Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 557: seconded root

Back in the village, Fenghuo handed over the corpses of his subordinates to Feitian, told him to bury them properly, and asked for a large amount of compensation to be paid to the families of the sacrificed ninjas.

Afterwards, he went to Hokage Tower to report to the third generation.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was obviously very relieved when Fenghuo came out, so he just passed it on after hearing it, and then said: "Fenghuo, there is something about Uchiha Itachi."

"Itachi Uchiha?" Feng Huo frowned, "What's wrong?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a puff of cigarette, and said slowly: "He was seconded by Danzo to go to the roots."

"While I'm not doing this kind of thing? Hehe, Sandai, you and Danzo are really good friends who grew up together. This tacit understanding makes me speechless." Feng Huo snorted coldly.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was furious, he slammed the table and reprimanded: "Pay attention to your tone of voice, I am Hokage after all!"

Then he took another puff of cigarette and said, "Block the fire, Danzo did this for the good of the village."

Seal the fire and squint.

It seems that Danzo, like the original book, is determined to destroy the Uchiha clan.

Pulling Uchiha Itachi to the root, while enjoying Uchiha's internal information exclusively, while using Uchiha Itachi's crazy layout, it is really a good hand.

The key is Sarutobi Hiruzen.

His patience with the Uchiha clan has been gradually exhausted. Once Uchiha really shows signs of a coup d'etat, he will definitely allow Danzo's genocide plan.

When the time comes, the culprits will hide their backs, and Sarutobi Hiruzen will clean up the mess and stabilize the overall situation.

If Feng Huo does nothing, I am afraid that Uchiha will not escape destruction.

Leaving Hokage Tower, sealing the fire and pondering for a while, decided to find Uchiha Shisui.

He's not a bitch, but he's a real villain. He will interfere and destroy whatever Danzo wants to do, and if he can't kill him, he will hate him to death!

Moreover, there is his good brother Obito in the Uchiha clan.

Although the two haven't seen each other for several years because of the tense atmosphere between the village and Uchiha, the relationship will not fade.

Coming to the Uchiha clan, Feng Huo found that the people around him became more and more xenophobic. Seeing him coming in, many people showed cautious and displeased expressions.

Feng Huo didn't take it seriously, and came to Uchiha Shisui's house, and was about to knock on the door, when he saw three ninjas from the Uchiha clan surrounded him, asking him to leave here with an aggressive attitude.

"Do you know who I am?" Feng Huo asked.

"Of course, you are a traitor of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fenghuo!" The person who spoke was very young, with a bit of ruthlessness in his eyes, "So, do you remember me?"

Feng Huo was taken aback, did he meet an acquaintance?

He looked at the other party up and down, but unfortunately he really didn't remember it.

Uchiha Rakuna became angry with embarrassment: "I am Uchiha Rakuna!"

Feng Huo frowned, even if you tell me the name, I really can't remember it.

"You bastard!!" Uchiha Rakuna was so angry that his lungs exploded.

At the ninja school, it was because of him that his father was dismissed from the police force and even entered Konoha Prison for three years!

Uchiha Rakunai has been practicing crazily for these years, just for the sake of avenging his shame, but he didn't expect that Uchiha Fenghuo, a bastard, would have forgotten him a long time ago!

How embarrassing is Uchiha Rana! !

"Why, looking at you, do you want to do it?" Feng Huo joked with great interest.

"You are not welcome here! Please leave immediately!" Uchiha Rakuna suppressed his anger and said coldly.

"What if I say no?" Feng Huo put his hands in his pockets, raised his head slightly, and looked down at Uchiha Rakuna.

Uchiha Rakuna stared fiercely, and two hooked jade appeared in his pupils instantly: "You can try it!"

The two companions behind him also took a step forward, revealing the Sharingan of Shuanggouyu one after another!

In peacetime, these three people can be regarded as excellent ninjas if they can open Sharingan to Shuanggouyu.

However, it is still far from sealing the fire.

At this moment, Uchiha Fugaku rushed from behind: "Fenghuo, since you are here, why don't you come to my house for a sit down?"

The corners of Feng Huo's eyes twitched, he saw that Uchiha Shisui was fine, but if he saw Uchiha Fugaku, if it got out, the yellow mud would fall into his crotch, no one would believe it was shit.

