Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 550: 2 choose 1

In the northern coastal area of ​​the Land of Fire, on an island close to the coast, Orochimaru in a dark brown kimono is standing in front of the beach, with a few traces of salty sea breeze blowing his long hair. As the silk flutters, he reveals a pair of ambitious clothes. golden vertical pupils.

On the other side of the sea, a figure slowly stepped on the waves.

The person who came was wearing a black hooded coat with a whirlpool mask on his face, it was Shin Uchiha.

"Here we come." Orochimaru's voice spread far away in the sea breeze, and clearly entered Uchiha Nobu's ears.

Shin Uchiha said nothing, walked onto the beach in silence, and came to Orochimaru.

Under the Uzumaki mask, a pair of **** Sangouyu Sharingans were staring at Orochimaru.

After paying half the salary, he said coldly: "It's almost time to give me the cell cloning technology!"

"Well, I'm afraid it will take some time." Orochimaru refused with a smile, but there was no warmth in his hoarse voice. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Hehehe..." Nobuo Uchiha sneered, and then the three hooked jade in his eyes changed instantly, and the pupil power of the kaleidoscope instantly invaded like a substance.

Orochimaru's pupils shrank slightly, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes, and then quickly backed away, avoiding Uchiha Shin's attack.

"Young people are really impulsive." Da Shewan smiled.

"If you don't keep your promise, you will die, Orochimaru, my patience has been exhausted by you." Uchiha Shin slowly restrained his pupil power.

Before he got the cell cloning technology, he didn't dare to use the kaleidoscope too much at this time, lest he wear depth glasses like Uchiha Fuho, and look like a blind man.

"It's important to ask you to come here this time." Orochimaru changed the subject forcefully, and said, "It's about the Uchiha clan."

The kaleidoscope in Uchiha Shin's eyes slowly turned into three hooked jade, and hummed: "What do you mean?" &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"The Uchiha clan has already drifted away from the Naruto clan headed by the third generation, and it is only a matter of time before a coup d'etat takes place." Orochimaru sneered, "With the character of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Uchiha clan will definitely be completely wiped out before the coup. .”

This is definitely good news for Uchiha Shin.

After transplanting Sharingan from Uchiha Madara, he regarded himself as Uchiha orthodox, disdainful of all the Uchiha clan in Konoha, and wished to wipe them all out, so when he heard the news, Uchiha Shin’s eyes finally Showing a bit of a smile, he asked, "And then."

"This is a good opportunity!" Orochimaru said, "I know you are very dissatisfied with the Uchiha clan, I can find a way for you to enter Konoha and destroy the Uchiha clan with my own hands!"

"Is there such a good thing? Hmph! Orochimaru, what benefits can you get from it?" Uchiha Shin asked directly. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Me? Of course it's Sharingan! Uchiha Shisui, or Uchiha Itachi." Orochimaru smiled, "For both of us, this is a win-win cooperation, and you have no reason to refuse."

Uchiha Shin stared at him and sneered: "You also want to be a Uchiha clan?!"

"You value the surname Uchiha too much." Orochimaru snorted.

"I need to see your sincerity!" Uchiha Shin didn't immediately agree.

Orochimaru took out a scroll and said with a smile: "Although the cell cloning technology has not been completely broken, it has already achieved some results."

As he spoke, he threw the scroll over.

Uchiha Shin's eyes were bright, and he jumped up and grabbed the scroll before it fell, and opened it to look directly after it landed.

A trace of disdain flashed in Dashewan's eyes: "I wouldn't lie to you about this kind of thing." &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Who knows, after all, you are the famous ninja... S-class rebellious ninja Orochimaru!" Uchiha Shin slowly put away the scroll, with a greedy look in his eyes.

Orochimaru didn't take it seriously, he narrowed his golden pupils slowly, but said: "However, if you want to destroy the Uchiha clan, there are two people who must be dealt with first."


"The two most outstanding geniuses of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Shisui, and Uchiha...Fenghuo!" Orochimaru said faintly, "Both of us, each solve one!"

Shin Uchiha shouted almost directly: "I choose Uchiha to seal the fire!"

"Then, it's decided!" Orochimaru turned around slowly, "Do you want to visit my research institute?"

Nobuo Uchiha snorted coldly, turned around and left, and said, "Who cares about your research institute!" &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Konoha, the land of fire, a ninja school.

Today is the first school-wide assessment of Ninja School. Freshmen who have just entered the school for half a year, and old students who have been in several grades, will participate in the assessment, and all students will be ranked uniformly. Of course, according to the previous practice, the first place is guaranteed. He is an old student who has been in school for several years.

Because of the existence of Naruto, Xiao Li, and other Konoha Xiaoqiang, Feng Huo specially left the customs, and joined hands with Xi Hihong to sprinkle dog food at the school... Cough cough, observe the test.

Kai, Kakashi, Shiranui Genma and a few friends also came to join in the fun.

But Fenghuo is different from them. These people are all single dogs. Although they came here at once, there is a clear distinction between the two sides.

"You said this assessment, who can take the first place?" Kai asked excitedly.

What he likes most is excitement. If he hadn't graduated for many years, he would have wished to have a fierce competition with these teenage children. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"I am optimistic about Neiji Hinata~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although he is from the Hinata branch family, he is very talented." Genma Shiranui said with a relaxed expression on his face.

Feng Huo took a look at this single dog, and suddenly remembered that Shiranui Xuanjian seemed to have a girlfriend named Uyue Xiyan, who was seven or eight years younger than him, a typical old cow eating young grass.

"I think Xiao Li can take the first place!" Kai looked at Fenghuo, "After all, he has been receiving special training from me and Fenghuo!"

Kakashi rolled his eyes: "Hey, you are really busy."

One must know that Feng Huo also trained Bai with him.

"Oh, it's a lot of work for those who can." Feng Huo put some money on his face, and then said, "But I don't like Xiao Li."

"Why?" Kai said angrily, "Don't you trust Xiao Li?"

"This assessment is very comprehensive. In addition to the assessment of Kunai Throwing Technique which is biased towards physical skills, there is also an examination of Three Body Skills. Xiao Li is indeed excellent in physical skills. Although he can get a high score in the assessment of Kunai Throwing Technique , but in terms of the three-body technique..."

Feng Huo shook his head slightly, "So, I don't like Xiao Li."

"Then who do you think can get the first place?" Yuhi Hong asked with a charming smile, "Naruto?"

"Naruto just forget it." Feng Huo smiled dryly, then stroked his chin and said, "emmmm...Maybe maybe...Sasuke Uchiha."

"Uchiha...you're really welcome." Kakashi rolled his eyes 1.

Kay: Eyes 2.

Shiranui Genma: Eyes 3.

Feng Huo happily hugged Xi Hihong, not afraid of causing hatred: "You are just jealous."

"Get out!" Kakashi and the three of them tacitly rolled their eyes out.

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