Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 556: Guardian Ninja disbanded


The gust of wind in his ears kept blowing Hema's short hair, making his eyes half-closed, and the figures of Asma and Dilu were already close at hand!


Hema was overjoyed, and was about to grab Asma, when he suddenly found that Asma was looking at him mockingly.

He was shocked in his heart, and couldn't help but startled. The next moment, the moonlight around him suddenly faded like a tide. When he reacted, he found that the surroundings were already completely dark.

"What's going on?!" He Ma was shocked.

He looked around, the moonlight disappeared, the mountains and forests disappeared, and even Asma, who was standing in front of him alive, disappeared, and there was only darkness in his eyes!

He Ma stood there blankly, listening to the sound of his own heartbeat, which was getting louder and faster as if it was exploding.

He swallowed in horror, then drew out the chakra knife, and slashed around frantically.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, it's you, it must be you!"

"Bastard, **** it!"

"I'm obviously going to succeed, **** it!!"

Hema yelled wildly: "You also took away my Nine-Tails Chakra, which is my life's effort, beast!!"

Although the dark walk technique can close Hema's sight, it cannot block his voice.

In the eyes of Asma, Dilu and the others, Kazuma was staggering around in circles, slashing aimlessly, cursing like a shrew, just saying from his mouth The content is worth pondering.

Nine tails chakra?

Asma and Di Lu looked at each other, as if they had heard something extraordinary.

Feng Huo had just dealt with He Ma's five ugly boys, when he heard He Ma was 'spreading rumors and causing trouble' over there, he rushed forward angrily and kicked him away.

Damn, I've seen you as a dislike for a long time, and dare to expose your second uncle's secrets?

seek death!

In the dark, He Ma rolled to the side like a lazy donkey, before he could stand up, he quickly formed seals, and issued earth escape ninjutsu towards the place where the fire was sealed.

Sharp stone thorns gushed out of the ground violently, but there was no one above the stone thorns!

Fenghuo had quietly come behind Hema, and then a Konoha whirlwind kicked his right arm off, followed by a Konoha Bad Yansheng kicked his feet off, and finally Biaolianhua blasted him into the grass, leaving him He experienced the subtle pleasure of being in contact with the earth at a negative distance.

Hema's limbs twitched, foamed at the mouth, and his eyes were blue. He had been beaten to the point where he couldn't take care of himself.

When Feng Huo looked at it, he felt relieved, and in an instant, it seemed that the moonlight became softer, and the mountain wind also turned into softness around his fingers.

Feng Huo breathed slowly, feeling his heart sublimated.

"Ahem..." Asma coughed up a mouthful of old blood, which spoiled the atmosphere.

Feng Huo walked over to him and used medical techniques to heal Asma's wounds to stop the bleeding, then applied medicine and wrapped bandages. After a lot of work, Asma's face turned pale again.

"Blessing of the fire, thank you very much!"

After confirming that Asma was fine, Di Lu stood up, clasped his hands together, and bowed deeply to Fenghuo.

"For me, this is just a task, so don't thank me." Feng Huo said lightly.

When Di Lu heard it, he felt admiration immediately, and couldn't help but bow twice.

"Just give the reward directly." Feng Huo said.

Lu Naer bowed and couldn't go on.

Asma snorted coldly: "The third generation asked you to come."

"Asma, I didn't expect you to be able to learn from one another now! It seems that you have made great progress in the past few years, and I will report the truth to the third generation. He must be very happy to know." Feng Huo sincerely sighed.

Asma only felt the pain in the abdominal wound, so painful that she couldn't speak: Is this **** treating him like a three-year-old child? !

Di Lu looked at the four of Dong Yu and hurriedly asked Fenghuo to rescue them.

Among the four, the most seriously injured one was the female ninja Freezing Rain. Sealing the fire was not pretentious. It was medical output to stabilize her injury. As for the injuries of the other three, they were not serious, and Sealing the Fire didn't bother to care.

"Actually, the third generation has been paying close attention to your guardian ninja organization, so when Kazuma developed a rebellious heart, he could send me here as soon as possible."

Feng Huo babbled a few words before getting down to business, "What are you going to do with He Ma?"

Asma and Dilu looked at each other, and after confirming their eyes, Asma said: "I plan to hand him over to the daimyo."

Feng Huo asked him with a smile: "Why not give it to the third generation?"

Asma said as a matter of course: "The guardian ninja is the personal weapon of the daimyo. If there is a problem, the daimyo will naturally deal with it!"

Feng Huo nodded noncommittally, and asked again: "What about after that? Do you plan to stay with Daming?"

Asma fell silent.

In the past few years, he has been by Daimyo's side, and he has worked hard every day, but... But after a few years, the situation they are facing still has not improved at all.

On the surface, the Land of Fire is honored by its great name, but Hokage still firmly controls the ninja army, and it is still unmatched and unmatched.

He sees no hope of turning the situation around.

Coupled with being teased by He Ma and the others, he was already a little disheartened.

However, in front of Feng Huo, he didn't want to show timidity, and hummed: "This is my business, it has nothing to do with you."

Feng Huo rolled his eyes: "Just as long as you are happy."

Then, several people will be **** with Ma and others and sent to Daming Mansion.

The daimyo was called up in the middle of the night, not in a good mood, and when he saw the six people including Hema **** in a ball, he was even more frightened, and hurriedly asked Asma what happened.

Asma didn't dare to hide anything, and immediately told the cause and effect.

When Daimyo heard that Kazuma had unexpectedly attacked Asma and the others, his face darkened immediately, and when he continued to listen, when he heard that Uchiha Fuho had also appeared, Daimyo's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

He knew that there was no point in interrogating and horses again.

Uchiha Fuhuo, who is famous in the ninja world, is here, even if Asma is the one who is guilty, he can only punish Kazuma!

Moreover, the appearance of Uchiha Fenghuo just right is obviously not an accident.

Daimyo was terrified when he thought about it carefully, and felt that his every move was being watched by Hokage. In the end, he gave a wry smile and thought to himself: I really can't compete with Hokage.

He looked at Asma and the others, sighing in his heart, the Guardian Ninja organization might fall apart tonight.

And his desire to control the army of ninjas is also about to collapse.

"Asma, take Kazuma to Konoha." The daimyo sighed.

"What?" Asma was startled, "Your Excellency, this..."

"Don't try to persuade me. I can't absolve myself of the blame for this kind of thing. Maybe the guardian ninja organization shouldn't exist at all." After Daimyo figured it out, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said softly, "Since Hema is Ninja, then let Hokage judge him for his crimes. As for guardian ninja... well, there is no need for it anymore."

Asma and Dilu looked at each other, and saw the loneliness in each other's eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Years of hard work finally came to nothing.

Feng Huo did not go on the road with Asma and others, but found the corpses of the Anbu members under him, sealed them into scrolls and brought them back to the village for burial.

Even though these people were just young people, and Feng Huo didn't even say a few words to them, his heart was still heavy.

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