Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 553: Split

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After re-strengthening the seal of Nine-Tails, Naruto's training obviously went much smoother, and those inexplicable mistakes disappeared one by one.



A puff of white smoke dissipated, only to see a scantily clad blond girl flirting, winking at Fenghuo from time to time.


Feng Huo felt bad all over, he gritted his teeth, "Little beast!"

In the next moment, Fenghuo took out a mace and charged forward.

"Uncle~ what are you doing? Don't come here~" Naruto whispered there.

Fenghuo has seen mountains and jungles before, so how can he be fooled by such a battle?

At that time, Naruto was beaten to the sky with a mace.

Naruto howled in the air, and then changed back to his original appearance with a bang.

"It hurts, hurts, hurts!"

"It's right if it hurts!" Feng Huo walked over with a sneer, "Change, keep changing."

"Uncle, I dare not." Naruto said pitifully lying on the ground.

Only then did Feng Huo put away the artifact, and snorted, "Continue to practice the Three Body Art for me!"

"Yes." Naruto got up from the ground, casually patted the dust off his clothes, and began to practice mudra.

At this moment, the shadow clone who stayed in the dark department to work suddenly dissipated, and a wave of memories flooded into Feng Huo's mind.

Feng Huo immediately made a shadow clone to look at Naruto, while he left.

All the way to Anbu, Fenghuo came directly to his office.

On his desk, there is a piece of information that has just been sent from the capital of the country of fire.

Although the shadow clone had already seen it, he couldn't help but pick it up and read it again.

"It's broken."

What is recorded in the intelligence is the split of the Guardian Ninja Twelve.

The faction headed by Lu and Asma and the faction headed by Hema have already begun to quarrel, and even fight in secret places. If it continues to develop, it will inevitably lead to a fight.

Speaking of which, there is also credit for sealing the fire. At the beginning, he took away the nine-tailed chakra in the empty body of Hema's son, and deliberately made Hema misunderstand that Asma and Dilu were in collusion with him, and successfully planted in Hema's heart. hate.

No, the seeds of hatred have taken root and sprouted and thrived.

Feng Huo went to Sarutobi Hiruzen with the information, and asked for his next move.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked worried after reading the information.

The son travels thousands of miles and the mother is worried. How can Sarutobi Hiruzachi, a mother, ahem, and a father, feel relieved after seeing such information?

"Fenghuo, I would like to ask you to go this time." Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a puff of his cigarette, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, and said, "Guardian Ninja organization, hehe."

Feng Huo instantly understood what Sarutobi Hiruzen meant, nodded and said, "I understand, Sandai."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded: "Let's go immediately."


In the capital of the Land of Fire, in the depths of the daimyo's mansion, He Mazheng knelt in front of the daimyo on one knee, screaming hoarsely: "Your Excellency, Sarutobi Asuma is always the son of three generations, if he is kept in the guardian ninja, it will definitely destroy Our unity may even lead to disaster!"

The daimyo fanned it lightly with a round fan, and whispered softly: "Hema, Asma is your good brother, aren't you afraid that he will be sad after hearing your words?"

"For the sake of Daimyo, I am willing to do anything!" Kazuma sternly said, "The existence of Hokage has seriously hindered the development of the Kingdom of Fire. If we want to ban Hokage, we must become stronger. Fly Asma away! Daming, everything I did was for you!"

The daimyo said lightly: "Well, of course I know your sincerity, but you have to be cautious about Asma's matter, you should go back first, I have to think about it again."

"Yes!" He Ma walked out with a sullen face, feeling unspeakably irritated in his heart.

For the daimyo, Hema hates iron for being weak! He could feel Daimyo's desire to replace Sarutobi Hiruzen as the absolute ruler of the Fire Nation, but he was hesitant when doing things, afraid of this and worrying about that, how could he succeed if this continues?

Leaving the Daming Mansion, the more he thought about it, the more depressed he became, wishing he could just kill the Daming and replace him!

Then his eyes suddenly lit up.

Yeah, kill the daimyo and replace him!

He has followed the daimyo for these years, and he has already known his words and deeds like the back of his hand. It is not difficult to imitate him, as long as he is not particularly familiar with the daimyo, he will definitely not be able to detect it.

And Asma, Dilu and others are no less familiar with daimyo than he is, so if he does this, he must solve Asma, Dilu and others!

Thinking of the Nine-Tails Chakra that he collected at the risk of his life was snatched away by Uchiha Fudo, his heart was bleeding, and every time he thought about it, his hatred deepened, and for the collusion with Uchiha Fudo The fiery Asma and Dilu, and the horses are naturally exposed to rain and dew, and they hate each other vividly.

He was walking on the cold street, thinking wildly in his heart.

There are not many roads in front of him at this time.

One is to give up hatred, which is of course impossible.

Kazuma is not that kind of person!

The second is to drive Asma and others out of the guardian ninja~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and let him lead the guardian ninja, and then assist the daimyo to slowly weaken the power of Hokage.

Although it is safe to do so, the effect is too slow, and it is a bit tormenting for Hema, who hates him more and more deeply.

The third choice is to kill the daimyo, and become the daimyo himself, and take charge of the country of fire. For this, he needs to kill Asma, Dilu and other people who are familiar with the daimyo.

Hema didn't struggle too much, and resolutely chose the third option.

Killing Asma and Dilu can vent his hatred, become a daimyo, and display his ambitions to the greatest extent!

Even, he can use Asma's death to make a fuss, so as to blow the arrogance of Sarutobi Hiruzen!

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. After he hurried back, he immediately summoned his five friends and began to plot how to eliminate Asma and others.

Two days later, Fenghuo finally arrived here and quietly entered the capital of the Kingdom of Fire.

The bustling street didn't attract Fenghuo's attention, so he plunged into the women's, ahem, men's bathhouse to take a bath, preparing to wash away all the dust along the way, and thinking about his next actions by the way.

The guardian ninja organization is like a grasshopper to Fenghuo, he can kill it with a flip of his hand, but he needs a reasonable reason, and this reason is the internal division of the guardian ninja.

It would be even better if both Hema and Asma were fighting and affecting ordinary civilians. He could kill Hema and others directly, and then point at Daimyo's nose and call him stupid and cool.

After night fell in the capital of the Land of Fire, Fenghuo immediately came out of the men's bathhouse, ready to contact the Anbu members of the Inspection Department that he had sent here to monitor the guardian ninja.

But the strange thing is that after the signal was sent out, no one came to join him!

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