Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 426: happy cooperation

"The evil snake's wrist explodes!"

Two ferocious giant pythons soared from the sleeves of Orochimaru, and suddenly descended in front of Uchiha Shin, the snake kissed, and bit his head and some indescribable thing tightly one by one!

Orochimaru smiled awe-inspiringly, and the two giant pythons exploded instantly!


The scorching air wave swept around with Uchiha Shin as the center, and Bai Jue's avatar got out of his head and was directly crushed into a white mass by the air wave.

"It's useless!"

The kaleidoscope of Uchiha Shin's right eye rotates slightly, and under the blurred pupil technique, no attack can hurt him!

Of course, blurring has a strict time limit!


Orochimaru narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dense sea of ​​snakes was reflected in the pale golden vertical pupils!

I don't know when, the beach around Shin Uchiha is full of colorful poisonous snakes, swallowing snake letters, scrambling to rush to Shin Uchiha in the middle.

"Can this kind of method be used? Orochimaru, you have let me down!"

A layer of lavender light gushed out from behind Nobuo Uchiha, turning into ribs to protect him, and then the meridians, flesh and blood grew rapidly between the ribs, and then covered with a layer of Wu Tengu armor, and in an instant, Susan Can almost open to the third form.

Nobu Uchiha's Susanoo's weapon is a giant shuriken with four corners, resembling Uchiha Shisui's kaleidoscope shape.


Countless poisonous snakes on the ground squeezed frantically around Susanohu, spraying venom, but no matter what, they couldn't hurt Uchiha Shin inside.

"Heaven Slash!!"

Nobuo Uchiha let out a loud shout, and the shuriken in Susanoo's hand instantly turned into a round moon spinning at high speed, slashing straight towards the sea of ​​snakes!


The terrifying wind turned into real wind pressure, accompanied by the extremely sharp rotating blade, directly strangled countless poisonous snakes!

Orochimaru watched coldly, not feeling sorry for the death of the poisonous snake at all.

There are so many poisonous snakes like this in Longdi Cave, he can channel as many as he wants!

"So that's it. Every pair of kaleidoscopes can use Susanoo, and can also awaken different pupil techniques. It's really a masterpiece of God!"

Orochimaru has already competed with Fenghuo's kaleidoscope and Uchiha Shin's kaleidoscope successively. With his IQ, he can naturally get a lot of information.

Of course, in this way, the desire in his heart became more urgent.

‘However, there is only one Sharingan who can evolve the Sangoudama into a kaleidoscope. If I can’t get the kaleidoscopes of Uchiha Fenghuo and Uchiha Shin, I can only attack the geniuses of Uchiha! '

Thoughts flashed through Orochimaru's mind quickly, and at the same time, his hands kept moving.

"Water Escape - The Art of Great Waterfall!"


The sea next to the beach whipped up countless sea water in an instant, turning into a huge waterspout in the air, roaring towards Susano.

Uchiha Nobuo didn't care about it, he directly swung his huge shuriken, and threw it fiercely at Orochimaru!

The shuriken spun rapidly in the air, and instantly turned into a full moon knife wheel, exploding!

Orochimaru didn't dare to be careless, and immediately patted the seal on the ground: "Rashomon!"


After a loud boom, a Shura Gate from **** gushed out from the ground in an instant, soaring to a height of 100 meters!

At this moment, the violent waterspout hit Susanoko directly, but Nobuo Uchiha flashed a sarcasm in his eyes, his body was like a scorched rock in the waves, and he remained motionless!

A large amount of sea water flowed down from Susanoo's body, soaking the beach into silt.

But in the next moment, the sarcasm in Uchiha Shin's eyes disappeared.

boom! !

In the violent tremor, the shuriken that turned into a full moon knife wheel slashed on the Rashomon, and spun wildly under the action of inertia, scraping countless sparks on the Rashomon!

"how is this possible?!"

Nobuo Uchiha was shocked, and the kaleidoscope in his left eye spun, the shuriken in front of Rashomon suddenly spun, bypassed Rashomon, and slashed towards Orochimaru diagonally!

Suddenly, Orochimaru, who had great trust in Rashomon, never expected that Nobuo Uchiha could control this huge shuriken so easily from the air.

At this moment of change, Orochimaru was split in half!

"Oh, oh, it's really vulnerable."

Uchiha Shin pulled out a sneer, "The legendary Sannin has a false name, hahahahaha."


"Huh?" Uchiha Nobu was startled, and when he looked around, he saw that the 100-meter-high Rashomon in front had disappeared, and he could clearly see the two halves of Orochimaru's corpse behind him!

However, at this time, the upper body of Orochimaru opened and closed its mouth, which swelled up like a jellyfish, and then a wet... Orochimaru came out of its throat? !

"As expected of Orochimaru who can develop cell cloning technology!" Uchiha Shin's face turned slightly green, and he couldn't adapt to such Orochimaru.

"Hehehe, don't you think too much?" The brand-new Orochimaru got up from the ground, shaking his whole body, and immediately scattered all the wet liquid on his body.

"What do you mean?" Uchiha Shin suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Cell cloning technology, I have been researching, but, hehehe." Orochimaru sneered and said nothing.

Orochimaru is indeed a genius, but no matter how genius he is, he is also a person, such as various forbidden techniques such as reincarnation of dirt, immortal reincarnation, cell transplantation, cell cloning and other human experiments, as well as those tasks entrusted to him by Danzo, Orochi Maru couldn't be too busy alone, so his experiment often got a certain stage of results, and he was quickly caught up in another experiment.

This is the case with cell cloning. Although it has achieved certain results, there is still a long way to go before it can be fully applied to the human body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Therefore, if you think that you can master cell cloning by relying on those materials, you really want to It's so beautiful.

Uchiha Shin's face was getting darker and darker.

Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils looked directly at Uchiha Shin's kaleidoscope through Susanoo's Utengu armor, playing with taste: "Of course, for me, cell cloning technology is not invincible, but what can you pay for it?" What's the price?"

"What do you... want!" Shin Uchiha asked.


Orochimaru's eyes glowed, "Uchiha Sealing Fire, Uchiha Shisui, or Uchiha Itachi! Anyone's eyes are fine!"

The kaleidoscope pattern in Uchiha Shin's eyes slowly transformed into a three-pointed jade, and then he walked to Orochimaru step by step: "Deal!"

"Happy cooperation!" Orochimaru said again, "Also, I need your teeth!"

"What?" Uchiha asked.

"The cell cloning experiment needs to use your cells!" Orochimaru bluntly said, "You don't mind, do you?"


In order to obtain cell cloning technology, apart from Sharingan, Shin Uchiha has nothing to give up!

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