Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 406: Malediction

"Yoshida Shoichi, you're late!"

In the headquarters of the Anbu, in the newly built office of the head of the surveillance force, Feng Huo was wearing the black eagle mask with a white background that he had chosen when he first joined the Anbu, staring sharply at Masaichi Yoshida across the way.

"My lord, please call me by my code name, Black Snake!" Yoshida Masaichi said coldly, his mask was black with a blue background, and the snake scales on the snake's head were clearly identifiable, extremely ferocious.

"Black Snake? Hack your MMP!"


Feng Huo slapped the table heavily, stood up and pointed at Masaichi Yoshida angrily: "Little bastard! You are late for no reason, you have a reason, don't you? Believe it or not, I will teach you how to behave in minutes!"

"Don't dare!" Yoshida is so angry that he can be Uchiha's father at his own age, but he is called a little bastard? How unreasonable!

But people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Yoshida took a deep breath and suppressed himself, "My lord, I'm going to discuss things with Master Sakumo!"

"Just don't dare!" Feng Huo suddenly said with a smile, "Xiao Hei~"

"..." Yoshida felt that he was defiled for a moment, and a deep sense of shame spread from the bottom of his heart.

"Here, I have an important task for you. I believe that you can definitely do it well!" Feng Huo said with a smile.

This **** is really trying to trick me!

Yoshida clenched his teeth: "What is the task, please tell me."

"Call the captain!" Feng Huo patted the table, then raised Erlang's legs, and looked at him quietly, "The task is actually very simple. Didn't Danzo restore the roots recently? I'm going to send you to be a spy in the roots!"

"What?" Yoshida Masaichi was in a bad mood.

"Look at your unexpected expression, hehe, do you think the task is too simple? Are you surprised?" Feng Huo patted the table and winked at him, then smiled, "Speaking of which, you were also a root before, and this time you are going to be a spy. , it is easy to gain the trust of Danzo, and then, get all the information I want!"

Speaking of the latter, Feng Huo's tone gradually turned cold, even with a hint of sternness.

Yoshida was clenching his fists with both hands: "Captain, please forgive me for refusing! Every ninja who leaves the roots will no longer be able to gain the trust of Danzo-sama, I..."

"Shut up! This is a mission, you can't refuse it! If you can finish it, you have to go, if you can't finish it, you will die at the root!" Feng Huo said coldly.

creak creak...

Yoshida Masaichi gritted his teeth frantically: "Captain, you are avenging yourself!"

"Oh? Then tell me, what kind of personal enmity is there between us?" Feng Huo narrowed his eyes, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "Shall I help you remember?"

Yoshida closed his eyes and nodded after being silent for a while: "Okay, I accept the task!"

It is impossible to go to the root and be a spy in this life, if that is the case, then don't blame me!

Yoshida Shoichi intends to make a fake show for real, go directly to the root, and leak all the information of the supervision department to his Danzo-sama!

Feng Huo said: "This is good, obedient children have milk, right?"

creak creak...

Yoshida Shoichi continued to grind his teeth.

"Oh, by the way, I heard that the curse seal at the root is very powerful. In order to prevent you from making a fake show, I will put a few special curse seals in your body, hehehe..." Feng Huo sneered maliciously.

An ominous premonition suddenly surged in Yoshida's heart, and he said anxiously: "If the captain doesn't believe me, why send me to be a spy at the root?!"

"Oh, according to what you said, why did Danzo put more than five curse marks on each Gennin? Doesn't he even have a trustworthy Gennin?"

"That's not the case, Danzo-sama did this to prevent the leak of root information!" Yoshida was busy defending Danzo.

"It's the same for me~ I put a curse on you to prevent you from leaking information from my surveillance department, not because I don't believe you." Feng Huo looked at him with a smile, "Don't think too much about it."

Don't think too much about ghosts!

The eyes under Yoshida Masaichi's mask flickered, but he couldn't find any reason to shirk.

"Then, I'm starting, it hurts a bit, you have to bear with it, hehehehe."

Feng Huo rubbed his hands and ten fingers, and said with a strange smile, "Don't resist, or it will be very painful!"

Yoshida's chest was heaving and rising like a raging flame.

Anbu and Genbu have their own curse seals to prevent the two ninjas from leaking secrets, but relatively speaking, the curse seals at Root are more cruel, so they are more effective.

As for Fenghuo, many vicious designs were added to Anbu's curse seal. If Yoshida Masaichi dared to betray him and leak information from the surveillance department, the curse seal would explode on the spot, burning his seven orifices and the muscles of his limbs. Meridians!

In this way, Yoshida Masaichi will immediately become blind and deaf, and lose his sense of taste and smell, and at the same time, his limbs will be cut off, and he will become a disabled person!

Don't say such stupid things as changing a pair of eyes and hands for him!

Because the curse seal occurs instantly in the body, and it destroys the most important meridians!

Take the eyes as an example, in order to restore his light, in addition to changing a pair of eyes, the countless small meridians connecting the eyes and the brain must be replaced. This project is almost impossible to complete, plus the ears, nose, tongue, etc. , In this way, unless you take his soul out and put it in another intact body to heal his wounds, otherwise he will be a disabled person who can't see or hear all his life!

Of course, if Yoshida Zhengyi wants to leak information with the intention of dying, Feng Huo can only wish him an early death and early reincarnation.

In order to prevent others from forcibly breaking the curse seal, Feng Huo deliberately put the curse seal deep in Yoshida Masaichi's heart. If anyone dares to forcibly break it, Yoshida Masaichi will die in an instant!

After casting the curse seal, sealing the fire was relieved, and Yoshida Masaichi felt bad all over.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, you bastard! Damn it! These curse marks are too vicious! I want to ask Mr. Sakumo to judge!" Yoshida Masaichi was already so angry that he was in a mess.

"Call the captain!" Feng Huo said unhurriedly: "The curse seal is just a protective measure to prevent you from leaking information~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as you don't leak information, these curse seals will not occur at all, and, As long as you complete the task, I will untie it for you afterwards, um, I swear to you with the glory of Uchiha!"

Fart glory!

You have already left the Uchiha clan!

Yoshida was glaring at him, gnashing his teeth, the hatred in his heart was like ten thousand ants gnawing at his heart.

"Xiao Hei, go ahead and join the root, and I will have someone contact you when the time comes, just now!" Feng Huo pumped his fists to encourage him.

Yoshida was breathing under his mask like a bull in heat, puffing and puffing.

Fenghuo took out a newspaper while whistling, and read it happily.

"...Resign!" Yoshida slammed the door fiercely and left.

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