Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 417: Taki Ninja Village Rebellion

On the head of willow branches on the moon, people make an appointment at the gate of the village!

That night.

Under Fenghuo's encouraging eyes, Uchiha Shisui sneaked into the ground with a dark face, avoided Taki Shinobu Anbe who was watching outside, and went to the village gate to attend the meeting.

Afterwards, Fenghuo also left behind a shadow clone, sneaking into the ground to keep up.

Although I can't guess the specific reason why Shisha asked me to meet me, but there will never be any good things, so Fenghuo plans to have a praying mantis catching cicadas and orioles behind!

When he came to the gate of the village, Uchiha Shisui drilled out of the ground and looked around.

There is no trace of human smoke around, even the street lights in the street are flickering, very quiet.

Could it be that the captain is lying to himself?

Uchiha Shisui frowned.

Feng Huo also got out of a corner at this time, squatted there quietly, and then touched the ground with two fingers, and the chakra perception technique immediately sensed in all directions.

With the spread of chakra, Fenghuo felt dozens of chakra sources in an instant, but they were all weak. He continued to expand the range, and finally felt a familiar chakra on the roof of a bungalow two miles away. It is hookah!

On the roof in the distance, the hookah lay there and blended with the moonlight. When Shisui Uchiha appeared, he couldn't help being startled.

"Why is it him? Forget it, you are all in the same group anyway, hmph!"

Saying that, Shisha left quietly immediately.

Fenghuo just followed without saying a word. With Chakra Perception, as long as it was less than two kilometers, Fenghuo didn't worry about embarrassing him at all.

The shisha galloped all the way, and finally came to the mansion of Longin village leader Sheyue, and then he sneered and sealed, detonating the detonating charms that had been placed around the village for the past few days.

In the next moment, a series of explosions resounded in every corner of the village, one after another, huge flames lit up half of the sky in the dark night.

The horrified screams of countless villagers followed.

The huge movement caused a large number of Taki Shinobi to appear.

Shisha waited for a while before rushing into Sheyue's mansion.

"Master Sheyue, Master Sheyue, it's not good, it's not good!"

Shisha yelled mournfully, "Two ninjas from Konoha have attacked our Takinoshi Village!"

Sheyue was awakened by the sound of the explosion, and before she could figure out what happened, she heard the scream of the hookah, and she suddenly felt ill.

"Hookah, what happened!?"

Shisha anxiously said: "My lord, as I said before, the purpose of the Konoha ninjas is the water of heroes. Just now, they attacked the village with detonating charms!"

"What? Impossible!" Sheyue's face was pale, "I have already sent Anbu to monitor them, it is impossible for them to avoid Anbu's surveillance and do such a thing!"

Shisha said: "My lord, Konoha's ninjas are very cunning, our Anbu may have been tricked by them!"

"Shut up! I told you a long time ago, absolutely don't say such things that hurt the friendship between the two countries, you..." Before Sheyue finished speaking, Taki Ninja Anbu came to report.

"My lord, there have been at least 50 detonating talisman explosions around the village! At least 500 people were killed or injured. We have sent people to put out the fire and rescue people as soon as possible."

Sheyue's face was gloomy, and she said coldly: "Add more people to rescue the civilians, and at the same time seal the village, and strictly prohibit anyone from entering or leaving!"


"By the way, are those two Konoha ninjas still in the hotel?" Sheyue asked.



"In fact, our people found Konoha Ninja Suishi at the gate of the village." Anbu Ninja said.

"What?!" Sheyue's expression changed drastically.

Isn't Shuizhi supposed to be in the hotel, under the surveillance of Taki Shinobi Anbe, why did he appear at the gate of the village? !

How did he escape the surveillance of the Anbu?

Why did he show up at the gate of the village in the middle of the night?

The more Sheyue thought about it, the worse she became, and she suddenly turned her head to look at Shisha standing aside.

Is it really as he said?

Sheyue's heart sank again and again.

Shisha said solemnly: "Master Sheyue, the facts are already in front of my eyes. This Konoha ninja named Mizuhime detonated detonating symbols everywhere, clearly trying to attract our attention, and then create opportunities for another Uchiha ninja." , let him have time to steal the Hero's Water!"

"Damn it, these two Konoha ninjas dare to do such a thing!" Sheyue was in a hurry, and she was a little confused, and immediately shouted: "These two Konoha ninjas are wanted immediately, and they must not be allowed to leave!"

"Yes!" Anbu answered and turned to leave.

"Hookah, you go too!"

Shisha looked righteous: "Yes!"

After saying that, the hookah rushed out, but as soon as he reached the door, he turned around and ran in another direction.

That direction is where the Water of Heroes is hidden!

What he said before must have made Sheyue worry about whether the Hero's Water was stolen by Konoha Ninja. As the leader of Taki Ninja Village, how could he be at ease if he didn't go and take a look in person?

Thinking of the means he had reserved, Shisha was determined.

At the same time, Taki Shinobi Anbu also started to act. Except for putting out the fire and saving people, the rest of the people rushed to the village gate.

As for the four Anbu who monitored Fenghuo and the others, they also broke into the hotel immediately, and saw Fenghuo and Zhishui sitting there as if nothing had happened.

After the two parties stared at each other, Taki Ninja Anbe waved his hand: "Take it!"

Fenghuo's shadow clone and Uchiha Shisui's shadow clone looked at each other, and they both felt a little weird, all right, why did Takinobu Anbe want to take them down?

Could it be that the ontology has done some shady tricks?

But it is obviously impossible to catch it without a fight.

The two shadow clones immediately fought with the four Taki Ninja Anbe.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

"Fire escape dragon fire technique!"

As the Uchiha clan, the two are especially good at fire escape. When they opened fire, the flames suddenly shot up into the sky, and heat waves were everywhere, and the entire hotel was shrouded in high temperature.

The movement here quickly attracted the nearby Taki Shinobi, and more and more Taki Ninja joined the battle, and quickly knocked out the two shadow clones.

"No, it's Konoha's shadow clone technique!"

"Damn it! Report it to Lord Sheyue!"

At the gate of Taki Ninja Village, Uchiha Shisui was also surrounded by dozens of Taki Ninja Anbe.

"Shui Zhi, let's get caught!"

"You dare to covet the water of heroes in our village, you are so daring!"

Uchiha Shisui felt dizzy for a while.

I thought: The captain deliberately dismissed me. It turned out that he was going to steal the water of heroes. He had sworn to say that he would not use the water of heroes before, but he did not expect to eat his vow in one turn. Shameless!

Most importantly, this idiot was discovered!

Uchiha Shisui is angry and funny.

The surrounding Taki Shinobi Anbe became tighter and tighter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the atmosphere became more and more tense.

Uchiha Shisui sighed, and said, "Although I don't want to fight with you, but, alas, I can only say sorry."

In the next moment, Uchiha Shisui's black pupils turned into Sangoudama's Sharingan.

"What? Sharingan, he is also from the Uchiha clan!"

"Damn it, you actually concealed your surname, you really have bad intentions!"

"catch him!"


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