Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 416: Fairy mode?

Natural energy is an unfamiliar term. In the ninja world, few people mention it, and even many ninjas don't know the existence of this kind of thing.

But in some places, natural energy is often mentioned.

For example, Mt. Miaogi!

For example, Longdi Cave!

That's right, it's the fairy mode!

Immortal mode is a state in which natural energy from the outside world is absorbed on the basis of one's own mental energy and physical energy, and fused into celestial chakra to control powerful natural energy. In this state, natural energy can be used to greatly increase Increase physical activity to increase attack power and defense. At the same time, the power of ninjutsu, physical jutsu, and illusion used through xianjutsu chakra will be increased by ten times or even dozens of times!

This is an extremely perverted ninjutsu!

Feng Huo's heart was beating fast.

Could it be that the so-called hero water is actually the 'fairy water' that dilutes the natural energy?

Fenghuo recalls the original work.

It is explained in the original book that although the water of heroes can increase the chakra tenfold, the ninjas after taking it will not live long in the end, so they will be sealed by the successive leaders of Taki Ninja Village.

But practicing immortal mode is even more dangerous.

If one can't hold back when absorbing natural energy, it will be swallowed by natural energy and become a part of nature.

It's like the countless failed practitioners in Miaomu Mountain all turned into stone frogs, and they couldn't die any more!

From this point of view, the two seem to have the same effect.

Fenghuo's brain hole is wide open: drinking the hero's water, that is, the diluted "natural energy", the fusion of Chakra and natural energy, the sudden increase of ten times is reasonable, and it is absolutely reasonable to absorb natural energy without training. not kidding!

Although the diluted natural energy will not directly petrify people, it will definitely not end well.

Such a conjecture seems to make sense.

Fenghuo's heart is hot.

I couldn't help but go to ask Isaaki again.

Isota was annoyed by him, and roared angrily: "How would I know such a thing, I want to sleep, don't bother me!"

Fenghuo is in a good mood and doesn't care about it.

Standing in the center of the canopy on the top of the sacred tree, he looked around, only feeling that his body was soaked in natural energy, and his whole body was warm and beautiful.

If his guess is correct, then this holy tree that can give birth to "immortal water" must have the ability to gather natural energy. In this way, can he practice immortal mode through this holy tree?

The most important reason why Mt. Miaomu has the inheritance of the immortal model is because there is a large amount of natural energy condensed in Mt. Miaomu. As long as you calm down and practice, you can feel the natural energy.

In the outside world, although natural energy is everywhere, it exists like air, and ordinary ninjas can't feel it at all. How can we talk about cultivation?

Feng Huo sat down cross-legged, feeling the surroundings quietly, for an hour, two hours, and then... the sky gradually became brighter.

Seeing that Feng Huo was in a hurry, he opened the third door of the Eight Dunjia, entered the Lianhua state, and left in the air.

After staying away from the holy tree, Fenghuo escaped into the ground and sneaked all the way back to Longin village.

The four Taki Ninja Anbe outside were still guarding, but unfortunately, facing the cunning Fenghuo, no matter how wide their eyes were, it was useless.

At this time, Uchiha Shisui had woken up, and sat there with no expression on his face. He was not surprised to see Fenghuo coming out of the ground, and sighed: "Captain, didn't you promise me not to drink Hero's Water again?" Got an idea?"

Feng Huo put away the shadow clone, and said righteously: "A gentleman's promise is more important than a thousand catties. Don't worry, I won't make any plans for the hero's water."

When Uchiha Shisui heard this, his tense face not only did not relax, but became even uglier.

"Captain, don't you want to get the idea of ​​the holy tree?"

"Hey, how do you know?" Feng Huo was taken aback.

"No way, Captain, you have seen that sacred tree too. It is as big as a mountain. It is impossible to move it with our strength. Moreover, it has survived here for more than a thousand years and has adapted to the environment here. Even if it is transplanted, it will be very difficult. Die soon."

Uchiha Shisui was really in a hurry, if he moved that sacred tree, Taki Shinobi would definitely chase them down and kill them endlessly.

Feng Huo waved his hand and said, "What are you thinking? How could I do that, I just want to practice a ninjutsu on the sacred tree."

"Eh?" Uchiha Shisui was taken aback, "Really? It won't affect the sacred tree, right?"

Feng Huo nodded: "That can't be done! I'm an honest person, how can I do things that harm others and benefit myself?"

Uchiha Shisui breathed a sigh of relief.

In the next few days, Fenghuo played around with Uchiha Shisui during the day, and sneaked to the sacred tree at night to feel the natural energy.

For several days, the weather was calm, but in the dark, there was an undercurrent.

That evening, when Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui returned to Takinobu Village, Shisha suddenly appeared, expressing that he wanted to have a word with Fenghuo.

When Uchiha Shisui walked aside, Shisha said mysteriously, "If I'm not mistaken, you've been lingering in our village for so long and don't want to leave. The purpose should be the water of heroes!"

Feng Huo looked at him, frowned and said: "Shisha, you haven't called my name yet, come on, call me."

The muscles at the corners of Shisha's mouth stiffened slightly, and he sneered, "You don't need to hide it in front of me, I've already seen through you."

"So?" Feng Huo shrugged, with an indifferent expression on his face.

"Tonight at twelve o'clock, I will wait for you at the gate of the village!" Shisha showed a meaningful smile.

"Why?" Feng Huo looked at him strangely.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a deal. I can tell you the real information about the Hero's Water. Correspondingly, you have to pay me enough!" Shisha deliberately showed a hint of greed, but he sneered in his heart. At the gate of the village, then his plan can be carried out.

"Remember, be there or be square!"

Shisha said solemnly, then turned and left.

Feng Huo rubbed his chin, this hookah is interesting.

Is this going to be a village thief?

However, when Shisha turned to leave, the trace of ambition revealed in the depths of his eyes made Feng Huo a little wary.

Moreover, before seeing the sacred tree, Feng Huo really coveted the hero's water. The tenfold increase in chakra is too tempting. Even if you can't drink it yourself because of backlash, you can let the three tails drink it. After all, the life of the tailed beast It is extremely long, and it is not afraid of the backlash of the heroic water.

But now, Feng Huo, who had guessed the truth about the Hero's Water, only had feelings for the tree, and the Hero's Water was useless at all.

You know, as long as you master the immortal mode, you can directly obtain natural energy from the natural world, as much as you want?

Why bother to chase after the end?

"Captain~www.wuxiaspot.com~What did he tell you?" Shisui Uchiha came over and asked curiously.

"It's nothing...well, he's looking for you, yes, he's looking for you." Feng Huo said solemnly, "at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, at the gate of Longin Village, he wants to see you or leave!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Huo left behind a chic back, and walked away quickly.

"Eh? What?!" Uchiha Shisui was confused.

Conjecture about Heroic Water, don’t spray it, don’t send blades, don’t, don’t, ya scorpion!

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