Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 398: Copy the lightning protection body!

The frenzied Ai Yue fought more and more bravely, and each shadow clone was blasted into residue like a scarecrow by him three or two times.

However, Fenghuo hidden in the dark remained motionless.

Ai agrees to the deal, that's good, but now it's clear that the other party chooses to burn everything together, but there is another way to seal the fire, that is to use Sharingan to copy Ai's Thunder Protection Body!

Sharingan can copy Ninjutsu, and it can also copy Taijutsu!

In the original book, Er Zhuzi once used his Sharingan to copy Rock Li's one-movement Shadow Dance Leaf!

Of course, the difficulty of Lei Dunju is not comparable to that of Ying Wuye, but don't forget, Lei Dun's body is not a pure physical skill, but a combination of ninjutsu and physical skill, it is a kind of ninjutsu!

Fenghuo's Sharingan is more advantageous in copying ninjutsu, coupled with his experience in practicing Bamen Dunjia, although the copying process is difficult, but with a glimpse, he still has a glimpse of a mystery!

Moreover, Ai, who was in a frenzy, opened up crazily, with no intention of hiding his clumsiness at all, it was a good opportunity to seal the fire and steal the teacher!

He quietly sealed and summoned ten shadow clones again, and in order to let Ai Neng 'have fun', these shadow clones were all dressed in tailed beast coats, turned into little turtles, and rushed towards Ai screaming.

Ai's eyes were bloodshot, and thunder was shining. Seeing Fenghuo's shadow clone, he rushed over without saying a word.

His figure shuttled around with Lei Ming, punches and kicks with a force of more than ten thousand catties, and the tailed beast's coat was cracked every inch of it!

"Lei Yu Level Chiyo Mai!!"

Ai swooped down from a high place, and directly killed five shadow clones in tailed beast coats with a knife in his hand!

"Fire escape-helix pill!"

"Wind escape-helix pill!"

The two spiral pills collided in the air and turned into a fire tornado, which hit Ai's heart in an instant!


Ai Shuang clenched his fists tightly, and the Thunder Dunk Chakra in his body rushed out of his body crazily, turning into a Thunder Dungeon armor to offset all the violent power of the Helix Pill!

"Thunder bombs me!"

Ai grabbed the two shadow clones that produced spiral pills, and smashed them down hard.


The ground hummed, ugly cracks spread like a spider web, and the tailed beast coats on the two shadow clones were instantly torn apart.

Ai picked it up again, and the power of Thunder Dun poured into his hands frantically, directly blasting the two shadow clones!

"Fire Escape - Extinguish the mighty fire!"


The terrifying wall of fire more than 30 meters long covered the entire mountain top with scorching heat, and it was violently pushed across like a stormy sea.

"Lei Dou endures the Suturei Sword!"

Ai Yiran was not afraid, she rushed directly into the wall of fire with a flash of lightning, passed through the wall of high temperature fire almost instantly, and arrived in front of the shadow clone, a fist full of lightning directly blasted the tailed beast coat of the shadow clone into chakra residue !

"Fire Escape - Great Fire Extinguishment!"

The shadow clone didn't care about its own danger at all, formed seals with both hands, and spewed out violent umbrella-shaped flames when it was face to face with Ai, forcefully pushing Ai back into the fire wall!


The flames devoured the body. Even with the thunder armor protecting the body, the high temperature was difficult to isolate. Ai's body slowly turned a strange blush under the high temperature, but the severe pain made Ai even more violent.

"Yi Lei Shen Fu Thunder Axe!!"

He raised his right foot high and slashed fiercely at the ground like a sword. The berserk power erupted instantly, and the already overwhelmed mountain crumbled instantly. Countless rocks rolled down and dust flew up. The 30-meter-long wall of fire also fell apart. .

Amidst the clumps of flames, Ai stepped on the thunder and crushed the shadow clone into scum.

"Uchiha seals the fire, get out of here!!"

He raised his right foot again, the thunder light exploded, and he slashed down!


There was a roar on the top of the mountain, and countless rocks shot missiles like cannonballs, rolling down the hillside.

Sealing the fire without stopping, he summoned twenty shadow clones wearing tailed beast coats again, and rushed towards Ai.

His Sharingan spins wildly.

Ai's speed was so fast that his Sharingan couldn't keep up.

"Got you!"

A cruel smile appeared on Ai's hideous face.

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat, knowing that there was a flaw when he summoned the shadow clone just now, he fled into the ground without saying a word.

"Lei Yu level Chiyo Mai!"

Ai, bathed in bright lightning, swooped down from a high place, turned the knife in his hand into a thunder blade, directly beheaded five shadow clones along the way, came to the place where Fenghuo disappeared, and punched the ground hard.



The hillside cracked, and several ferocious cracks spread wildly. Ai's eyes lit up, and he punched down hard again.

However, the shadow clone behind him has already rushed forward.

"Water Escape - The Art of Great Waterfall!"


A huge waterspout fell from the sky, leaped directly over Ai, and blasted into the cracks on the hillside, completely burying the traces of Chakra left by Feng Huo's departure!

"Damn it!"

Ai was furious, turned around and disappeared into lightning, "Thunder plow is hot knife!"


Lightning raged on the top of the mountain, dust was flying, wind and fire filled the air, and the 100-meter-high mountain collapsed inch by inch under this terrifying scene!

Fenghuo's body had already run two hundred meters away, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

It has been nearly two years since the last battle with Brother AB, and Feng Huo never expected that Ai would be so strong. No wonder Shikahisa Nara singled him out and compared him to Minato Namikaze.

If the fire-sealing kaleidoscope can be used at will, he is naturally not afraid, but the deep glasses on the bridge of his nose always remind him of the danger of losing his light. Under this situation, he really dare not fight Ai.

But fortunately, his goal is only to protect the body.

The more berserk Ai is, the better it is for him.

But at this time, Mio Iso was not happy.

It jumped up and down in the water pool of the sealed world, making waves and roaring again and again.

"Fenghuo Uchiha, you bastard, my chakra is so cheap!"

Poor Isaac only has half of the chakra. Last time he was almost killed by Fenghuo's reverse psychic technique, he had a psychological shadow. The area is infinitely expanded!

How could Feng Huo have time to pay attention to it? He put all his attention on Ai, his Sharingan narrowed into a slit, and his eyes moved quickly with Ai's body.


Suddenly, Ai's furious face showed a trace of clarity.

Uchiha's goal of sealing the fire is his own thunder body ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then why use the shadow clone to fight him to death?


The corner of Ai's eyes twitched, although he didn't believe that Lei Dunhu's experience would be copied by Sharingan, but even if there was a 1% possibility, he didn't want to cheap Uchiha to seal the fire!

In the next moment, Ai turned into lightning and went away in an instant.

"Uchiha seals the fire, you wait for me!!"

More than a dozen shadow clones in tailed beast coats couldn't stop Ai at all, and could only watch him leave.

"Damn it, it was discovered."

Feng Huo snorted coldly, then put away the shadow clone, and fled underground.

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