Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 551: I am so disappointed in him!

Feng Huo and his group stood at the corner of the ninja school playground, quietly watching the assessment at the training base not far away.

A number of young and immature figures were there sweating heartily, shooting out the kunai from their hands, some accurately hit the bull's-eye, and some exaggeratedly mopped directly, there were exclamations, hisses, and booing from time to time Voice.

"It's really lively." Kai's eyes showed a look of remembrance.

"Yeah, it feels like we were still in school last year." Shiranui Genma also kept sighing, time passed too fast, and he had been single for more than 20 years in the blink of an eye!

Suddenly, there was a burst of encouragement and cheering from the training ground. Everyone saw that it was a handsome little boy with the Uchiha clan emblem.

"Is he Uchiha Sasuke?" Kurenai Yuhi asked curiously.

"Ah, that's him, Uchiha Fugaku's second son, Itachi's younger brother." Feng Huo laughed.

"His popularity in school is so high." Yu Hihong exclaimed.

"So-so, much worse than I was back then." Feng Huo said narcissistically.

After hearing his words, Kurenai Yuhi, Kai, Kakashi, and even Genma Shiranui all showed strange expressions on their faces.

If their memory is not wrong, when they were in school, it seemed that Fenghuo was still a crane tail, and then he challenged Kakashi and was kicked unconscious and became a laughing stock. The school was full of voices laughing at him.

Kakashi looked at Kai, and asked with his eyes: 'How thick-skinned is this guy to say such a thing? '

Kai shrugged solemnly, saying that he couldn't guess his face.

"By the way, how is Lin?" Feng Huo asked Kakashi with a strange expression, "Did you confess your love to you?"

Kakashi lazily put his hands behind his head, leaning against the tree trunk and whispered: "Don't you think she is more suitable with Obito?"

Yuhihong interrupted at this time: "Speaking of which, I haven't seen Obito for a long time. How is he recently?"

As the three-tailed jinchuriki of the yin attribute, Yuhi Kuren is free in the village, but she is strictly forbidden to meet with Uchiha people, so as not to be controlled by Sharingan again and cause a catastrophe.

Of course, except for sealing the fire.

"The relationship between the Uchiha clan and the village is very bad now, and Obito doesn't want to come to see us in order not to make it difficult for us." Kakashi laughed, "As for the specific situation, Fenghuo should be more clear. "

Feng Huo nodded: "That boy Obito is now either training or doing tasks all day long. The time spent helping the old lady cross the road has been reduced by more than half. I am very disappointed in him."

"Fenghuo, you are a real guy!" Xi Rihong gave him an angry look.

At this moment, there was an even more exaggerated sound of exclamation from the training ground. Feng Huo and others looked at it and found that the few kunai thrown by Uchiha Sasuke all hit the red bull's-eye, and they got a full score!

"Uchiha Sasuke is so handsome!"

"This guy is so cool."

"Amazing! As expected of the Uchiha clan!"

"I want to be his girlfriend!"

Amidst the exclamation, Uchiha Sasuke also showed a somewhat arrogant expression on his delicate face, and returned to the team with his head held high.

"There are indeed two brushes." Kai snorted, "But with this level of kunai throwing skills, Xiao Li is fine!"

"Xiao Li can get full marks at most, but in the subsequent three-body technique assessment, he must get zero points." Feng Huo said.

"Damn it, Li Mingming trains harder than anyone else." Kai was a little unwilling.

"It's just an assessment, Kai, you have too many scenes." Feng Huo said dissatisfied.

"Fenghuo, it's Naruto!" Yuhihong suddenly took Fenghuo's hand and shouted.

Before the few people turned their heads, they heard a burst of boos, accompanied by a large number of derogatory titles of demon foxes, fighters, and barbarians. The momentum and applause were even worse than those of Er Zhuzi!

"Haha, look, Naruto's popularity in school is no less than that of Uchiha Sasuke." Feng Huo said proudly, feeling very relieved.

Yuhihong looked at him resentfully, feeling helpless at his big heart, and then said worriedly: "There are too many people who misunderstand Naruto, and I don't know if Naruto will..."

"Don't worry, Naruto was raised by me **** and piss, don't underestimate my education!" Feng Huo snorted.

"Bah!" Xi Hihong was annoyed by him.

One more... one... hello?

I'm not afraid that the fourth generation will jump out and beat you!

Then, Naruto yelled, but unfortunately his voice was quickly drowned out by the boos of the crowd, and finally he had to start the assessment indignantly.

Perhaps it was affected by the booing, and two of Naruto's Kunai missed the bull's-eye, and they barely passed.

In the next moment, the boos became more raging and high-pitched.

Naruto clenched his fists and walked into the crowd with his head down.

"Will he be overwhelmed?" Xi Hihong asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Naruto is very strong, at most he can beat up everyone present, nothing will happen." Feng Huo said carelessly.

"Hey, is it really okay for you to teach like this?" Kakashi couldn't laugh or cry, this is the son of the fourth generation.

Feng Huo gave him a sideways glance: "Don't worry, don't you know my level?"

"It's because I know that I'm worried." Kakashi sighed.

The assessment of Kunai Throwing Technique is from the lower grades to the upper grades. After the assessment of Naruto's freshmen, the senior grades will make their debut.

Ningji Hyuga, Tiantian, and Xiao Li among the twelve small strongmen all achieved full marks. In this assessment, they tied for first place with the second pillar.

However, the subsequent three-body technique assessment stumped these excellent taijutsu ninjas.

Tiantian’s family runs a ninja tool shop, and I’ve dealt with kunai, senben, shuriken, mace, etc. since I was a child, so kunai’s throwing technique is accurate at every throw~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the three-body technique, Then there is no game.

Neiji Hinata's talent is good, but his three-body technique at this time is also average, and it is still worse than Erzhuzi who has been trained by Uchiha Itachi.

As for Xiao Li, one sentence is enough to describe it.

At the end of the exam, the cheers from Naruto's class grew louder.

Sasuke Uchiha, who got double perfect marks, undoubtedly won the first place in the school in this assessment, crushing all the senior students under him.

In just a moment, Er Zhuzi's popularity soared, and he directly became the number one male **** in the school.

People like Ino Yamanaka and Sakura Haruno are almost attached to him.

Naruto stood in the corner, watching this scene indignantly, especially when he saw Haruno Sakura's appearance, he was so angry that he felt that he was... green!

"Sasuke Uchiha, sooner or later, I will defeat you!" Naruto decided to work harder on practicing taijutsu after returning home!

And the other side.

The 'prophecy' successfully sealed the fire and was ready to accept Kakashi's flattery.

"How about it, I think Uchiha Sasuke can take the first place!" Feng Huo said in shock, "Hurry up and worship!"

It's a pity that there was no sound for a long time, he turned his head and looked around, how could there be Kakashi and the others?

"They've already left." Xi Hihong looked at him helplessly, "I said you, really."

"What's wrong with me?" Feng Huo stretched out his hand innocently.

Yuhihong blushed, and decisively shot it off, angrily said: "This is a school!"

Then the instant body technique ran away.

"If you can run a monk, you can also run a temple?"

Feng Huo's heart was aroused, and a chakra perception technique found Yu Hihong, and immediately chased after him enthusiastically.

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