Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 379: 3 bear to leave

Zilai is also back.

When he left Konoha, the Ninja World War was over, his disciple Namikaze Minato was doing a great job in the position of Hokage, and all the forces in the village were stable and stable, he was in a happy mood and leisurely.

When he came back, his disciple Namikaze Minato died, his friend Orochimaru defected, Yun Ninja invaded, Uchiha was isolated, the atmosphere in the village was tense, and he was in a heavy heart, step by step.

He went to Namikaze Minato's tomb with sadness in his eyes. Like everyone else, he didn't want to believe Namikaze Minato's death, so he went to Fenghuo to ask.

But for this legendary Sannin, Fenghuo didn't show any kindness.

From the beginning of the third Ninja World War, Jiraiya has been playing soy sauce all the time, under the name of Sannin, in the name of looking for a savior, either drilling women's bathhouses or writing pornographic books, doing nothing all day long The arrogant posture of the number one sage of Konoha.

If he was really looking for a savior, it would be understandable to seal the fire, but the problem is that Jiraiya told Namikaze Minato more than once that his child Naruto is likely to be the savior to end the war in the ninja world!

Now that the savior has been found, why are you still running around?

Moreover, as a disciple of Hiruzaru Sarutobi, it is impossible for Jiraiya not to know that when Kushina gives birth, the seal of Nine Tails will be greatly loosened!

Under these two major premise, the reasons for Zilai and Leaving the village seem naive and ridiculous.

So, how can Fenghuo's attitude towards Jiraiya be improved?

He doesn't even want to talk to him!

Feeling Fenghuo's mood swings, Jiraiya's mood became more depressed, guilty, remorseful, and hesitant. Looking at the familiar environment around him, Jiraiya felt that every plant and tree was repelling him and despising him.

Then he went to Hokage Tower to find Hiruzaru Sarutobi. After learning about the various human experiments of Orochimaru, he was even more shocked, and proposed to bring Orochimaru back to be punished!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was noncommittal.

In the past few days, Fenghuo has exposed all the secret laboratories of Orochimaru, and even used his influence in the Konoha newspaper to directly publish these things. Now, whether it is a commoner or a ninja in the village, the favorability of Orochimaru has already increased. Completely reduced to a negative number, once he appears in the village, everyone must be a street mouse shouting to kill.

Therefore, the day Jiraiya captured Orochimaru was the day when Orochimaru died. From an emotional point of view, Sarutobi Hiruzane was really reluctant.

But if Orochimaru is allowed to act mischievously outside, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is Hokage, will feel very sorry.

In a dilemma, Sarutobi Hiruzen could only remain silent, neither agreeing nor rejecting.

He also sighed, turned and left.

Then, he went to Tsunade.

Tsunade has been intoxicated for the past few days because of Orochimaru!

She, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya also grew up together, trained, went on missions, lived together, lived together, and died together. The relationship is very deep, and it is not like a brother and sister is better than a brother and sister.

Orochimaru's defection from the village dealt a heavy blow to Tsunade, and based on conclusive evidence, she couldn't help even if she wanted to, so she could only paralyze herself with alcohol.

Shizune has been taking care of Tsunade for the past few days, facing Jiraiya who came to visit, she responded with a wry smile.

"Sorry, Jiraiya-sama, Tsunade-sama is drunk again."

"That's it." Jiraiya closed his eyes, checked Tsunade's state with sensory ninjutsu, and left with regret.

It didn't take long for Tsunade to wake up. After lying on the bed for a long time, Tsunade finally made up his mind to leave Konoha.

Shizune felt that something was wrong, but faced with the powerful Tsunade, she had no choice but to respond.

That is to say, from this day on, the legendary Konoha Sannin really became the legend of Konoha.

The three disciples left one after another, which was another blow to Hiruzaru Sarutobi. His aging speed seemed to be winded up, and he was getting older day by day, with patches of age spots and gray hairs appearing on his body crazily. .

But the tense situation cannot allow Hiruzaru Sarutobi to relax, the war with Cloud Hidden Village is still raging, and Hidden Rock Village in the Land of Earth seems to be ready to move, he must withstand all this.

At the same time, Fenghuo also successfully turned all the stolen goods from Dashewan's laboratory into detonating charms through the black market.

Of course, all this was done with the help of the pharmacist No Naoyu.

Although she is just the director of the orphanage, she is a real Jnin, so there is no need to worry about safety when going to the black market.

For this batch of detonating talismans, Fenghuo still buried them in the snowy mountains of the Snow Country through reverse psychic techniques.

During the period, he went to the ice cave to see Namikaze Minato and Kushina, and there was nothing abnormal, and the chakra perception technique was still ineffective, and their vitality could not be detected.

In other words, Namikaze Minato and Kushina may still be breathing, or they may have died.

No matter how you look at it, this is like a gamble, and the bet is the lives of Namikaze Minato and Kushina.

After staying in the ice cave for a while, Fenghuo undid the reverse spiritism and returned to the village.

The Konoha newspaper has been reporting the war between the village and Yun Nin, and there are victories and losses in the anxiety. Some civilians are eager to go to the battlefield again and defeat Yun Nin. This voice is still very loud, and it has even reached Feng Huo .

Feng Huo immediately speculated with the greatest malice, suspecting that there was a black hand behind the scenes.

After all, at this time, his kaleidoscope was close to losing its light, and when he went to the battlefield, the result needless to say.

So he immediately chose to retreat. On the one hand, he avoided public opinion, and on the other hand, he began to practice the art of walking in darkness~www.wuxiaspot.com~The art of walking in darkness is an illusion that creates a dark environment, blocks the opponent's vision, and takes away all light .

In this dark environment, except for the caster and his teammates, the enemy will be plunged into absolute darkness!

For Fenghuo, this technique can infinitely narrow the eyesight of himself and the opponent, which is very suitable for him at this time.

Because it is an illusion technique, although it is difficult for Fenghuo to learn, it is not too big. It took him about half a month to use it proficiently.

Then he secretly called Iruka, Sato, and Akidou Dingpeng, and asked these three students to experience the art of darkness.

Feng Huo made seals with both hands with a smile: "The Art of Darkness!"

The chakra surged, and the three of Iruka fell into absolute darkness for an instant, causing the three of them to scream.

Then they sealed the fire and undid it, and asked them how they felt in the dark.

"I can't see my fingers, I can't see anything, Brother Feng Huo, can you teach me this trick!" Qiu Dao Ding Peng was very interested.

Feng Huo gave him a slap in the face: "Call me teacher."

Iruka said: "Teacher Fenghuo, this technique is so powerful, it's clearly broad daylight, but I can't see a single ray of light!"

"Me too, I can't see anything anymore, just like a blind man." Sato's eyes also glowed, and he must have fallen in love with this technique.

"Want to learn?" Feng Huo asked with a smile.

The three nodded hurriedly.

"Do not teach."


The three rolled their eyes angrily.

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