Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 555: Go for it, and the horse!

Genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Facing Di Lu's unique move, He Ma sneered: "Di Lu, this move can't stop me!"

He fluttered back ten meters, avoiding the attack of Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara's Buddha's palm, then gave Di Lu a teasing look, and then made a bold move, killing Bei Gen, Cheng Ma, Xing Dou, and Dong Yu.

"Damn it!"

Lu Lu secretly hated it.

Laiying-Thousand Shousha is very powerful, but the only flaw is that he can't move. Hema has a good relationship with him in the past, so he naturally knows this flaw, and avoiding and not fighting at this time immediately puts him in a dilemma.

If he puts it away and welcomes Qianshousha, he can't be the opponent of Hema, but if he doesn't accept it, the other four brothers will die at the hands of Hema, and Asma, his injury must not be dragged on any longer!

"He Ma, quickly take Asma away!"

"Leave us alone!"

"Let's hold them back!"

"Lei Dun-Lei Meng Lei Ren!"

Bei Gen, Cheng Ma, Xing Dou, and Dong Yu stood on each side of the square, brazenly resorting to combined ninjutsu Lei Meng Lei Ren.

Four thick thunderbolts gushed out from their bodies, traversed the sky, and collided in the middle of the four of them. In an instant, countless thunderbolts burst, brewing crazily in the air, exuding a terrifying momentum.

Hema's five Puchou brothers panicked immediately, and each used ninjutsu to attack the thunder and lightning in the air.

"This is impossible! The only way to break Lei Menglei is..."

With a flash in Kazuma's eyes, he sneered and rushed behind Dongyu, the only female ninja among the four.

"Four-bladed Iron Claw!"


The sharp chakra knife slashed across Dong Yu's back, blood shot out instantly, Dong Yu knelt down in pain, losing her strength, and the combined ninjutsu of four people, Lei Meng Lei Ren, was defeated directly.


"He Ma, you bastard!"

Losing their last support, Beigen, Chengma, and Xingdou couldn't hold on any longer, and were soon taken down by Hema's five ugly boys.

"If you don't want to see them die, come here obediently, Dilu, Asma!"

After capturing the four of them, Kazuma unceremoniously threatened Asma with the lives of the four of them. He was sure of winning, and he smiled complacently.

"Damn it!"

Asma covered the wound on her stomach with both hands, her face was as pale as snow.

Dilu supported Asma, staring at Hema with bloodshot eyes: "Hema, why? Why did you do this!"

"Of course it's for our ideals!" Kazuma sneered, "To overthrow Hokage and support Daimyo, this is the reason why we were together in the first place, but now I find that I was wrong, because Asma, you are the son of Hokage, no matter what No matter how you think about it, you can't really be on our side!"

Asma gritted her teeth without saying a word, staring fiercely at Kazuma.

"So now, it's my question time."

Kazuma smiled and put the chakra knife across Dong Yu's neck, and said coldly, "Asma, tell me about Hokage's weakness, all the restrictions on Konoha Hidden Village, and Anbu's information, I want to know everything!"

Asma's pupils shrank, and she said angrily: "Absolutely impossible!!"

"Really?" He Ma smiled and swiped the chakra knife on Dong Yu's neck, and a trace of blood immediately overflowed and dripped to the ground along the chakra knife. "Don't you know yet? Asma, I Your patience has a limit!"

"I can't say, although we have always supported the daimyo, but... ah!" Xing Dou just opened his mouth, when he was kicked down by He Ma's Pu Chou younger brother.

"As captives, you'd better have some awareness, haha." He Ma smiled and looked at Asma again, "How about it, Asma, tell me!"

Asma's expression struggled, she didn't know what choice to make.

At the same time, Fenghuo had approached quietly, looking at Asma who was struggling, Fenghuo couldn't help but stop, wanting to see what the bad boy would choose.

"Asma, you don't want to see your companion die in front of you." He Ma's voice gradually turned cold.

His patience is really not good, especially when he knows that Konoha Anbe's reinforcements have come to the city, he must make a quick decision.

"Asma." Dilu suddenly said, "No matter what you choose, I will support you."

"Lulu..." Asma was so moved, at the critical moment, she was still her best friend!

"Sure enough, you're on Hokage's side!" Kazuma's eyes flickered, deliberately aggressive, "You also said that you are willing to overthrow Hokage's rule for the sake of your name, it's ridiculous!"

As he said that, he was about to kill Dong Yu to refresh Asmati.

"Stop!" Asma gritted her teeth, "I, I..."

Kazuma's eyes glowed, and he looked at him with some encouragement.

"I'll say." After Asma said these two words, she immediately collapsed into Dilu's warm embrace like a discouraged ball.

"Hahahaha, Asma, I take back what I just said, hahaha." Hema was so excited that he looked up to the sky and laughed.

But amidst the laughter, there was a booing strangely, which made him quite concerned. He listened carefully, and sure enough there was a booing coming from behind.

"who is it?!"

He turned his head abruptly, and saw a vague shadow looming in the blind corner of the hazy moonlight.

The one who booed was naturally the one who sealed the fire.

He walked out of the darkness~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a sad tone: "The world is getting worse, people's hearts are not old, Asma, now your grandfather's coffin can't hold back your father's violent temper."

Asma was stunned. Hearing this voice, his ashen eyes regained their brilliance in an instant, and he lay in Dilu's arms and muttered to himself: "Great, it's him, saved..."

Kazuma stared at Fenghuo tightly, and sneered: "You are Konoha Anbe's reinforcements, I didn't expect there was only one person, you..."

The dark clouds in the sky finally drifted away, and the hazy moonlight suddenly became clear.

Hema also saw the face of the person coming.

Then his pupils shrank, and then shrank again.

As a ninja who protects the daimyo and intends to overthrow the rule of Naruto, Kazuma and others are very familiar with Konoha's powerful ninja, and this one in front of him is the powerful ninja who rose strongly in the third ninja world war and became famous in the ninja world .

"Uchiha seals the fire?!"

"Damn it, it turned out to be him!"

"He Ma, we, let's run."

The five ugly boys couldn't bear it any longer, they kept retreating under Fenghuo's prestige.

Hema's eyes flashed fiercely, and his heart was full of thoughts.


Can't run.


Can't beat it.

Now all he can do is threaten with hostages.

His eyes looked over the four of Dong Yu. These people can threaten Asma, but they can't threaten Uchiha Fenghuo who has nothing to do with them. Asma, he is the son of Hokage, even Uchiha Fenghuo must Restricted!

Kazuma immediately turned and rushed towards Asma and Lulu.

Only by catching Asma can he turn against the wind and rise to the sun!

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