Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 542: Received a scolding

The limited free time is from 2:00 pm on August 10 to 2:00 pm on the 12th, only for the starting point, um, that's it.

After the meeting ended, Hiruzaru Sarutobi sat alone in the office, slightly stunned.

In the meeting just now, Danzo's last words caught him off guard, and he was so confused that he hasn't recovered yet.

Four generations, is life or death?

The fourth generation's home was stolen, and if the fourth generation's head was really lost according to what Fenghuo said, then Orochimaru may have used the dirty soil to reincarnate and 'resurrect' the fourth generation!

And what Danzo said before, does it mean that the reincarnation of the dirty soil...failed?

Four generations still alive? !

Hiruzaru Sarutobi clenched his hands into fists, frowning tightly.

At half the salary, he sent someone to call Fenghuo.

When Fenghuo arrived, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's office was already filled with smoke, and as soon as Fenghuo entered, he was choked and coughed again and again.

"Sorry." Hiruzaru Sarutobi was as old as a mummy, he got up and opened the window behind him, letting fresh air blow in, gradually dispelling the thick smoke in the room.

"Three generations, smoking is harmful to health." Feng Huo said while covering his mouth and nose.

He doesn't want to smoke second-hand smoke, because second-hand smoke is more harmful to health!

"Fenghuo, after my meeting with the elder advisor, it was decided to let Itachi Uchiha monitor the Uchiha clan." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said directly.

Feng Huo was taken aback, and snorted, "Is this what Danzo means?"

"No, that's what I meant." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said in a deep voice.

"There are more than a dozen members of the second group of the Supervision Department monitoring the Uchiha clan day and night. One Uchiha Itachi is not too many, and one less him is not a lot." Feng Huo sneered, "What does the arrangement of the three generations mean?"

"Since you are the captain of the Supervision Department, you naturally know the internal voice of the Uchiha clan. At this time, I don't want to have uncontrolled ninjas in the Anbu, or even the other party's spies." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said, "So, I need See Uchiha Itachi's sincerity!"

Feng Huo was silent, and finally sighed: "Well, you have the final say."

"I know you want to take care of Uchiha Itachi's feelings, but this is for the sake of the village and the overall situation, I hope you can understand this." Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

Seal the fire and nod.

"There is one more thing!" Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly relieved the pipe in his hand, his eyes were like wolves and tigers, staring straight at Fenghuo, as if he wanted to see the deepest part of his heart!

Feng Huo was inexplicably guilty: "What's the matter?"

"It's about the fourth generation!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi narrowed his eyes slowly, not letting go of the expression on Feng Huo's face.

It's a pity that Fenghuo at this time has already been promoted to the level of actor after years of acting career!

"Four generations?"

At this time, Feng Huo showed a slight sadness, and immediately burst into anger, and said anxiously: "Could it be that Orochimaru has reincarnated four generations with filthy soil?!"


Feng Huo silently gave himself a hundred and one likes in his heart!

One more is not afraid of pride.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi stared at it for a long time, but didn't see the slightest flaw, so he grabbed the pipe again and started to smoke, swallowing a mouthful of smoke, hiding his eyes behind the smoke, still staring at Fenghuo.

"Three generations, you are talking!" Feng Huo gritted his teeth.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said slowly: "I should ask you this."

Feng Huo sneered in his heart: Hmph, you want to trick me? shameless!

"Me? Three generations, what on earth are you trying to say?!" Feng Huo said violently.

Sarutobi Hirizhan said calmly: "The third group of your inspection department is looking for Oshemaru in the Ninja world."

The anger on Feng Huo's face was slowly replaced by embarrassment: "Well, three generations, Orochimaru is also one of the three ninjas, and you taught them by hand. You must have a B number in your heart for how good you are. Three groups Although I carefully selected people in Anbu, the distance from Orochimaru is still very large, so..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi snorted, "These are just excuses, I don't want to hear them!"

Shut up decisively.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Hiruzaru Sarutobi scolded the little fox in his heart, and then said, "Since you know that Orochimaru is collecting the cells of the fourth generation and trying to reincarnate him with filth, what about the remains of the fourth generation? You don't Worried about being found by Orochimaru!"

'It turned out that they were waiting for me here! ’ Feng Huo sneered in his heart, and said, "Don't worry the third generation, Dashewan can't collect the remains of the fourth generation!"

"Why? Where did you bury the remains of the fourth generation?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked.

Feng Huo showed a hint of sadness, and said, "The sea!"

"What?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi was startled.

Possessed by Fenghuo Xijing, he sighed softly and explained: "Before Sidai died, he wanted to see the sea, so I took him and Jiuxinna out to sea."

"And then?" Sarutobi Hiruzen had an ominous omen in his heart.

Feng Huo said in a low voice: "According to the last wish of the fourth generation, I burned him and Jiu Xinnai, and threw the ashes in the sea."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi was furious, and almost broke the desk with a slap.

"Uchiha Fuho, that's how you **** treats the fourth generation!" Sarutobi Hiruzen was so angry that his head stood on end.

Feng Huo said firmly: "This is the last wish of the fourth generation, I have no way to refuse!"

"Damn it, you bastard!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi kept patting the table, furious, "You can do such a thing, you are still human!"

For the ninja world at this time, most people's thoughts are still traditional: fallen leaves return to their roots, peace is in the soil, and death is the greatest.

Even ordinary ninjas ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who die outside have to be sent back to the village for a good burial, let alone Namikaze Minato who has made great contributions to the village and is the Fourth Hokage!

This is Hokage!

Sarutobi Hiruzen could bear to seal the fire and bury the bodies of Shidai and Kushina in other places, but he couldn't accept that they were burned to ashes by a fire and thrown into the sea. It was like destroying the corpses!

Moreover, how pitiful and pathetic it would be to think of the heroic souls of the four generations of couples wandering alone in the boundless sea? Sarutobi Hiruzen became more and more angry.

Feng Huo saw Sarutobi's anger and made a secret mistake. If he knew it, he would have made up another reason.

But after thinking about it, it seems that this is the only reason that Sarutobi Hiruzen can believe that it is impossible for Orochimaru and Danzo to find the remains of the fourth generation in their lifetime.

‘Hey, Big Brother Minato, I’ve been scolded so much because of you, you have to treat me better after you come back to life. '

Feng Huo lowered his head, while comforting himself, he accepted Hiruzaru Sarutobi's 'criticism'. It took more than an hour for Hiruzaru Sarutobi to calm down the anger in his heart.

"Damn it!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi's lingering anger still persisted, "Uchiha seals the fire, when you die, I will burn you to ashes and throw you into the sea, and let you be with the fourth generation!"

"Okay, okay."

"You actually agreed?!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi was furious.

Feng Huo was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook his head: "It's not good."

"Even if it's not good, it's up to you!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi snorted coldly.

"I..." Feng Huo didn't know what to say.

"What are you still doing standing there? Get out of here and do some business!" Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his face and refused to recognize anyone after scolding enough.

"Yes." Feng Huo snorted, turned and left.

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