Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 554: Kind of go on!

Chapter 554 There is a continuation! (page 1/1)

Fenghuo pondered under the moonlight: The information was sent back to Konoha from the capital of the country of fire, and he rushed here again, and it would take no more than seven days before and after!

During these seven days, something must have happened, so that Anbu, who he sent to monitor Shinobu, disappeared.

And the one who has the ability to do this is undoubtedly the guardian ninja.


Fenghuo didn't stay there for a long time, and went straight into the ground, using the soil to escape, but actually slipped into a tree after turning around.

Not long after, He Ma rushed here with a few younger brothers.

"Damn it, you've already run away!" He Ma's face was gloomy.

"Hema, is it really the signal from Konoha Anbe's people?" The Pu Chou No. 1 boy next to him turned pale.

"Hmph, what are you afraid of! We killed those Anbu as well!" Kazuma snorted coldly, "I just didn't expect Konoha's Anbu reinforcements to come so quickly."

"He Ma, what should we do now? Should we continue to kill Asma and Di Lu as planned?" Pu Chou No. 2 was very courageous, "Or eliminate the reinforcements from Anbu first?"

Hema pondered for a while, and winked at a few younger brothers before sternly saying: "People in Anbu are already on guard, if they spend time looking for him, they may attract more Konoha Anbe, so, act according to the plan !"


Several Puchou boys nodded in response, and then quickly disappeared in place.

Feng Huo watched coldly. According to these people's words, he immediately deduced Kazuma's plan. The first step is to get rid of Anbu's surveillance, and the second step is to attack Asma and others. As for what will happen afterwards, hehe, since he has come Well, there will be a future with Ma and the others?

What are you kidding?

Feng Huo carefully checked with Chakra Perception, and found that they didn't really leave, but hid aside and observed.

Feng Huo sneered: Play with me and see who can consume more than whom!

After paying half the salary, He Ma really showed up with Pu Chou's younger brother, and walked around here.

"Looks like it's gone."

With that said, he left again with Ma and the others.

After another half-pay, He Ma jumped out again with Pu Chou's younger brothers.

It is really that what he has to do is too stressful, and he has to be cautious.

Feng Huo was hiding on a tree at this time, his whole body's aura merged with the tree, even if he walked under the tree with Ma and the others, he would not be able to find him.

'There is a kind of continuation! ’ Feng Huo sneered in his heart.

I don't know if Hema heard Fenghuo's heartfelt voice, or if he really noticed Fenghuo, or if he was simply suspicious. He really walked and came back, came back and walked, and back and forth made Fenghuo whole. It's all bad.

‘This grandson must be sick! ’ Feng Huo was so angry that his gums were about to bleed.

At this time, he didn't dare to move, for fear of being discovered by Hema.

If he is exposed, He Ma will surely die down when he knows that he is invincible. If Feng Huo wants to sanction him, he can only collect information on the missing Anbu members as evidence.

But this matter is not visible. After all, the guardian ninja is the daimyo's personal armed force in name, so monitoring the guardian ninja is monitoring the daimyo?

The daimyo is definitely not happy.

When he protested at that time, Hiruzaru Sarutobi would definitely put the blame on Fenghuo for his own reputation and for Konoha's reputation.

Therefore, Feng Huo could only endure it.

It wasn't until early in the morning, when the sky was slightly bright, that the nearby civilians got up and went out for activities, and He Ma took the Pu Chou brothers away.

Feng Huo moved his slightly stiff limbs, feeling exhausted.

This shit!

I left before I knew it, so why come back?

But the grandson of He Ma is really good enough!

Feng Huo returned to the men's bathhouse, took a good shower, changed his clothes, then summoned a few shadow clones and asked them to go to the Daming Mansion to keep an eye on them, while Shi Shiran went out for dinner.

Although he was tossed all night by Hema and the others, Fenghuo's spirit is very good. After all, he has received the devil training from Matt Dai since he was a child, and this level is far from reaching his limit.

After breakfast, I turned off the fire and started shopping. I went shopping from the sun rising to the moon, until the shops were all closed, and the news came from the shadow clone.

Fenghuo immediately disappeared into the darkness and began to act.

According to the information given by the shadow avatar, Feng Huo has rushed to the east side of the capital of the Kingdom of Fire, which is backed by a small hill, with beautiful scenery, especially at this time, the silver moonlight is shrouded like a veil, and it can be seen from a distance , the scenery is even more excellent, reminding us of a fairyland.

At this moment, a dark cloud suddenly floated over from the sky, covering the bright moon very unsightly. In an instant, the beautiful scenery with mountains and rivers brought a somewhat eerie feeling.

Fenghuo sensed the surroundings with Chakra perception, and soon discovered the shadow clone on the hill, and Kazuma, Asma, Di Lu and others on the other side of the hill.

"All twelve are here."

Feng Huo smiled lightly, and rushed towards the top of the mountain.

At this time, the mountain is opposite.

Asma, Di Lu and other six people were looking at Hema and his Puchou little brother with big eyes and small eyes.

"He Ma, what's the reason for calling us here at night?" Di Lu spoke first.

"You should be on duty tonight, why didn't even a single person stay in the Daming Mansion?" Asma asked.

One of He Ma's ugly boys stepped forward and said, "Not only tonight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ From now on, we will take over the guarding of the Daming Mansion!"

Asma frowned: "What do you mean?"

"It means that we are here to protect the daimyo." Kazuma approached Asma with a smile and said, "As for you, there are more important tasks!"

"What task?" Land 6 slowly approached Asma, he felt that the surrounding atmosphere was not right, and wanted to remind Asma, but it was too late.

"Four-bladed Iron Claw!"

Step forward with the horse and shoot directly.

The special chakra knife in the left hand instantly pierced Asma's abdomen, piercing a big blood hole!

Immediately afterwards, he kicked Asma away with his horse.

At the same time, the five ugly little boys behind him also moved instantly, attacking Di Lu and the others who hadn't reacted yet.

"He Ma, what the **** are you doing?!" Di Lu's face was pale, and in a panic, he knocked back a Pu Ugly boy with his palm, then turned and ran towards Asma.

At this time, Asma's state was very poor, and the big hole in his abdomen kept bleeding, taking away a lot of his physical strength and vitality.


He held his belly tightly, but he couldn't stop the bleeding.

Halfway through the land 6, he was stopped by He Ma, and the two sides fought, regardless of the outcome.

"Land 6, don't struggle anymore, without Asma, you can't win!" Hema attacked wildly, while shattering the opponent's confidence with words.

As a monk who grew up in the Temple of Fire, Di Lu was best at sealing techniques. At this time, he was attacked by Kazuma and suddenly couldn't hold on.

He should come out to meet - Thousand Hands Kill!

A golden Guanyin statue more than three meters high appeared behind him, and dozens of palms bloomed like petals, rolling towards Hema rumblingly.

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