Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 391: 1 promise

Picking Buddhist scriptures, of course, Fenghuo couldn't just pick one. Under Di Lu's unbelievable eyes, Fenghuo flipped his hands up, formed a pattern of multiple shadow clones, and separated 20 shadow clones to start the robbery.

"Benefactor, benefactor, you... stop, stop!" Di Lu was in a bad mood, "Uchiha Fenghuo, stop!!"

Feng Huo followed the good advice, raised his hands and walked to Di Lu's side.

"..." The corner of Di Lu's mouth twitched, pointing at the twenty shadow clones who were still busy, he said, "Tell them to stop too!"

Fenghuo let out a sigh, and waved his hand to signal them to come over.

Each of the twenty shadow clones was holding a few Buddhist scriptures, and the pile was almost as high as Feng Huo's shoulders.

He took out the sealed scroll and quickly put all these Buddhist scriptures into it.

"Benefactor, the master only allows you to borrow one copy, how can you take so much? This is robbery!" Di Lu pointed at Feng Huo and gritted his teeth.

"Yeah, borrow a book, a Uchiha Fuho borrows a Buddhist scripture, you count, there are twenty-one Uchiha Fuho standing in front of you!" Fenghuo argued sophistry.

Di Lu seemed to have never seen such a brazen person, he was so angry that he couldn't speak, and finally held back: "Even so, but you just took more than twenty one Buddhist scriptures!"

"I'm sorry, my primary school math was taught by a physical education teacher, which made you laugh so cheaply, ha ha, so cheaply laughing."

Feng Huo snapped his fingers, and the twenty shadow clones instantly turned into smoke and dissipated. He raised his head and chest, bossing around, and said, "Go, benefactor, I have something important to discuss with your master, quickly lead the way!"

creak creak...

Grinding his teeth, Di Lu turned around and left. He knew that he was no match for Feng Huo, so he could only report the matter to his master.

At this time, the abbot Kongshan was shaking his head in the meditation room, and kept chanting the phrase "put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately" that Fenghuo had no intention of saying. My soul has been sublimated.

"Master, master!"

At this moment, Di Lu rushed in and spoke out all the immoral things that Fenghuo had done.

When Kong Shan heard it, his expression changed.

Feng Huo stood outside the meditation room, and after noticing it, his heart became more settled.

He walked in slowly, and said with a smile: "Abbot Kongshan, I heard that you are very good at sealing techniques, so I would like to ask you to teach me the sealing technique."

Abbot Kongshan stared into Fenghuo's eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "What if I don't agree!"

"Then..." Feng Huo sneered, "The talents of the immortal clan, hehehe."

'He really guessed it! '

Abbot Kongshan sighed and said, "As expected of the most powerful genius of the Uchiha clan!"

"Master?" Di Lu felt something was wrong.

"Dilu, go find Asma, it's none of your business here." Kong Shan waved his hand and sent the unhappy Dilu away.

Kong Shan and Feng Huo were the only two left in the meditation room.

"Benefactor, I hope you can help the Temple of Fire to keep the secret." Kong Shan bowed, "The Temple of Fire is no better than the Hidden Leaf Village, and it is really incapable of protecting itself."

"Of course, I have always disdain such things as crossing rivers and demolishing bridges. Please rest assured, Abbot Kongshan."

Feng Huo walked over with a smile and sat down in front of Abbot Kongshan.

Afterwards, Abbot Kongshan took out a book, handed it to Fenghuo lightly, and said, "This is the content about the sealing technique that has been handed down from my lineage in the Temple of Fire. I hope it can be helpful to you."

Feng Huo thanked, took it and looked at it carefully.

Compared with the sealed book presented by Namikaze Minato, this one is much worse in both depth and breadth.

Feng Huo couldn't help being a little disappointed when he saw half of it, but at the end, he found that there were many unique insights about unsealed printing recorded on it.

Take the five-element seal as an example. If you want to unlock the five-element seal, you can only use the five elements to unlock it. According to Fenghuo's understanding, it is a lock with a key. If you change the key, you can't unlock the lock.

But according to the opinion recorded in this seal book, the Five Elements Seal is regarded as five small seals combined together. As long as you find the 'node' of one of the small seals, you can leverage the entire Five Elements Seal .

Of course, this method of unsealing may fail, or even cause an explosion of the seal, but from an academic point of view, it is indeed of progressive significance.

Feng Huo raised some questions of his own, and the abbot of Kongshan did not hide his secrets, and clarified them one by one.

After reading this sealing book, sealing the fire has gained a lot, but it also needs precipitation to help him.

At this time, the abbot of Kongshan said with a smile: "Benefactor, you have already obtained the sealing technique and Laiying-Thousand Hand Killing. Buddha pays attention to cause and effect. Donor, what do you think?"

‘This is trying to blackmail me! ? ’ Feng Huo’s face suddenly fell, and he said with a dark face, “What do you want?”

"A promise." The abbot of Kongshan said, "The temple of fire is very prosperous, but the world is impermanent, and no one can predict what will happen in the future. I only hope that one day when the temple of fire is in danger, the benefactor can help once for free. .”

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes, this old monk is really very cunning.

"Benefactor, this shouldn't be an embarrassment, right? After all, the Temple of Fire is just a temple." Kong Shan said.

Feng Huo looked at him deeply, nodded after thinking for a while: "Okay, no problem."

"Thank you."

Kong Shan sighed in his heart.

His apprentice, Lu Fan, is still heartbroken, and gets mixed up with that Asma who calls "the kingdom of fire only needs a name is enough" every day. Sooner or later, he will go down the mountain to do some business. Kongshan really can't predict the future. , but he has an intuition that if Dilu goes, he may be in danger, and it will even bring huge hidden dangers to the Temple of Fire.

Therefore, he exchanged the sealing technique for a promise to seal the fire.

After the PR transaction is completed, Feng Huo pats his **** and leaves, not taking away, cough, only taking dozens of Buddhist scriptures.

Before he left, he went to look at Asma again, and this guy had **** with Lu Lu again, and the two of them were **** and kicking, having a great time.

Feng Huo smiled, turned and left.

After returning to Konoha, Feng Huo went to Hokage Building to report Asma's current situation to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Finally concluded: "Asuma has found a like-minded partner in the Temple of Fire, and I am afraid that it will not be long before he will work for the daimyo."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smoked his pipe and said, "Oh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This kid has been spoiled by his mother since he was a child, so it's better to go and suffer, I hope he can grow up as soon as possible."

Once the matter was over, Feng Huo hurriedly returned to his mansion, and then separated out twenty shadow clones to continue assigning training tasks.

Because I learned a lot about the sealing technique from the Temple of Fire, Fenghuo specially assigned two more shadow clones to study the sealing technique, and strive to master the sealing chain as soon as possible.

There are also dozens of Buddhist scriptures, and Fenghuo also assigned a few more shadow clones to read the Buddhist scriptures.

After the assignment was completed, Feng Huo discovered that the several shadow clones assigned to the Buddhist scriptures task all drooped, with an expression of lovelessness.

Feng Huo turned a blind eye to it, and arrogantly encouraged the shadows to clone themselves, and then went to practice physical skills.

Summer solstice, it's late, but fortunately it's midnight.

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