Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 552: Blessed with 9 tail seals

After this assessment, Naruto returned home and asked to increase the intensity of training, with an attitude of not giving up until the muscles are trained to the back of the head.

Feng Huo said with a smile: "Naruto, if you want to get the first place, you can't just practice physical skills, you also need to practice three body skills."

Naruto was very tangled: "But uncle, I have practiced the three body art for a long time, but I have not made any progress."

Feng Huo smiled, of course, the fox inside you has always been restless.

"Are you planning to give up because of difficulties?" Feng Huo said with a smile, "Ninjas can't just rely on their muscles. Do you still remember the middle-aged uncle in dark green?"

Twenty-year-old Kai has become an uncle in Fenghuo's mouth.

Naruto's eyes lit up: "Is that the uncle with thick and thick eyebrows?"

Kai has been to Fenghuo's house several times, and Naruto was particularly impressed by him. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"That's right, it's him. He just looks down on ninjutsu and illusion, and devotes himself to practicing physical skills. What's the result?" Feng Huo said mysteriously, "As a result, this guy hasn't found a girlfriend until now!"

Naruto was startled, and thought to himself: Is it because Sakura doesn't like me because I only practice physical skills? Oops!

Feng Huo patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Naruto, you don't want to be like him and can't find a girlfriend in the future, do you?"

Naruto nodded hurriedly, telling his heart, he wants to find a girlfriend right now.

"Then you know how to do it?"

"Well, I'm going to practice Sanshenjutsu now!" Naruto clenched his hands into fists, his eyes flickering with flames.

Feng Huo was proud of himself: Children nowadays are really easy to deceive.

Then, Feng Huo personally taught Naruto's Sanshenjutsu. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Naruto has refined a lot of chakra in the past six months since he entered school, so using the three-body technique is not a problem, the problem is the fox in his body.



A puff of smoke dissipated, and Naruto was still the same Naruto, without any change.



A small piece of wood appeared next to Naruto.

"Avatar technique!"


Naruto split out a perverted clone.

"Uncle..." Naruto looked at Fenghuo pitifully.

Feng Huo said sternly: "Continue to practice! Are you going to give up after such a setback? Don't underestimate the Three Body Art!"

Naruto said 'oh', and continued to practice seals. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

At the same time, Fenghuo has built a chakra bridge connecting the sealed world in Naruto's body through Sanwei Isao in the body, and then the spirit of Fenghuo came to the sealed world in Naruto's body through the bridge.

Naruto's sealed world is very dark, and there is a shallow layer of water on the ground.

Feng Huo walked forward slowly, one ripple after another appeared under his feet, spreading far away.

Farther away, there was the sound of water droplets falling, crisp and silent.

Soon, Fenghuo came to the deepest part of the sealed world, a huge empty dark room blocked by iron railings.

Fenghuo walked outside the iron fence, and gentle air currents blew head-on.

He frowned, and moved aside calmly.

This 'air flow' should be formed by the breathing of Nine Tails, Feng Huo doesn't want to breathe this, even if he is only a spiritual body. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Nine lamas, nine lamas?"

Fenghuo knocked on the iron railing, making a dull bang.


The air flow inside was suddenly suffocated, and then two red lanterns lit up, those were the eyes of Nine Tails!

"Hey...it's you!"

Kyuubi rushed out violently, with two huge claws firmly grasping the iron railing, and staring at Fenghuo with murderous eyes.

If it wasn't for this grandson, he wouldn't have been cut in half and sealed.

"Ah, it's me, long time no see." Feng Huo stretched out his hand and said, "I have something to talk to you, please sit down."

Kyuubi ignored him and just stared at him, as if intending to kill him with his eyes.

"It's boring if you're like this." Feng Huo complained, "You can't come out, and I won't go in, so why make the atmosphere so stiff?" &1t;i>&1t; /i>

Kyuubi sat down slowly, turned his huge mouth, revealing a mouth full of ferocious sharp teeth, and said coldly, "What do you want to do here?"

"You think I want to come? It's not because of your own good deeds." Feng Huo snorted.

Kyuubi has lived for so long, although his temper is violent, he is not stupid, so he sneered endlessly upon hearing this.

Feng Huo said: "I know what you are planning. Spill your own chakra from the seal and interfere with Naruto's chakra operation. Firstly, it is to prevent Naruto from becoming stronger, and secondly, he wants to use these chakras to perceive the outside world. The situation, of course, is the most important..."

Jiuwei's eyes narrowed slowly, and the blood-red vertical pupils almost turned into a straight line.

"Erosion seal!"


Nine-Tails roared furiously, the sound waves were like turbulent waves, and wave after wave hit the iron railing, trying to break the seal and kill the spiritual body of Fenghuo directly. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"At first I wanted to reason with you, but now it seems that Naruto is the only one who can reason with you."

Fenghuo slowly formed seals, and in an instant, thick iron chains shot out from behind, directly piercing through the iron railings, and piercing into Jiuwei's body.

"Damn it, you **** can do this trick!" Jiuwei roared again and again.

Over the past few years, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Nine Tails has been spilling his own chakra from the cracks in the seal. The water dripped and pierced through the stone, slowly eroding the seal, but at this moment, under the blessing of Feng Huo, The seal in Naruto's body was strengthened again, and the slit was directly blocked.

Moreover, Fenghuo also added a sealing iron chain to the limbs and nine tails of Nine Tails to prevent it from being too active.

"Damn Uchiha, I'm absolutely going to eat you, bastard, bastard!"

Kyuubi's frantic struggle directly triggered the seal left by Namakaze Minato, and iron chains that were bigger and thicker than those blessed by the sealing fire appeared from the void, tightly binding Kyuubi's limbs.

Half the time, Kyuubi finally exhausted and no longer struggled.

Perhaps, it realized that struggling was useless.

Feng Huo spread his hands: "Look at your short temper, why bother?"

Kyuubi looked at him silently.

"This incident tells us that whether it's good to be a human or a fox, we must present the facts and make sense, and yelling at every turn will only lead to disaster." Feng Huo preached, "Nine lamas, in the future Lesson learned."

Kyuubi dragged the heavy sealing chain to the iron railing, and growled lowly: "Uchiha, don't be complacent, when I come out, I'll be the first to eat you!"

"Hey, look at you, here it is again, you don't eat people at all, do you think I don't know? Don't underestimate this society!" Feng Huo said righteous words.

creak creak...

Nine tails began to grit their teeth, and the nine tails behind them were all stiffened by anger.

Feng Huo was inexplicably guilty: "Hey, that's it, I'll chat with you next time."

Under Kyuubi's angry eyes, Fenghuo disappeared into the sealed world in a flash.

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