Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 380: Your second uncle calls you, do you dare to agree?

Sealing the fire is not a self-preservation, but when I first learned the technique of dark walk, mutual multiplication detonation charm, and chakra perception technique, I promised Sarutobi Hiruzen that these three techniques cannot be passed on to the outside world.

Although he is not happy with Sarutobi Hiruzen, he still has to do what he promised.

Feng Huo is an honest and trustworthy ninja!

Although the three of Iruka were unhappy, they didn't dare to really blame Fenghuo.

"By the way, how are those D-level tasks going? Are they all completed?" Feng Huo suddenly asked, his eyes sparkling, as if standing in front of him were not people, but handfuls of rice waiting to be harvested.

Last time he took dozens of D-level missions for the three of them, and it has been almost two months. Thinking about it, it's almost done, right?

Sure enough, the three performed very well, and they had successfully completed it three days ago.

So Fenghuo began to collect protection fees, er, to collect mission rewards. As the guide of the three of them, Fenghuo is eligible to receive all the rewards.

But this time he only kept half of it after collecting it, and let the three share the remaining half equally.

It was the first time for Iruka and others to see money back, and they were moved to tears.

Feng Huo suddenly felt that he had done a great thing.

So he continued his efforts, and took the three of them to Hokage Building to pick up dozens of D-level tasks.

The emotions of the three were wiped out with the completion of a large number of D-level tasks, and each looked at Fenghuo with sad eyes.

"Brother Fenghuo, I think we can accept the C-level mission!"

"Call me teacher!" Feng Huo snorted, "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, the three of you are still tender, first give me a cough and cough honestly, do a D-level task honestly for a period of time, take time to get familiar with ninjas Rules, if you’re really bored, go to the street and help grandpas and grandmas cross the road! Let me tell you, don’t do good deeds because of small things, good deeds must start small, you know!”

The three of them lowered their heads weakly: "Got it."

"It's good to know, go ahead, do it well, I'm optimistic about you!" Feng Huo was full of ambition.

The three of them looked at each other, sighed and went to do the hot D-level task.

Coming out of the Huo Ying Building, Feng Huo's expression suddenly fell.


"Hmph, Uchiha Fenghuo, long time no see." Danzo squinted, his face was a little pale, but his expression was very calm.

Fenghuo squinted: Sarutobi Hiruzen finally chose to let Danzo go.

He was very unwilling, but he could only live with his mouth: "What kind of one-eyed dog is this, who dares to stand in my way!"

Danzo's face suddenly darkened: "Uchiha Fenghuo, you..."

"One-eyed dog, do you dare to agree to your second uncle calling you?"

"..." Danzo's cheeks twitched, and his eyes were bloodshot quickly.

"Yoyoyo, who are you staring at with those little eyes? Are you still using yourself as an elder as a consultant? Shimura Danzo, you old rabbit, let me play with you!" Feng Huo pushed him away, and walked away carelessly. , I just feel refreshed, and Ren Du's two veins are instantly connected!

As for Danzo, his mood is not so good.

One-eyed dog?

old rabbit?

Hoo hoo!

Danzo's lungs exploded!

The good mood of regaining freedom instantly fell to the bottom.

Gritting his teeth secretly for a while downstairs in Hokage, Danzo suppressed the boiling killing intent in his heart, and walked into Sarutobi Hiruzen's office step by step.

"What are you doing here?"

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen chose to release Danzo, he just wanted to appease the ninja family in the village who supported Danzo, as well as Genin, and it did not mean that he had forgiven Danzo.

Danzo said with a serious face: "Hi Zhan, I'm here to admit your mistake."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi squinted his eyes, not believing this evil.

Danzo gritted his teeth. In order to restore his roots, he must regain his status as an elder advisor, and if he wants to regain his status as an elder advisor, he must be forgiven by Hiruzaru Sarutobi!

Although it is a bit embarrassing to do so, Danzang is who, he can do anything for power.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will never do this again in the future, and I will definitely rehabilitate and start a new life in the future. The words of regret are one sentence after another, obviously I have made full preparations before coming here.

But Hiruzaru Sarutobi remained unmoved, and resolutely refused to give Danzo a chance to recover!

Seeing that Sarutobi Hiri cut oil and salt, and soft and hard, Danzang had no choice but to say goodbye and leave.

But he didn't give up. After leaving Hokage Studio, he went to find his little friends Zhuanshu Xiaoharu and Mitomonyan, and asked them to go to Sarutobi Hiruzen to blow some air, talk good things to him, and kept flaunting his excellence. With his support, Hiruza Sarutobi can end the invasion of Yunin faster, suppress the unstable scourge of the Uchiha clan, and bring the Nation of Fire to the peak of the Five Great Nations.

Turning to bed, Xiaochun and Mitomenyan were both moved after hearing Danzo's words, and Qi Qi said that he would speak for him at an appropriate time.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Danzo went home satisfied, and then went to sleep.

When he closed his eyes, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

As an excellent ninja, he has long been aware of Anbu's tracking and surveillance, but now that the situation is stronger than others, he can only acquiesce in this matter.

But when he resumes his position as an elder's advisor and restores his roots, there will be no need for these stalking Anbu to exist.

It wasn't until the moon was in the middle of the sky that there was a gap in Anbu's surveillance.

A Genin took the opportunity to sneak into Danzo's mansion.

"Danzo-sama!" The ninja half-kneeled on the ground, his voice was very low.

Danzo slowly opened his eyes: "A, you are here."

Danzo Xuan closed his eyes again, breathing naturally~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He looked like he was fast asleep, but a voice slowly came out of his mouth: "Is there any news about Orochimaru?"

"Danzo-sama, Oshemaru-sama has been hunted down by Anbu since he defected from the village, and there is no news of him being arrested yet." Jia replied in a low voice.

"Go and help Orochimaru escape from the Fire Country." Danzo shut up after saying this.

A should sneak away immediately after it should be lowered.

The next day, A left the village with an unremarkable small caravan.

But unfortunately, when he appeared at the gate of Konoha Hidden Village, the ninja who was in charge of registration there found him, quietly took out a portrait drawn by Kakashi, and compared it, his eyes couldn't help but brighten.

When A and the caravan left, the ninja reported the information, which immediately attracted the attention of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The mysterious boy who mastered the first generation of Mudun finally appeared!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi immediately called Kakashi, and asked him to follow this Gennin named Ka, and find a chance to bring him back!

Kakashi nodded in response.

It has been more than a year since I joined Anbu, and Kakashi's excellence has conquered many people, and now he is able to take charge of his own side. After this mission, Hiruza Sarutobi intends to let Kakashi become the captain of Anbu and lead a team alone. And the Jia who mastered the wood dun, he also decided to let Kakashi lead it!

I had a full breakfast today, so I read the first chapter of this chapter and said, uh, everyone is talented, good-looking, good-looking, and can help me save lunch money, awesome, for all the friends 101 likes!

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