Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 405: It's clear it's revenge

"Absolutely, welcome to join Akatsuki."

Tendao Yahiko stepped forward, his eyes of reincarnation were ruthless and indifferent, like a **** aloft!

"What's wrong with your body?"

Jue's body can be hidden from Xiao Nan, but it is impossible to hide it from the eyes of reincarnation.

Hei Jue moved out of Bai Jue's body with a smile, and then returned with his body, saying: "It's that simple."

Xiao Nan said: "Twins?"

Tendou Yahiko nodded slightly, and no longer cared about his body. Compared with the existence of Payne Liudao, Jue's body is not surprising.

Afterwards, Yahiko Tendō spoke to Akatsuki about Akatsuki's purpose.

"Collecting tail beasts, monopolizing the wars of major powers, hehehe, I like this!" Hei Jue sneered again and again.

The Tailed Beast is really a good thing. The Akatsuki organization wants to collect Tailed Beasts to make war weapons, Uchiha Madara wants to collect Tailed Beasts to carry out the Moon Eye Project, and he is black, and he also wants to collect Tailed Beasts to revive Otsutsuki Kaguya!

Hanging around Akatsuki and Uchiha Madara, Heijue felt that he was getting closer and closer to the resurrection of Otsuki Kaguya!

Then, Tendou Yahiko gave Jue the first mission.

That is to scout the entire Land of Rain, and if there are suspicious people, such as the remnants of the Sanshoyu Hanzo, report them immediately, and then kill them without mercy!

Absolutely agree.

After he left, Xiao Nan asked, "Can you trust him?"

Tiandao Yahiko said: "In the face of absolute strength, conspiracy and tricks are useless, so as long as he can do good things, don't worry about other things."

Xiaonan nodded slightly.

"By the way, how is the investigation of the betrayal going?"

Xiao Nan said: "There are already two target candidates."


Xiaonan said: "Sha Yin Village betrayed Ninja Scorpion, and Muye Yin Village betrayed Ninja Orochimaru."

Tendou Yahiko pondered and said: "Let's get in touch with the scorpion first."

"it is good."

Hatake Sakumo's request was sealed off after two days of consideration, and finally agreed.

To monitor Danzo and track Orochimaru is the meaning of the question, but at the same time, he also needs to make friends with Uchiha Shisui, and use Anbu's information to track Yakushidou!

Since the Tailed Beast Rebellion, Fenghuo has completely lost information about Yaoshidou, and now he doesn't even know where he is, so how can he send warmth?

Without warmth, how can the future pharmacist heal his eyes?

Of course, making friends with Uchiha Shisui is also very important.

Although he knew Uchiha Shisui before, the relationship between the two can only be said to be average. If one day Uchiha Shisui faces the same death situation as the original book, he will only entrust his kaleidoscope to Uchiha Itachi, Instead of sealing the fire.

If you have a good relationship...

Hey, I'm a serious ninja, I can't think of such things that hurt others and benefit myself!

Feng Huo shook his head and got rid of the dirty thought in his mind.

Soon, Feng Huo took up his post, entered the Anbu, and officially became the head of the Anbu's surveillance department. Although he held a high position and authority, he also lost the qualification to compete for the leader of the Anbu.

After that, Hatake Sakumo selected some outstanding Anbe ninjas to seal the fire and help him build the framework.

With the framework in place, all that's left is enrollment.

Considering the importance and secrecy of the surveillance department, sealing the fire can only be done in the dark department.

Fortunately, there are still quite a few Anbu elites, but it’s not just for him to choose. For example, Fenghuo valued Chito Baili, who was the captain of the third combat brigade in the second battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain during the Third World War, and was Fenghuo’s former boss. Boss, but Chito Baili is Hatake Sakumo's right-hand man, and Hatake Sakumo is unwilling to let him go no matter what, let Fenghuo pick and choose.

With a thought in Feng Huo's mind, he picked Yoshida Masaichi over.

Hatake Sakumo frowned slightly when he saw it.

Masaichi Yoshida, who used to be a root ninja, later joined Anbe and became an elite. Later, in the third ninja war, he was also the captain of the fourth combat brigade in the second battlefield of the Land of Rain, and made many contributions!

But as far as Hatake Sakumo knew, this Yoshida Shoichi seemed to have had a lot of nasty things with Fenghuo!

This time Fenghuo chose Yoshida Masaichi, did he want to take revenge on him?

Hatake Sakumo is in a dilemma.

Just now because of Qian Teng Baili refused to seal the fire, if he refuses again, what if the fire will not do it?

Hatake Sakumo sighed, and said, "Fenghuo, Masaichi is an excellent Anbe ninja, you...wouldn't make things difficult for him on purpose, would you?"

Feng Huo's eyes popped out, with an expression of indignation that a revolutionary righteous was slandered, betrayed the organization, betrayed the people and betrayed the country: "Uncle Shuo Mao, what are you talking about? Am I that kind of person? If you look down on me, I will leave in a minute Believe it or not!"

Hatake Sakumo grimaced, and kicked his head if he disagreed.

"Okay." What can he do, he can only agree.

Later, Fenghuo selected a group of ninjas who were good at concealment and divided them into three groups. One group was responsible for monitoring Danzo, and the second group was responsible for monitoring Uchiha. As for the third group, Fenghuo directly beat them out of the village and went all over the world Look for Orochimaru.

At the same time, as time travelers, Feng Huo specifically asked them to focus on searching in countries such as the Country of Iron, the Country of Tang, and the Country of Tian.

However, based on time calculations, at this point in time, Orochimaru should not have established an Otonin Village in Tanokuni, but what if it happens?

At the same time, when Yoshida Masaichi learned that he had become Uchiha's subordinate, he went to Hatake Sakumo to protest.

"Master Sakumo, no matter what, I will not work under Uchiha Fuho!" Yoshida Masaichi's face was so gloomy that he could drip water.

"Shoichi, you are an Anbe ninja, this is a mission, you have no reason to refuse!" Hatake Sakumo said.

"Then I'll quit Anbe!" Yoshida burst out.

"Asshole! Anbe is for you to enter if you want, and to retreat if you want!" Hatake Sakumo's face turned serious, "Yoshida Shoichi, you forgot the oath you made when you joined Anbe!"

Yoshida gritted his teeth.

Back then when he quit the root and entered Anbu, he vowed to be loyal to Anbu for the rest of his life, no matter what task he performed, he would accept it unconditionally!

But, but...

But in the third Ninja World War, he intentionally framed Uchiha Fenghuo. It is absolutely impossible for Uchiha Fenghuo to forget about this matter. Therefore, this time he recruited himself to make it clear that he wanted to take revenge on him!

But he can't say these words to anyone, once it gets out, the consequences will be disastrous!

Colluding with enemy ninjas to frame one's own people during the war, this crime is enough to kill him!

Yoshida is gritting his teeth~www.wuxiaspot.com~blue thin shiitake mushroom.

Hatake Sakumo frowned and said, "Shoichi, did you have a big problem with Fenghuo before?"

Yoshida shook his head in a hurry: "No, no."

"Since there is no one, why don't you want to work under his subordinates!" Hatake Sakumo asked back, "Whether it is strength or prestige, Fenghuo has already surpassed most ninjas in the village. If you work under him, you shouldn't feel wronged Bar."


Yoshida Masaichi's face was full of cattle, and he responded with tears.

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