Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 424: Kill decisively (I, Qin Shihuang, play money!)

This village is not small, but it looks dilapidated. Under the heavy rain, many buildings on both sides of the street are in ruins, as if no one lives there.

The nearby pedestrians also hurriedly disappeared into the various alleys deep in the street.

"Captain, where are we going?" Uchiha Shisui asked wearily.

Feng Huo thought for a while, and said: "Let my shadow clone take you to find a place to shelter from the rain first, and I'll go and see those wandering ninjas."

"No, Captain, didn't you just say you wanted to find me a doctor?" Uchiha Shisui smiled wryly.

Feng Huo reprimanded with a serious face: "As a ninja, of course, the task is the most important thing, how can you only care about your own little cold? Zhishui, you are not too young, grow up and be sensible!"

Uchiha Shisui's face was dark, and he said that you were the one who was looking for the doctor, and you were the most important task.

Without waiting for his reply, Feng Huo jumped onto the rain-drenched roof and ran away.

The No. 1 shadow avatar of the beautiful boy directly carried Shisui Uchiha on his back and entered a dilapidated house. Although the wind leaked on both sides, it could at least shelter from the rain.

Huameinan No. 1 shadow clone collected some wet dry firewood and ignited it directly with the fire escape. When the soaked dry firewood met the fierce fire, a lot of smoke rose immediately, making Uchiha Shisui cough endlessly.

"I said, you did it on purpose!" Uchiha Shisui burst into tears.

The flower boy No. 1 shadow avatar didn't turn his head, and said confidently, "Nonsense, I'm not that kind of person!"


Uchiha Shisui spat hard in his heart, and there was a sentence in his heart that MMP knew he couldn't say.

At the same time, Fenghuo also jumped up and down, ran around most of the village, and finally found the three wandering ninjas who occupied the village through Chakra perception.

Chakra is less than Chunin level, and it is not yet possible to determine whether it is the Fuma clan.

Fenghuo approached a big house where they lived, sneaked in quietly, and found that the three of them were eating and drinking, feasting, and hugging left and right, so beautiful that it was bubbling.

He observed carefully and found that none of the three guys were wearing forehead protection, and judging by their wretched faces and wretched temperament, they were very in line with the **** status of 24K pure wandering ninjas!

Although the Fengmo clan had declined, they had been famous for a while at any rate, and it was not possible for them to walk out of such three clansmen.

Feng Huo made up his mind and jumped out immediately.


"Where did the beggar come from? Get out of here!"

"Haha, you dare to offend us by killing him directly!"

As the three wandering ninjas got angry, the lost women in their arms trembled and did not dare to say a word.

Feng Huo was afraid that his temperament and IQ would be pulled into the same line by them, otherwise he would be beaten up violently!

These three wandering ninjas can beat a Chunin if they are invincible, how could they be opponents of Fenghuo?

After a few breaths, they were beaten to the sky and fell to the ground completely paralyzed.

Feng Huo clapped his hands, glanced at the trembling women who had stumbled, still respected them in his heart, and said, "Let's all go."

The woman who lost her footing rushed into the rain curtain without looking back as if she had been pardoned.

"Damn it, my leg!"

The wandering ninjas struggled to get up, but their legs had been broken by the sealing fire, and the pain would be excruciating if they exerted a little force.

"Name!" Feng Huo frowned and said, "Forget it, I don't want to know!"


"Identity?" Feng Huo snorted coldly.

The wandering ninja dared not speak out, and looked at Fenghuo in horror. He dared not hide anything, and immediately poured beans into the bamboo tube and told their origins.

It turned out that these three wandering ninjas came from the country of birds.

The Country of Birds is a small country, there is no Ninja Village, and the samurai have already ended, so it is a paradise for them wandering ninjas. However, a few years ago, a monk named Meng Zong suddenly came to the Country of Birds, and brought a group of wandering ninjas to settle in the Birds The Kingdom of the Birds even gained the trust of the daimyo of the Kingdom of Birds with their rhetoric. After a few years, the small group of wandering ninjas like them became more and more difficult to get along with. It happened that they heard that the situation in the Land of Rain was chaotic, and many wandering ninjas came to fish in troubled waters. As soon as the three of them got together, they hurried over.

It was also lucky that I came across such a village without ninjas, and the three wandering ninjas settled down here, and lived a fairy life of waking up to the power of the village, drunk and lying on the knees of women, but it is a pity that they did not spend two good days to seal the fire Here comes the evil star.

"My lord, we have said what we need to say, please let us go."

"Yes, my lord, we are just wandering ninjas, it's very pitiful, just let us go."

"My lord, I have an eighty-year-old mother and a two-year-old child waiting to be fed. I really can't help it. I... Uh! Uh."

Kunai flashed by, and the three wandering ninjas were instantly sealed off and cut their throats, and the blood spilled all over the ground in an instant like a fountain of splashes.

Feng Huo watched coldly, watching their bodies gradually lose their vitality.

Having experienced the third Ninja World War, he has long been able to be hard-hearted and decisive in the face of the enemy's sealing fire. It doesn't matter if you really have an 80-year-old mother and a two-year-old child in your family!

After dealing with the corpses of the three wandering ninjas, seal the fire and seal to summon the No. 2 shadow clone of the flowery boy.

"Ontology, you summoned me, it won't be..."


Before Huameinan No. 2 finished speaking, he was punched and exploded by Fenghuo.

The flower boy No. 1 shadow clone in the distance immediately received the intelligence information here, and immediately flew towards here with Shisui Uchiha on his back.

Feng Huo searched here, and put all the valuables into the sealing scroll.

So when Uchiha Shisui arrives, this house has been completely new!

"Ahem, Captain, where's the wandering ninja?" Uchiha Shisui coughed.

"Don't worry, it's not the Fengmo clan, it's already been resolved." Fenghuo had raised a pile of flames and started to grill meat.

The flowery male No. 1 shadow avatar felt that he was helping to add oil and green onions, and soon, bursts of meaty aroma accompanied by the aroma of shallots came to the nostrils.

Shisui Uchiha sat next to him and sighed: "Captain, the situation in the Land of Rain is very bad. Ever since Sansho Hanzo disappeared, the common people in this country have been living in dire straits. If this continues, this country will have no future."

Feng Huo glanced at him and asked, "What do you think?"

"I think we should help Yuren Village, drive away all the wandering ninjas and black market ninjas, and let Yuren Village regain control of the country of rain!" Uchiha Shisui said solemnly.

Feng Huo shook his head: "It can't be done."

"Why?" Uchiha Shisui asked puzzled, "Do you want to watch the civilians in this country suffer?"

Feng Huo said: "Have you ever thought about the Land of Earth and the Land of Wind? This country is located at the junction of the Three Kingdoms~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is an important strategic location, and it is a place that must be contested in every ninja war. We meddle in the internal affairs of the Land of Rain, and the Land of Earth and the Land of Wind will never sit idly by! If you behave like this, I am afraid that war will befall this country again!"

Uchiha Shisui was stunned, and sat there for a while, before smiling wryly, "I'm so naive."

Feng Huo patted him on the shoulder, handed over a bone, and said, "Don't think too much."

Uchiha Shisui took the bone and flesh, his face darkened: "I can't do it without thinking too much, captain, why is there no flesh on this bone!"

"Idiot, do you know why you catch a cold? Because your body lacks calcium and love in your heart, gnawing bones is the fastest way to replenish calcium, and giving you bones, don't you feel that I care about you?" Feng Huo asked. I did a good thing and yet I was misunderstood by you, you heartless little bitch!


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