Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 541: Meeting

In the meeting room of Huo Ying Building.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, Danzo Shimura, Koharu Koharu and Kadoka Mito once again held a small round table meeting to discuss various matters in the village.

After the third Ninja World War, the Nation of Fire, as the victorious country, received a large number of ninja mission orders from other countries, so in terms of finances, Konoha has a large surplus every year, and therefore, Hiruza Sarutobi has been They are all making drastic changes to Konoha.

Increase spending on health education.

Create a lot of new infrastructure.

Improve traffic.

Expand the shopping street.

Promote Konoha Fried Chicken, ahem, this doesn't count.

Anyway, these reforms all have the figure of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and because of this, the white hair on his head is getting more and more, the wrinkles on his face are getting deeper and deeper, and the years are like a butcher's knife. His face was sculpted to his heart's content.

Two hours later, after the four of them drew up some new projects again, the topic naturally turned to Uchiha.

"Although Uchiha Fugaku agreed with Uchiha Itachi to join Anbe, but under his strong request, Uchiha Shisui withdrew from Anbe. It can be seen that Uchiha's alienation has not been eliminated, but has become more and more serious!" Danzo opened his mouth and set the tone.

Turning to the bed, Xiaochun said: "Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi, both of them have entered the supervision department of Uchiha Fenghuo, and this department is responsible for the surveillance work of the village. To be honest, I am very worried."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smoked a cigarette, and said slowly: "I believe that these children, they have inherited the will of fire, and they will never do anything to betray the village!"

Mitomen Yan said: "It is true that Uchiha Shisui did not leak information about the village during his tenure in Anbu, but Uchiha Itachi is different. He is Uchiha Fugaku's son. Father and son love each other deeply. None of us can Guaranteed what choice he will make!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded slightly, the collision between the will of fire and the love between father and son was indeed heart-wrenching.

Danzo said at the right time: "In any case, Uchiha Itachi has to make his own choice, whether it is the family or the village, we must know his choice, so I suggest that he be responsible for monitoring the Uchiha clan!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi narrowed his eyes slightly, and took a deep look at Danzo: "Fenghuo will take care of it, Danzo, don't worry."

"No!" Danzo retorted loudly, "Hizan, don't forget that Fenghuo is also from the Uchiha clan! Uchiha Fugaku will definitely try to win him over, and using his son Uchiha Itachi is currently the best way to win him over." It is also the safest way!"

"That's right, if Uchiha Fugaku uses Uchiha Itachi to bring Uchiha Hienho to the Uchiha clan, the consequences will be unimaginable!" Zhuanzuo Xiaochun said sharply, "So Hizhan, my suggestion is to directly withdraw the Uchiha Hiohuo's monitoring force Long job!"

"Xiaochun, you're worrying too much." Hiruzaru Sarutobi shook his head, "Sealing the fire won't do anything harmful to the village."

"But as long as there is a one-ten-thousandth possibility, we have to prepare for the worst." Zhuanzhu Xiaochun has long been unhappy with Fenghuo, and at this time, seizing the opportunity is a one-shot damage, which makes Sarutobi Hiruzen feel entangled endlessly.

Mito Menyan also said: "Hizan, Uchiha Fuho is not only responsible for taking care of the life of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, but also takes care of such an important department as the Anbu Inspection Department. If there is any change in him, the whole village will Chaos!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi snorted softly, and was about to refute, but was interrupted by Danzo.

Danzo smiled and said: "Actually, I believe that Uchiha Fenghuo will not betray, but we are not familiar with Uchiha Itachi after all, so letting him monitor the Uchiha clan can not only confirm whether he is sincere, but also test it out. Uchiha's attitude of sealing the fire can also reassure Xiaoharu and Kamenyan, what do you think about Hiruza?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of cigarette slowly, swallowed the clouds, but did not speak again.

He had a feeling that Xiaochun and Menyan forced him to rescind Fenghuo's position just to make him avoid the important ones and agree to Danzang's suggestion.

After the old fox figured it out, he was naturally calm and sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Danzang said: "Hizan, Uchiha's alienation will only get worse every day. One day, they will launch a coup and usurp the power of the village. Think about it, what kind of turmoil will happen in the village by then?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi paused his smoking hand.

"Even if we can suppress Uchiha's rebellion, how many ninjas will die under Shulunyan by then?" Danzo continued, "Hizan, don't forget, Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village have always treated us Look at it like a tiger!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's mood became more and more heavy and depressed as he spoke.

According to the development of the current situation, what Danzo said is by no means alarmist, but an event that will really happen in the future.

When the fourth generation died, Yunyin Village brazenly launched an invasion of the Fire Nation. If the entire Uchiha disappeared, Yunyin Village and Yanyin Village could still "sit idly by"?

"Hizan, I know you still have fantasies about the Uchiha clan, so apart from monitoring them, you don't have any policy against them, but since it's just monitoring, we must do our best, otherwise if there is any mistake, the whole The village will be in danger!"

The excellent Danzo spoke again, and crazily captured Sarutobi Hiruzen's defense.

"Let Uchiha Itachi monitor the Uchiha Clan. If Uchiha Itachi chooses the family, then we will expel him from Anbu. If he is really sincere and use him, we can master all the information of the Uchiha Clan. Once the Uchiha Clan Launch a coup, and we can prepare ahead of time!"

After turning to bed, Xiaochun and Mitomenyan looked at each other, and both nodded in agreement.

In the current situation, Uchiha Itachi is indeed a key figure, they must confirm Uchiha Itachi's attitude!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed and nodded in agreement after the three of them fought together.

He couldn't and didn't dare to gamble with the future of the village, so he really had to confirm Uchiha Itachi's attitude.

Danzo rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Hizan, if Uchiha Itachi is vacillating, I want to second him to the root. I believe I can help him make the most correct choice!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "This matter is discussed separately."

Danzo nodded, and then a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his eyes flickered coldly, but he pretended not to care and asked: "Hi Zhan, speaking of it, Sidai has been dead for six years, his body, sealed fire Haven’t you sent it to the martyrs’ cemetery yet?”

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face darkened: "Danzo, why do you care so much about the remains of the fourth generation?"

He remembered the theft of the fourth generation's home before, and it was very likely that Danzo was collecting the cells of the fourth generation, and then used the dirty soil to reincarnate in an attempt to resurrect the enslaved fourth generation. Thinking of this, his chest was burning with nameless anger.

Danzo smiled lightly: "Actually, I've always been curious about whether the fourth generation is dead or still alive."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's chest was suffocated with anger, his face changed greatly: "What do you mean by this sentence?!"

"After all, none of us saw his body, did we?" Danzo looked deeply at Sarutobi Hiruzen, with something called spinach in his eyes.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi pretended to be calm, but his heart was already in chaos.

For a long time, he believed in Fenghuo's words, thinking that the fourth generation had died and the body was buried elsewhere, but Danzo's words at this time made him unable to help but have other thoughts.

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