to save Namikaze Minato, you must save Kushina's life!

However, how to protect?

The natural technique of reincarnation eye?

Chiyo hasn't successfully reincarnated himself?

But those are the future...


and many more…

Fenghuo moved his eyes.

Yes, the future!

As long as I 'save' this moment forever, I can slowly wait for the future!

When the future comes, Kushina will be saved!

Snow country, iceberg cold?

Feng Huo's heart was pounding!

The numb brain seemed to be reinfused with vitality and slowly revived.

Freeze Kushina, wait until Rokudo Payne attacks Konoha, and then unseal Kushina and send it to the village!

Or, wait for Naruto to awaken and inherit the power of Asura!

At the end of the Fourth Ninja World War in the original book, Kai opened the Eight Door Dunjia Formation to fight Liudao Madara to the death. After burning brightly, Kai's chakra was exhausted and he fell to the ground waiting to die.

As a result, Naruto, who awakened and inherited the power of Asura, managed to save Kai's life with a light slap!

Opening the gate of death is a mortal situation, and Jinchuriki losing the tail beast is also a mortal situation. It doesn't make sense that Naruto can save Huokai, but he can't save Kushina!

However, the only thing that worries Fenghuo is whether the iceberg cold air can hold Jiuxinna to her last breath, and it will take ten or twenty years!

When Fenghuo's brain was wide open, Minato Namikaze had already explained everything to Kushina, and then he resolutely formed the seal of the dead ghost.

Feng Huo was taken aback, and quickly jumped over to stop him.

"Hey! Uchiha seals the fire, I can't last long, hurry up, bastard!!"

Three-tailed Isota yelled, and the nine-tailed turtle under it struggled desperately, pushing against its belly. From a distance, the picture...was too dirty, and the three-tailed tortoise's skin was so thick that I couldn't help but blush.

"Seal the fire, all this is to continue the hope to the next generation, don't stop me!" Namikaze Minato said solemnly.

"I have a way to hang Jiu Xinnai's life, in the future... there must be a way to save her in the future!" Feng Huo gritted his teeth.

"It's useless, seal the fire, Jinchuriki loses the tailed beast, and the only end is death." Namikaze Minato sighed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Kushina looked at Naruto on the ground obsessively, with a strong maternal love in his eyes: "Naruto, don't be picky eaters, eat more, and grow up quickly. Remember to take a bath on time every day, soak in the bath to warm up your body. Also, don't stay up late, make sure you sleep. Remember to make friends. You don't have to have many friends. There are a few who are truly worthwhile." A trusted friend is enough..."

Fire-sealed general: "Brother Minato, seal Kushina's Chakra into Naruto's body, and then say a few words in the future, is this what you do as a husband and father? This is too irresponsible Yes! If you really love Naruto, live bravely!"

Remember Xia Yuhe by the Daming Lake?

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