He coughed dryly and said loudly: "Uchiha Rana, since you don't welcome me, then I'll just go, what's the big deal!"

After the words fell, his figure had turned into smoke and dissipated.

Uchiha Rakuna's resentful face showed a hint of confusion, what kind of operation is this?

In the distance, Uchiha Fugaku stopped in his footsteps, his eyes shot cold light, and he left with a cold snort.


After Feng Huo left the Uchiha clan, he wandered aimlessly in the village, but unexpectedly met Kakashi and Kai.

"Fenghuo, you came just in time, Asma will be back tomorrow, we plan to find a barbecue restaurant to treat him well!" Kaila shouted while sealing the fire.

"I'll be back tomorrow." Feng Huo nodded without telling them about his mission, "Okay, no problem."

After that, the three of them chose the largest barbecue restaurant in the village and booked a place.

The next day, Asma took Kazuma back to Konoha, and after he handed Kazuma over to Anbu, Kai dragged him to the barbecue shop to have fun before he even had time to go to Hokage Studio to report to his father.

"Asma, we really haven't seen each other for a long time, haha, come, drink!" Kai directly filled Asma's mouth.

Asma's injury is still not healed, so she refuses to drink as much as she dares to drink.

Asked about Asma's situation in recent years during the banquet, Asma should talk about it, but kept his mouth shut when he shouldn't. He was very calm, and it could be seen that he had grown a lot. There will be a slight change in the eyes.

In the battle a few days ago, if Fenghuo hadn't arrived in time, he, Dilu and others might have been killed, and they might even have all kinds of information about Konoha by Kazuma!

Asma was terrified after thinking about it.

Now, Kazuma's fate is already doomed, and he will definitely be imprisoned in Konoha Prison. As for how many years he will stay there, it will depend on the trial of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But within seventeen or eighteen years, Hema might not even think about coming out.

And Dilu returned to the Temple of Fire, and took away the four ninjas Beigen, Chengma, Xingdou, and Dongyu by the way. It can be seen that the charm of Bad Sao Nian is obviously not as great as that of Monk Dilu.

However, in Asma's view, this is already the end of Dzogchen.

Thinking of this, regardless of his injury, he raised his wine glass to toast the fire, although he didn't say anything, but he had an expression of being completely in the wine.

Feng Huo was taken aback for a while.

"By the way, seal the fire, what's going on with the Nine-Tails Chakra?" After drinking the wine, Asma's abdominal wound really hurt a little, so she diverted her attention and asked.

Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice, and asked innocently: "What, Nine-Tails Chakra, what do you mean?"

"..." The corner of Asma's mouth twitched slightly, then she gave a wry smile, shook her head and stopped asking.

Kakashi and Kai looked at each other, and Qiqi squinted his eyes to look at Fenghuo, his eyes were so strange that Fenghuo's goosebumps rose.

Feng Huo slapped the wine glass on the table heavily, and said angrily: "I don't know what to do, if you look at me like this again, believe it or not, I will stuff hens into your bed!"

"Fenghuo, you seem to be hiding a lot of things from us." Kai snorted, "As your true enemy, I am very disappointed in you!"

"Hiding too many secrets is not good for your physical and mental health, you should learn to share them." Kakashi made up the knife next to him.

"Hehehe." Feng Huo showed a polite yet awkward smile.

Kai has a hot temper. When he saw Feng Huo's smile, he wanted to bloom a youthful look on his face, and issued a passionate challenge~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How can Feng Huo fight with this dog skin plaster? It's no good to lose, win What's more, she will be entangled endlessly by this old man, she will live forever!

"By the way, how is the village now? It's nothing serious, right?" Asma asked suddenly.

He hadn't been in the village for many years, so he didn't know anything about the situation in the village. When he asked at this moment, he found that Fenghuo, Kakashi, and Kai, who were chatting and spanking, suddenly fell silent collectively.

"It seems that the village is not peaceful." Asma sighed.

Asma is the son of three generations, there is nothing to hide from him, Kai said: "The relationship between the village and the Uchiha clan is getting more and more rigid, I think..."

"The situation may not develop to that point." Kakashi said in a muffled voice.

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