Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 399: Am I shameless?

After returning from the cloud ninja camp, Fenghuo locked himself up directly.

Soon, there was the sound of thunder crackling and crackling in his camp. A few days later, the thunder sounded one after another, resounding through the sky, making the entire camp restless.

If it were someone else who dared to do this, the nearby ninjas would have rushed in to beat them up, but Feng Huo is now a famous person. After Namikaze Minato's death, he was the greatest hero in World War Three. Who would dare to disrespect him?

But in the past few days, the movement caused by sealing the fire did affect the rest of the other ninjas.

You must know that this is a battlefield. If you don't have enough rest, how can you fight Yun Nin?

So Nara Shikahisa could only call Yuhihong and ask her to remind Fenghuo.

Yuhi Hong's face was solemn, and he readily agreed.

During this period of time in the cloud ninja battlefield, although Yuhihong's strength has not improved much, her thinking has become more rational and mature, and she is changing from a delicate little girl to a temperamental lady.

Xi Hihong came to Fenghuo's camp, looked around, and found that there were sealing formulas engraved on all sides of the tent, she tried to shout: "Seal the fire, seal the fire?"



What responded to her was an ear-piercing thunderclap.

Yuhi Hongxiu frowned slightly, realizing that such words would not move him at all.

"It can only be cracked by violence."

She took out the kunai and shot it directly.

Kun Wu collided with the sealing technique, making a crisp sound of golden swords. At the same time, Fenghuo in the tent also felt the shock of the sealing technique.

At this time, Fenghuo's hair was disheveled, his eyes were bloodshot, and his clothes were in tatters. He looked tragic after a lightning strike.

In fact it is true!

Fenghuo relied on the "Thunder Dungeon Body" copied by Sharingan, and only a small part of the Thunder Dungeon chakra operation route, Fenghuo wanted to draw a circle with dots, it is very difficult to imagine, in the process of derivation, Lei Dun Chakra went into a rage several times, and he was so electric that he was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, his bones were crispy and his flesh was fragrant!

But after a few days, sealing the fire is not without gains, at least, he has mastered the method of stimulating physical activity with the Thunder Dunk Chakra, but there is still a long way to go before the Thunder Dungeon Protector.

Feng Huo changed his clothes and straightened his hair before breaking the seal and going out.

"Ah, Hong, it's you." Feng Huo couldn't help showing a warm smile when he saw the person coming.

"You are a real person, don't you know that this is a battlefield!" Xi Rihong saw Fenghuo's smile, and the only faint dissatisfaction in her heart dissipated in an instant, but she still kept a straight face, walked over and let out a coquettish snort. Lock the soft meat around the fire.

It hurts to seal the fire, and I beg for forgiveness.

Seeing him like this, Yu Hihong couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Not far away, Kai, Lin, Shiranui Xuanma, Yibixi and others hid behind a tent and peeped quietly.

"It turns out that Fenghuo is afraid of being popular." Kai widened his eyes, with an expression of disbelief.

"Idiot, did you just know now?" Shiranui Xuanjian snorted softly with a thousand copies in his mouth, "All men in love are like this."

"Eh? Is that so? It's terrible, I will never fall in love!" Kai clenched his fists, secretly vowing to be an excellent single dog in his life!

After listening to Kai's words, Lin couldn't help retorting: "Kai, being in love is the most beautiful thing in the world, how can you have such a strange idea!"

"No, the most beautiful thing in this world is youth! Being in love is just wasting youth, and only eternal battle is the only choice to spend youth!"

Hot Blood Kai's eyes lit up, and a background wall of turbulent waves automatically gushed out behind him.

Lin, Shiranuo Xuanjian, and Yibixi all covered their foreheads, unable to bear to look directly at them.

When they looked up, they found that Fenghuo and Xihihong had disappeared.

"Have you been discovered? It's all your fault, Kai!" Genma Shiranui lazily complained.

"Huh? Are you challenging me? I accept!" Kai pointed at Genma Shiranui, his blood boiling.

Shiranuo Xuanjian secretly thought that something was wrong, so he spit out Qianben from his mouth at that time, and then ran away with the instant body technique.

Kai dodged Qianben, jumped up and cursed: "Xuanjian, you bastard, I will never let you go!"

After avoiding those voyeurs, Feng Huo led Xi Hihong to a corner of the camp.

"What have you been doing these days? Are you practicing thunder escape ninjutsu?" Yuhihong knocked off the salty pig's hand that sealed the fire, and snorted arrogantly, "It's too much noise."

Feng Huo rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "I'm studying the Lei Dun Protector."

Then, he stretched out another salty pig's hand to Xi Hihong.

Yu Hihong rejected his salty pig's hand and slapped him.

Yuhihong stared at Fenghuo angrily, and asked in a slightly nasal tone: "Thunder body protection? Could it be... but I heard that it is a powerful ninjutsu that only Raikage is qualified to learn."

Feng Huo said: "That's right, it's the kind of ninjutsu you mentioned! After the death of the third Raikage, only Ai in the entire ninja world has really mastered this ninjutsu, so I grasped the important combat power of cloud ninja!" The Renzhuli Eryumuren wanted to use her to exchange Ai's lightning protection body, but was rejected. Afterwards, I used the shadow clone to fight Ai, and copied his lightning protection body with Sharingan, but the effect was mediocre .”

"Don't be discouraged, I believe you will succeed!" Xi Hihong encouraged.

"Miss Sister, please comfort me." Feng Huo looked hopeless.

"..." Yuhihong blinked her eyes twice, her white face was as shy as jade, she puffed her cheeks and snorted, "You scoundrel, don't touch me."

Feng Huo looked at it, and was about to make persistent efforts, when suddenly a cough came from behind, scaring Xi Hihong into running away like a rabbit.

Feng Huo looked back with a straight face, and saw Nara Shikahisa's malicious smiling face.

"I said Brother Lu Jiu, you did it on purpose." Feng Huo felt very tired.

"Ah, how should I put it? It should be regarded as just passing by." Nara Shikahisa shrugged and said with a strange smile, "But since I met ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, I will just ask how your plan is going. Is it going well?"

Feng Huo sighed deeply, and said: "It failed, Ai did not accept my transaction request at all, and the negotiation broke down."

"That's why you used Sharingan to copy his Thunder Body?" Nara Shikahisa said while rubbing his chin.

"How do you know that I copied it with Sharingan? You just eavesdropped! And you said it wasn't intentional!" Feng Huo was so angry that the three corpses jumped.

Ever since Mingzhen Ninja World, Feng Huo has had the burden of being an idol. Wherever he goes, he is tall and arrogant, and rumors of falling in love... Where can he put his face in Mingzhen Ninja World?

Nara Shikaku held back a smile and turned around, waved his hand and said, "Don't think too much, I really just happened to pass by, haha, by the way, since Ai refuses to make a deal, I'll leave the Erwei Jinchuriki to you, that's it ,Talk to you next time."

Started to run wild again, asking for a monthly pass to protect me

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