Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 425: Clever cell cloning

A sleepless night.

The next day, the rain was still floating in the sky, intermittently and lingeringly.

After a day's rest, Uchiha Shisui's illness finally got better, at least he didn't need the No. 1 shadow avatar on his back.

"Let's go, continue to search for the Fengmo clan!"

Feng Huo and the other two didn't stay in this village, they put on their dry coir raincoats and walked into the rain.

Fenghuo walked northward according to the map, and there was a relatively large village there, but when he got there, he found that the village had become ruins.

"It seems that the map is really unusable." Feng Huo tore off the map casually, turned to look at Uchiha Shisui, and said, "Wise Uchiha, you..."

"Captain, don't use this kind of tone, I'm not used to it." Uchiha Shisui touched Tuanzi's nose with a bitter expression on his face.

"You really don't have art germs, and you will definitely not find a girlfriend in the future." Feng Huo made a 'tss' sound, and after thinking about it, Jie Yin summoned twenty shadow clones and let them spread in all directions to see if there were any. Find.

At the same time, Feng Huo has been using Chakra Perception to perceive his surroundings. Practice makes perfect. After a few days, the search range of his Chakra Perception has gradually expanded.

In the next half month, they found another seven or eight villages. The largest village even had nearly a thousand people, but they still did not find any traces of the Fengmo clan.

On this day, the two found another village, but there was still no result.

"Captain, did we make a mistake?" Uchiha Shisui has recovered from his illness, and he is gradually getting used to the harsh weather in the Land of Rain.

"Wrong? Are you saying that Orochimaru is not in the Land of Rain?" Feng Huo was taken aback.

"I mean, the Fuma clan came into contact with Orochimaru at the border of the Fire Country. Could this clan not be in the Rain Country at all?" Uchiha Shisui analyzed.

"If that's the case, aren't we all wasting time?" Feng Huo said angrily, "Why didn't you say it earlier."

Uchiha Shisui shrugged: "I just remembered."

Feng Huo looked up at the sky: "Then shall we continue to search for the needle in the haystack in the Land of Rain to find Orochimaru, or return to the Land of Fire to find the Fengmo clan? I personally prefer the latter."

Shisui Uchiha thought in his mind, at this time, Itachi Uchiha should have graduated from ninja school, so he had to go back and celebrate for him no matter what he said!

"Captain, I support your decision." Uchiha Shisui said.

Along the southeast coast of the Kingdom of Fire, a young man in black robes was walking barefoot on the beach, in front of him was a towering and steep cliff.

He wears a whirlpool mask on his face, only revealing a pair of three-curved jade sharing sharing eyes, full of ominous pupil power, it is Uchiha Shin who created the Tailed Beast Rebellion single-handedly!

"Are you sure it's here?"

Uchiha Shin looked around and found nothing unusual.

The head of one of Bai Jue's avatars got out from the ground next to him, and said: "Ah, it's just ahead, Xin, remember to be safe."

"Hmph, how could a mere Orochimaru hurt me!" Shin Uchiha was full of confidence.

"But..." Bai Jue's avatar hesitated, "You said the same thing in front of the head of the Kingdom of Rain before, but it turned out..."

As a result, Shin Uchiha was beaten and rolled all over the floor by Payne Liudao, and fled.

Nobuo Uchiha stopped in his tracks, squinted his eyes, and stepped on the head of Bai Ze's avatar.


It was as if a watermelon had burst, and white and white were scattered all over the ground.

"It's disgusting!" Uchiha Shin walked into the sea in disgust, letting the waves wash over the soles of his feet.

When he turned around, there was a long-haired man in a kimono behind him. The man's skin was delicate like a woman's, and he had a pair of ferocious golden vertical pupils. At this time, he was staring greedily at Shin Uchiha's Sharingan.

"Oshemaru!" A sneer appeared on the corner of Uchiha Shin's mouth, he had seen such eyes before, when he was in front of Uchiha Madara, he also looked at Uchiha Madara's Sharingan with such eyes!

"It's you!" Orochimaru's voice became hoarse and deep, his eyes were on Uchiha Nobu's right hand, and he sneered, "The right hand has been re-transplanted."

"Hmph, Orochimaru, I came to see you this time because I have a deal!" Uchiha said impatiently.

"Deal?" Orochimaru showed interest in his eyes, "Tell me."

"Cell cloning technology! I need this technology!" Shin Uchiha cut to the chase, "Remuneration, what do you want?"

"Remuneration? It's very simple, your eyes!" Orochimaru sneered.

"Are you looking for death!" Uchiha Shin's Sangodama instantly turned into a kaleidoscope, and the terrifying pupil power filled the surroundings, slowly pressing towards Orochimaru.

Orochimaru stared, the killing intent swept forward as if it was real, and collided with Uchiha Shin's pupil power, but his killing intent was defeated in the next moment!

"As expected of the Sharingan that surpasses Sangouyu!" The desire in Orochimaru's heart became more and more hot, and he quickly stuck out his tongue and washed his face to keep calm.

Uchiha Nobu accepted it as soon as he saw it, and said coldly: "Only this condition cannot be agreed!"

"Hehehehe, besides Sharingan, what else on you is worthy of my cloning technology?" Orochimaru said disdainfully ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are not afraid that I will kill you, go find it yourself! "Uchiha Shin threatened.

Orochimaru smiled coldly.

After leaving Konoha, not only did his research not stop, but he completely freed himself because he was not restrained by Hiruzaru Sarutobi and others. During this period of time, his research results were one after another, whether it was the seal of the curse or the reincarnation of the dirt. , or the reincarnation of immortality, they have all made a huge leap forward!

So facing Uchiha Nobu, he was still full of confidence: "Kill me? You can try it!"

But in the next moment, his expression changed, he suddenly turned his head to look at the secret research institute hidden under the cliff, and said coldly: "Hehehehe, it turns out that he is Tiaohulishan!"

"It seems that even if you don't want to, the cloning technology is already in my hands."

Nobuo Uchiha smiled proudly.

This time I came to Orochimaru, if he is willing to trade, then he can say anything, if he is not willing, then he also has a backup.

Bai Jue's powerful lurking ability, coupled with countless clones, makes it easy to steal cloning technology in a research institute without Orochimaru!

Orochimaru's face gradually turned cold.

He is also aware of this, and fighting alone is ultimately inferior.

'It seems that it is impossible not to establish a strong force! '

At least, the safety of several secret research institutes must be guaranteed!

"Madara-sama, you have succeeded!"

Bai Jue's clone emerged from the ground again, but in front of outsiders, the name changed.

"Blade? Uchiha Madara? Hahahahaha." Orochimaru laughed wildly.

"What are you laughing at?!" Uchiha Shin said coldly.

"Uchiha Madara? Hehehe, in this case, let me test whether your stamina is worthy of this name!"

Orochimaru slowly stretched out his hand.

"The evil snake's wrist explodes!"

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